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  1. Increasing fScale and fHealthScale would make a massive difference. However that would make early game impossible. Maybe one could decrease the flat (base) health simultaneously to compensate for this, but again, this would be near impossible to get right. One can also tweak individual units in this file: Not sure where they get the ID from, since not all creature types exist in this file. Here one can tweak individual passive for enemy types. For instance, under prop, 11 is armor. So Broodmother has 2 extra armor.
  2. Yes. The game has always had a problem with the difficulty curve. The game gets easier and easier as you gain levels, which I guess some people like since it feels like you get stronger but it takes aways the challange after a while. No matter what mods I have used, this problems always exist. Sadly I dont think there is an easy solution. The fScale modifier makes a massive impact, but it wont change the curve I dont think. One possible way would be to tweak the base stats of the enemies and combine it with the scaling modifiers. You would set up the enemies in the game to be weak initially and then have greater scaling. That would be a huge task to get it right though, as you would have to do a ton of testing to get it right, if its even possible. Im not sure if the scaling is linear, but it seems like the player just scales better than the enemies. Not to mention we make use of our abilities much better than the AI, so the more options we get with higher levels, the stronger we get relative to the enemies. A health boost that would almost be exponential with levels would help but I dont know how you would do that tbh.
  3. I have removed the rings, they are in the VFX folder. I was referring to the white visual effect all character models have when you zoom out into bird view. Its not super important, but all models get a white visual effect around them when you enter the bird view mode, which I wanted to remove. I didn't find any related visual effect row related to this though.
  4. Hi, Just something I tried to remove since I like to make my game look as "clean" as possible. However, I looked at the VFX file and I couldn't find any visual affect that was related to this. Not sure where I could possibly find this effect and how to remove it. If anyone has an idea it would be appreciated.
  5. I think Gameplay and Overhaul mods are the best, but there are already several fantastic ones out there and they are generally not very compatible with each other so we aren't in dire need of more mods of this type tbh. Graphic/texture mods are always nice (as long as they somewhat stays true to the vanilla design and style imo) and mods that tweak small specific things are great as well imo.
  6. Got this game around the year 2015. Been doing a playthrough almost every year since. Got into modding a few years later. My last playthrough I ran several big texture/graphic mods combined with several combat related mods such as Combat Tweaks for Awakening and Origins, Slinks Ravage and the area scaling tweak as well as my own creature scaling tweak mod. Late-game I was walking around with 45 armor, 180 defence and 80% spell resistance as a sword and shield warrior. I felt like an unkillable raid boss, yet the game was still really tough. Might be my most enjoyable playthrough yet, and thats saying alot. I probably clock over 700 hours in this game yet there is no sign of me getting bored of it, if anything it's the opposite . God I love this game, just sometimes struggle to have time to play it these days sadly.
  7. Hi, I wanted to create my own level. I watched this tutorial: @ 5:03 He brings up a material palette screen. My problem is that these materials do not appear for me, it is empty. When I insert my own material, and select a diffuse, there doesn't exist any terrian files. So I can't seem to paint my level with any material since they don't seem to exist. Does anyone know what causes this, or if there is some additional resources/files that you need to download?
  8. Actually changing glo_fly_wep/weapon_impacts/xbow/movement/fire makes it use another fire sound it turns out. For instance, if you replace it with glo_fly_wep/weapon_impacts/bow/movement/fire, it uses the bow fire sound instead of the crossbow which is better. It's not as good the one I had intended to use, but it is still better. Changing the various paths here for weapons or in the other sheet impact sounds changes these in-game actually. The problem is I don't know how to bring my own sounds into it. I tried my own path for my own Fmod fsb file but it dind't work.
  9. Yea, as far as I know I haven't seen any guide that covers these kinds of stuff sadly. Maybe someone that knows alot about this could figure out a way to do it, but I would think it's impossible. Thanks for the help in any case.
  10. Hmm yes, what you are saying makes alot of sense. There is a music editor mod that allows you to replace your own music with original tracks and it works. I think it builds a single fsb file that contains all sounds for the entire game, and in it is your replaced soundtracks. Thats why it works. If you want to edit individual sound files, such as specific combat sounds inside the glo_fly_wep.fdp, you need all the other ones inside of it as well or it won't work. It's a shame really, because the original crossbow sounds are really weak and I wanted to improve it, but it seems it's impossible without having access to the source glo_fly_wep.fdp files.
  11. Hello, I'm pretty new to modding, but I have done quite of a bit of research on how the toolset works and modding the game overall. Unfortunately the type of mod I wanted to make turned out to be very difficult for this game. I essentially just wanted to replace the weak crossbow fire sound effect with my own one. I followed the guide on how to add sounds using FMOD designer and got it to build successfully. The problem is to associate that sound effect with the vanilla one to replace it. The combat sound effects (except spells) are located in glo_fly_wep.fdp You can open them in FMOD designer to see the structure and all the sound files, but you cannot play them (I guess they are encrypted and I understand why). That means you can't just have the same sound files and just replace the ones you want, because you can't build since these files are missing. I tried to make my own sound file with the exact same names and structure as glo_fly_wep.fdp in FMOD, but when I put it into the override folder the game plays no combat sounds at all. If I rename it, the game plays vanilla sounds. I also looked into the animation events in the toolset. You can add sounds to animations. Problem is those sounds are fse, so I can't load in my custom sound which is mp3 initially and turned into fsb. Not sure about Extending_GDAs, if that could work. There is an excel file named "sounds" which has the crossbow fire sound in it. Not sure how this works tough, and there is no ID associated with it. Maybe it isn't possible to mod individual combat sound files like this sadly, unless you have the source files, or i'm missing something. If anyone knows how this could be done I would greatly appreciate it. I could post my sound file if anyone wants. Thanks in advance
  12. Hello, I'm pretty new to modding, but I have done quite of a bit of research on how the toolset works and modding the game overall. Unfortunately the type of mod I wanted to make turned out to be very difficult for this game. I essentially just wanted to replace the weak crossbow fire sound effect with my own one. I followed the guide on how to add sounds using FMOD designer and got it to build successfully. The problem is to associate that sound effect with the vanilla one to replace it. The combat sound effects (except spells) are located in glo_fly_wep.fdp You can open them in FMOD designer to see the structure and all the sound files, but you cannot play them (I guess they are encrypted and I understand why). That means you can't just have the same sound files and just replace the ones you want, because you can't build since these files are missing. I tried to make my own sound file with the exact same names and structure as glo_fly_wep.fdp in FMOD, but when I put it into the override folder the game plays no combat sounds at all. If I rename it, the game plays vanilla sounds. I also looked into the animation events in the toolset. You can add sounds to animations. Problem is those sounds are fse, so I can't load in my custom sound which is mp3 initially and turned into fsb. Not sure about Extending_GDAs, if that could work. There is an excel file named "sounds" which has the crossbow fire sound in it. Not sure how this works tough, and there is no ID associated with it. Maybe it isn't possible to mod individual combat sound files like this sadly, unless you have the source files, or i'm missing something. If anyone knows how this could be done I would greatly appreciate it. I could post my sound file if anyone wants. Thanks in advance
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