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About Dragonboom26

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  1. I'm trying to download AzuAdminTool for Epic Loot mod and when I clicked it, the page is missing and I believe it has already been removed and it's still unclear to me as why it just disappeared on page. Can anyone explain it to me why it's gone on page? Thanks.
  2. Sorry for bumping this thread but I'm having similar issue with BepInEx's preloader whenever I run Valheim, and those red codes I'm having encounter, even when I disabled it and it's still occurred and I have no idea how to fix it. UPDATE: I've discovered how to fix it by creating a folder with label "unstripped_corlib" in Valheim's directory, and it will be fixed by itself.
  3. Removed paid mods from Steam is like Microsoft removed DRM from Xbox One.
  4. Apparently it was Tail and Amu when I wear them on and the glitch is occurred. So I had to buy alternate tail and amu and it's back to normal. Go figure.
  5. FInally! I think I discovered the culprit was this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/13437/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D13437%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D42876&pUp=1, so I disabled it. Might try to re-enable it again if it works again. EDIT: Yep, it works after enabled and it seemed to be back to normal. :)
  6. Okay, I just investigated through DarNified UI, and I don't think that was one. Cuz when I deactivated it -- the issue is still unaffected, so I reinstalled it back. It's probably other mods that cause it. As you said, I will try disable one-by-one and will let you know if I find anything that cause the glitch.
  7. Anyone? I need to vent about the glitch that need to be resolved quickly. Also, please forgive my English. It isn't my first language, if you don't mind that.
  8. Hi, This is my first time having an issue with 3rd person in Oblivion (See the images below). And BEFORE you said about checking the previous saves and see if it works -- I did and it's still same problem. This is 1st person and was seen to be normal, right? http://i.imgur.com/KsOcRVF.jpg?1 Until when I switched to 3rd person, this is what happened. http://i.imgur.com/TjPC2Ru.jpg?1 And yes, I've installed some of mods and these are: DarNified UI 1.3.2 Oblivion XP 4.3.2 Unofficial Oblivion, Official Mods, and Shivering Isles (Versions altogether are 1.2.416) Dude Wheres My Horse Ren BeautyPack Hairs & Full Apachi Goddess Store MiniMap Oblivion Citadel Door Fix Archery Rebalance Enchanced Water v20 A To Take All Oblivion Stereo SOund Overhaul Capes and Cloaks Natural Environments OMM Appreciated if you help me to find a culprit behind it.
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