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Everything posted by Deadzen

  1. All of a sudden: Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/fallout3/public_html/includes/sdk/index.php on line 164 No member with that ID I did a search and it seems somebody had this problem back in April? Well seems to be happening again, at least to me.
  2. Yeah that would work too. But I think it would be more fun to earn the perk. I see it as a message appearing with an associated sound effect, warning you that an enemy is sneaking up behind you.
  3. A Perk idea I had that went nowhere fast: Its quiet behind me, a little too quiet
  4. There you go, just a few more hits like that on the head and you'll begin to appreciate my humor :thumbsup: Osman, just for the record I have no objections to a shemale mod if thats what people want. Just cant resist kidding around. I'll even throw in a quest idea for you: You find a shemale who's perfect except she needs breast implants. So first you have to take her to Doc Mitchel and convince him to do the procedure, then you have to go to several different places (and fight a lot of course) to gather the silicone he needs.
  5. While you could use the Garden of Eden Creation Kit, why waste time? Instead, grab a Digital Image Customization Kit, its pretty clear thats what you need. If that doesnt work, then Im sure the Basic Active Large Layout System will put a big smile on your face.
  6. Extra large rattlesnakes. Or alternately, theyre regular sized but their venom kills you instantly, as opposed to the other venomous creatures in the Wasteland. The player would at least be able to run like hell when he heard the rattle and have a shot at getting away. Btw, no I wasnt being sarcastic about the mini T-Rex chickens. (Historic Note: Until this moment, the previous sentence had never been uttered in the entire history of the human race, nor ever will be again.)
  7. One of the things sorely missing are clucking chickens at farms, walking around and pecking at stuff. Slightly mutated, a little larger than regular chickens, with tiny T-Rex sort of arms in the front, instead of wings. And of course, where theres chickens, there be eggs.
  8. Thats funny, must have been kicking around in my head all these years. This must be how unintentional plagiarism happens. About the gooification, I can picture them gooifying from the top down leaving just an empty pie tin and some goo.
  9. Ive always like the general concept of Zombies in the game, but every mod Ive tried ends up being disappointing. Mainly because there are just too many damned Zombies. I end up being chased around like Benny Hill by hundreds of Zombies, with not a chance of surviving, while my frame rate grinds to a halt.
  10. Yes I did, ages ago. Dont tell me they did a similar thing. I barely remember anything about it, I was heavily into weed at the time.
  11. How about a Lemon Meringue Pie that you throw in the enemies face. At first it just looks like a regular old pie in the face, but then he starts running around screaming because it melts his face off like sulfuric acid.
  12. Meet me by the streetlight at 3 am. I'll be wearing a brown fedora and a trenchcoat. I'll take out a cigarette and ask if you have a light. Put the information on the inside of the matchbook. Say nothing, act natural.
  13. How about a perk that gives you the abiliity to sense when something is creeping up on you from behind?
  14. What a great idea I just had! Some horses mutated and grew horns like Unicorns! At last, a way to merge the Fallout and My Pretty Pony universes... Sorry, I was still high from the word 'shpadoinkle'. But anyway, the best rendering of horses Ive seen in a game is Mount and Blade, and even that is borderline, imo. Anything less than that wouldnt be worth it.
  15. I dont know what all this tinfoil hat nonsense is about. Theres nothing loonie about people in a post nuke world using duct tape in many different ways, including light armor.
  16. Im sure a handy Wasteland craftsman could make a good, lightweight armor set with duct tape. It would be a lot easier and less time consuming than leather armor. Less dangerous too. Duct tape dont fight for its life like leather bearin' critters. What do you modders think?
  17. I made one for personal use would you like me to upload it? Yes please, that would be great, thanks!
  18. Yeah, that must be why nobody actually makes the mods suggested.
  19. So the game would consist of sitting in the store, waiting for customers to come in? Sounds pretty boring. Maybe youd be better off with your own caravan, having a trade route that takes you around the map, having encounters along the way.
  20. Personally, Id go with Cuba instead. The U.S. already had a military base there, and theres alot of history between the two countries. Id also put a radio station on the island playing music from Buena Vista Social Club.
  21. Why a storage place? So you can store children? Before you rape them and then chop them up and rape the little chopped up bits? Then burn them and rape the ashes? Lol, couldnt resist. Actually, not a bad idea, I endorse this doo-hicky.
  22. Note to self: Next time you want a response to one of your mod ideas, throw the word 'children' in somewhere, and the thread will take on a life of its own.
  23. I love the Zombie model for the mod, but the mod itself is unplayable as far as Im concerned. Would it be possible to just take the model and replace the vanilla ghouls with it, so it could be enjoyed without the 'apocalypse'?
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