I'm pretty new to modding, but I have done quite of a bit of research on how the toolset works and modding the game overall. Unfortunately the type of mod I wanted to make turned out to be very difficult for this game.
I essentially just wanted to replace the weak crossbow fire sound effect with my own one. I followed the guide on how to add sounds using FMOD designer and got it to build successfully. The problem is to associate that sound effect with the vanilla one to replace it.
The combat sound effects (except spells) are located in glo_fly_wep.fdp
You can open them in FMOD designer to see the structure and all the sound files, but you cannot play them (I guess they are encrypted and I understand why). That means you can't just have the same sound files and just replace the ones you want, because you can't build since these files are missing.
I tried to make my own sound file with the exact same names and structure as glo_fly_wep.fdp in FMOD, but when I put it into the override folder the game plays no combat sounds at all. If I rename it, the game plays vanilla sounds.
I also looked into the animation events in the toolset. You can add sounds to animations. Problem is those sounds are fse, so I can't load in my custom sound which is mp3 initially and turned into fsb.
Not sure about Extending_GDAs, if that could work.
There is an excel file named "sounds" which has the crossbow fire sound in it. Not sure how this works tough, and there is no ID associated with it.
Maybe it isn't possible to mod individual combat sound files like this sadly, unless you have the source files, or i'm missing something.
If anyone knows how this could be done I would greatly appreciate it. I could post my sound file if anyone wants.
Thanks in advance