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Everything posted by evenstargw

  1. A lot of it comes from armors/clothes. Many of them are mix-n-match creations, and most modders don't tend to do any form of optimisation. So you'll get armors that use small bits of the textures of multiple armors, with 90% of the texture space wasted. It adds up quickly.
  2. It's at Slof's Hive: http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php?page=modarticle&modarticle/id=5p5jbg04ce0
  3. If you have Wrye Bash, you can try to import a face from an older save where it was still ok. Then hope the vampire race disabler kicks in.
  4. Not sure if there is a mod for that. But if you're looking because you don't want the ugly changes to your face from becoming a vampire, you can use vampire race disabler. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15697
  5. Personally I've edited all my CM's to have spelllists without bound items because it crashes the game. However, this doesn't sound like that issue or I believe it would just CTD, not freeze. I see one problem with that load order right off the bat. You have both CM Partners NPC and CM Partners NPC NE. They are the same, except one version has all CM's set essential and the other doesn't, so don't use them at the same time. You'll get duplicates, maybe even bugs. Try disabling the NE (non-essential) version and see if it solves the problem.
  6. 56.8GB :whistling: I download too much armor... can't help it...
  7. I believe this is what you are looking for panzer_kliedeg also transferenchant I found them to be a little buggy however :/ if your load order changes you may lose properties , having the duplicate spell and using a duplicate of the item to make the changes is highly recomended for items that are hard to replace I actually made my own version of the Panzer Kleidung mod, which I was planning to post. It fixes some bugs, like remembering the enchantment. Also built in a cheat mode that does not destroy the original items. And I made it possible to put amulet models on tails or rings. Rings doesn't always work, probably due to the different method of rigging them to the model. Also made it possible to swap blunt for blade, but not 1H for 2H. If people are interested, i might finish it up, write a readme and post it.
  8. LTD vampire overhaul allows you to transform into a flying swarm of bats. Supreme Magicka also includes a levitation spell.
  9. If that doesn't help enough, try something in the lines of this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10947 to remove the need of selling everything 1 by 1 to improve mercantile. Or if that sounds too complicated, you may be interested in just removing the annoying comments merchants make every other sale: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4385 I personally removed the second since I got Smarter mercantile levelling, and even TQP is just for convenience now.
  10. Trashdog's SPB Curvaceous shop has some nice chubby female armors and clothing.
  11. Gender is saved in your savegame. I had that happen when i changed the gender of a guard NPC in a mod through the toolset. Afterward, he had the new male face, but the old female body (and sexywalk). I'm pretty sure it's fixable with a console command.
  12. RAEVWD makes for awesome distant scenery, but causes a severe hit to framerate on older systems, especially if you use the imperial city plugin. Weather - All Natural has a great variation of weather types. Also makes interior lighting change with time and weather. AWLS - Window lights that go on and off, and smoking chimneys add to the scenery.
  13. Make sure head textures match the body. This can be tricky if using both male and female replacers as they will both use the same head. Luchaire's seam reducer also comes with optional textures, have you tried them?
  14. Indeed. I made myself a pair of mini unicorns that way, putting them in the creature category. Would look very funny if they had been ridable.
  15. Not sure if it works via console but SCAOnActor will stop everyone from attacking an actor.
  16. Just wondering if anyone ever tried to make some of the outfits from FF8's guys for Oblivion. I'd love Squall's black outfit with the fur trim, Seifer's white long coat, or even Irvine's outfit :) but couldn't find them.
  17. If you still have seams, you could try this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19738 Just make sure you check that whatever texture you have matches reasonably to the head texture. Also make sure the alphachannel of the normal maps (gloss) has about the same brightness for the head and the body. Biggest problem for me was that whenever I found a female texture i liked, it would not match the head, and when I change that, males get neckseams instead. Making it all work without seams is nearly impossible I think, but a lot of improvement can be made.
  18. If there is a character in the game that behaves similar to what you want to do, find the npc in the toolset and take a look at the AI packages. Find out if those really do what you think they do by reading up on the wiki. If so, try to copy the behaviour.
  19. That's not bad, but I'm looking for a set of Heavy Armor.... Maybe you'll like Jojjo's Dread Knight http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24850 As a question of my own, has anyone ever seen a male conversion of Sinblood's Ravenous Elegance? It's one of my favorites for female, but I think a male verion might be awesome as well.
  20. Farmers strike back has all sorts of clutter weapons. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9948
  21. Just because you CAN be nude doesn't mean you have to :P There's a ton of great armors you can get for HGEC so really, no need to go nude at all.
  22. I know some of Colourwheel's mods do this, but they do have a tendency of breaking other animation related mods.
  23. I have been saving the xcf files, but the problem only shows up as soon as I save it as DDS. It looks like 4x4 blocks of pixels of a dark purple color that is lighter than the perfectly dark grey surrounding blocks. I understand this is due to the DDS compression, I just don't know how to prevent it because it happens again if I try to patch it after reopening the DDS, and sometimes gets even worse. I can try to post some pictures later. Edit - I think I may have found a solution... don't use gimp to save dds files. I just tried copying the finished image to Paint Shop Pro and exporting it from there using the nvidia plugin, the result was much better. It still has artifacts as expected, but they aren't as conspicuous. It also took a lot longer to save so I think the gimp plugin is cutting some corners. This however begs the question, is there a better alternative still? Which DXT compression tool gets the best results? Any recommendations?
  24. Two things that have really reduced random crashing for me are - applying a 4GB patch to the oblivion exe, to give it access to more memory - Using streamline for its streampurge function Additionally, streamline has an autosave function that is way more customisable than Oblivions own, including cycling save slots with a custom number of saves. I rarely have to replay more than the last five minutes after a crash.
  25. Do you use any method of archive invalidation?
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