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Everything posted by evenstargw

  1. Hmmm, I'm not sure about that. Would take them ages to do justice to the sheer size and diversity of the world. It would either feel a lot smaller than you'd expect, or would be dated by the time they got it finished. Still a lovely idea, hope they can manage it at some point.
  2. Yes, despite it being merged, something that loads later may still overwrite the changes. If you want to be absolutely sure, try tes4edit. Let it load your entire modlist, then look under the shady sam mod, in the NPC category and highlight Sam. On the right side it should show any plugin that changes him, so you'll be able to see exactly what's going wrong. But as far as I know, moving it down and rebuilding the bashed patch should work fine.
  3. I doubt that esp does much more than alter Shady Sam, so I think it's safe to put it lower in your order. That should fix it I think. One mod I expect might be overriding the changes is the Exterior Actor torch mod.
  4. Would any of those others be dependant on specific race plugins? In that case make sure you have the requirements loaded before the CM plugin that needs them.
  5. Check out this superubercool music vid:

    It's my newest discovery and it's A-Capella Metal.

    Definatly my current favourite band !

  6. awww das jammer zeg,.... nouja geduld is een schone zaak zeggen ze heh :S :D
  7. JDFan you are just awesome, how you helped David this much. You deserve a kudos and ima give it to you :)
  8. Basically you need to make an enchantment with a script effect, this you do in the CS. For this you need to have a little knowledge of how the script you want to apply on an enchantment works. I suggest opening the mod with the 5 spells in the CS and study those spells, which are most likely script effects. When you know how they work, you make a new mod and you recreate the scripts for enchantments; then you make an enchantment and you apply the script you wrote as an effect. Under effects, choose script effect from the list and then select your script. Make sure you saved it as a magic effect script or it won't show up. I'm pretty sure there's tutorials on how to do this on the TESCS wiki, in case that wasn't enough explanation.
  9. In my honest opinion it all is just more trouble then its worth. Maybe you should consider making your own loading screens so you have something cool to look at while loading :D No kidding, what you describe I have done for myself with the Bravil House: I pasted different interior blocks together to create a bigger house, this was a hell of a lot work and required a lot of fitting and resizing and creative thinking. Unfortunatly I cannot release this because the mod I made has all kinds of dependencies (like all natural weather indoor). I myself am not the professional on building and stuff, and I made something acceptable for myself, I'm sure what I can do, you can do aswell, maybe even better. Plus in this will be that the thing you create will be exactly as how you want it, and itll feel good when you look at it ingame and think "did I create this?" ... :) The tricky part is that open cities already changes the cell of Rosethorn to make it link to Open Skingrad (I suppose) so you'll have to be careful not to break that link. Your mod will have to be dependant on Open Cities. Goodluck on your endeavors to find a good house :) Greeting EvenstarGW
  10. I dont know of such a thing existing. A helmet of knight of the nine and a deerthingie from Lera&Pizz Christmas Mod maybe? You can make that yourself if it is for your own use :) If I'm right the deerthingie is in that mod as a amulet, and the helm, equip them both and tadaaaaa! Hope I helped.
  11. Depending if you use npc in your house. When you do don't forget to put the seperate pieces into subspaces so the npc know how to get there. This is also important for the maid that is in Rosethorn. And one would have to change her AI packages aswell.... so it is not so simple as you think. a lot of things to consider to prevent breaking the game. And also ; do you not use the displaycases in the house; when you do, maybe seperate cells is better because of the big memory it otherwise needs, unless you use a supercomputer. :) Sorry for me butting in ^.^
  12. Yes, well I have too many of those already. Some people will happily use 5 or more 10-20MB textures on an armor. That's fine if it is only worn by the player. Since I like to dress up my companions (I have quite a few) as well, this leaves very little room for all the other visual upgrades (QTP3, RAEVWD, etc). Going through too much video memory seems to make it crash very often, so I'm trying to keep a good balance between eye candy and performance.
