I'm pretty sure the defaults should be in the oblivion.esm so removing any added sounds will revert back to the defaults. The sound files for characters are this folder: data/sound/voice/oblivion.esm/ in there there would be a folder for each character type, then a sub folder of m or f for male and female. if you have any custom sounds in these that might be doing it, for example the power attack sounds for the khajiit are in the following folder(for some reason): data/sound/voice/oblivion.esm/argonian/m/ and have names like "generic_powerattack_********.mp3" If you don't have any folder structures like this then I don't think this is the culprit. Or there could be a mod that is changing the reference to them. in which case I'm not sure how to fix, other then trial and error to figure out which mod is doing it, or possibly a new one to overwrite it back to default loaded last in your loader. Remember to backup before removing or changing anything. But I'd wait for someone else who might have a better idea than me, as I don't mod, just fiddle) Thanks, I was using skyrim khajiit before and khajiit predator now, the only thing i miss is the woice to khajiit. Btw, I`m using a female.