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  1. Yeah, I don't bother reading comments that aren't on the same page. And those links you posted don't work for me:( I thought I requested nicely, not demanded. I can't blame you for being batty though. If I offended in any way, I apologize. Thank you for your hard work.
  2. Hate the fixed width *grumble*, but I love the skins and the fact that we'll get more of them. Definitely better than empty gray space. Just a questions though, why is fixed width so popular with a lot of web-sites? Is it easy to manage or what? Along with the new skins, is it possible to add an option to change font and background colors? Also, is it possible to separate DA:O and DA2 files, if not by creating separate site, then by using some sort of tag option (can it be done?).
  3. Search option on Dragon Age site can't distinguish between DA:O and DA2 files. You just get tons of results for both games at the same time. Shouldn't DA2 get its own site or something?
  4. Right now the site looks like wikia clone.
  5. Because there we're people who Disliked/Repped down something merely because it hadn't been before. And nobody cares if someone doesn't like something. I cared. You could always tell a reason for doing so. And anyways you had to download the file first and wait a few hours before you were allowed to endorse/not. It also served as a warning if the mod was really bad and not worth downloading. Wasn't that the reason it was there in the first place?
  6. I don't understand why negative endorsement feature was removed?
  7. I wish it was more wide screen friendly. 2/3 of absolutely empty gray space is just sad. Comment font could be bigger too (with all the free space - why not?). Site/Files/Image Library/Community/Support/Network Stats - all way down the page? Why not just put them on the sides? All this scrolling is just makes browsing the site more complicated.
  8. Um, is it possible to ask for another font color skin? As an option? Red is too extreme for my eyes and I'd rather read without crying ;( P.S. I'd eppreciate if anyone could give me a tip how to change the font color for the Witcher Nexus in firefox if that's even possible.
  9. Great news! Have to agree though that it's totally unexpected. But, do you have to register anew for that forum? It doesn't accept my log/pass. Can't connect to nexusforums at all. Hope it's all just temporary.
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