  13. Does the exterior specifically have to move? If not, the simplest fix would be to load both mods into the CS and make neither of them active. Place a skingrad modular door, or for instance a mage portal in an interior of either mod and link those. Save this as a separate esp. Then you'll have to use tes4edit or Wrye bash to add both mods as masters to your new esp, and put it below those 2 mods in your load order. Similar to your original attempt, but with a load screen inbetween. If you really have to move RRM, then don't drag it from one cell to another. I've done this before to just a few rocks and got a heap of warnings and errors on loading the mod later. Luckily I could trace them and clean the altered records from my mod but I won't be trying that again. A better solution would be to copy the important pieces and paste them in the desired locations. Make sure none of it is script related. Unlink the doors from the original RRM by unchecking the teleport box. Then delete the old exterior. If If anything comes up with a warning stating that reference is in use by such and such, take note of where it is used and replace the reference by one in your newly placed exterior. After that it should delete without warnings. Then link the doors from the new exterior to the interior. Save it over the original RRM (be sure to keep a clean copy of it somewhere in case you mess something up). Don't rename the esp, or the BSA file will not be loaded and you get missing meshes/textures. If you have GC loaded up as well, be sure not to touch anything from that mod, because after saving, your esp will lose connection to GC and it won't know what those references are that you changed. Finally you could try cleaning any unwanted changes left in the original cell from your mod.
  14. I see Red Rose Manor mentions optional COBL stuff. Are you using that, and if so, do you have COBL installed?
  15. Sorry for a slight case of necro-ing, but I just found a useful article related to this subject. In case anyone has similar problems. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/2467/making_quality_game_textures.php It has a lot of info about DXT and reducing artifacts, useful for anyone who has had their hard work gone down the drain due to horrible compression artifacts. Recommended reading material for anyone who wants to try their hand at retexturing stuff.
  16. Making companion creatures with CM is pretty easy. For myself, I took a wyvern from Romuska's Fantasy Store and made it a CM beast. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22254 I think I also tried that dragons mod you mentioned. It contained 5 or 6 different dragons, some based on Akatosh mount, but I find them rather clumsy. I prefer to do my flying on a broom :)
  17. If you press B, it shows the cell borders. Then press T to align the camera, and it is easier to see which of the four lists belongs in which area. You can also try to replace one of the textures with another that already exists in that quad in order to free up space for a new texture.
  18. You can also try my updated version of Panzer Kleidung to do that: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39474 If you often run into items that need converting from clothing to armor or changing stats, it can be a really handy tool.
  19. I think this is the cause of your problem: Files inside a BSA archive are not loaded unless an esp with the same name is activated. By moving RRM into the other esp and disabling its original esp, you made the BSA inaccessible. Two solutions I can think of: -make the connecting cell in a new esp, and set both GC and RMM as masters to the new esp. CSE will do that for you, or you can use a tool like Wrye bash to do it (simplest approach in case either mod gets updated) -unpacking the BSA archives (you'll have to copy all the forms (statics for the house etc.) that you use into the other mod, or the game will have no clue what these new items you placed are, because they come from a different mod, which you would have deactivated at that point. Lots more work. Edit - also, as Hickory said, renaming the data folder was probably not the best approach. If you wanted to do that, you'd probably have to reinstall oblivion afterwards to get it to work properly again.
  20. I think it's from a mod called "House in Riverside", author is Zeo.
  21. Apart from all the chatter about who CAN do it, or who is GOING to do it, I wouldn't mind an answer to the OP, about HOW to do it. Been wondering for ages how to turn hair into wigs or vice versa, but noone ever posts a guide.
  22. Postcount != wisdom. All natural is (at least part of) the cause for the stuck oblivion gate weather. I can't say it's connected to the random crashes, those could be anything. But I know for certain that older versions of All Natural had the stuck oblivion gate weather; there was even a separate patch for it. Also, you really should have used Wrye Bash to begin with, because All Natural will never work properly without. Make sure you read the readme of All Natural thoroughly, especially when it concerns updating to a new version. It comes with very specific instructions. If you get CTD's after uninstalling AN, try to uninstall all of AN except the Real Lights plugin, as your savegame may become dependent on it. In newer versions of All Natural, if you get stuck gateweather again, approach a gate and turn back away from it, and the weather should fix itself in a little while. It will only bug out sometimes when closing a gate.
  23. How recent is your version of All Natural? I've had this bug with older versions, but haven't seen it again since updating it.
  24. Maybe too fancy compared to what you describe but here are some fans on Nexus: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27518
  25. I use RAEVWD, but don't have the Imperial City plugin activated. Most of the stuff it adds is only visible from a few places, but it does cause a severe hit to load times and framerate so I didn't find it worth the tradeoff. Also, the fog distances can be tweaked, but some mods like Streamline and Weather All Natural have their own way of handling fog.
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