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Everything posted by ufw7
Allegiance: Stormcloak if I am a Nord (Imperial if I am an Imperial) Skyrim Race: Most of the time a Nord IRL Gender: Male IRL Age: 17 Location: Belgium Favorite subject in school/uni major: Physics and Astronomy IRL Political affiliation: Conservative Liberal Play/Combat style: Most of the time a warrior or a spellsword. Blades or Paarthurnax: Mostly I choose Paarthurnax. Guilds joined: Companions, mages Opinion on the Daedra: Some of them are alright, others not. Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? Never played
Something I think we haven't noticed about the Stormcloak/Imperial
ufw7 replied to imperistan's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
lol @ imperistan, that you even care to comment on him. I would have given up a long time ago. :P -
My first playtrough in any game will always be male (i'm male) and will be a good character (always helping people etc.) because thats who I am and I can fully immerse myself in the game and with the story, and my second playtrough (if i do any) will most likely be female and evil (exept saints row the third where my first character was a girl (the people who played it will know why :P)) I also think, again, I THINK that men who play as female characters are 1) feeling themselfs as a female or 2) miss a girl in there lifes and go search it in games.
its probably just for the view when youre standing on the top of a mountain
You all know that CDprojekt reveald its new game with a cyberpunk setting. I just watched this vid and I saw some shooting (cyberpunk will be a kind of a shooter). But the vid is from 3 years ago so it seems a little bit strange to me, but then why is there shooting in the vid. Does somebody know?
For the people who don't have seen it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2BJyeJ7uuw&feature=related
they should at least do an arena like the witcher 2 has. Yeah, that would be nice :)
Question: Will there be 2 story lines? One with the vampires and one with the Dawnguard?
I also think that Ulfric is better for skyrim. But on the other hand I think that a strong Empire is better for tamriel. But the game is only in Skyrim so I don't care much for the rest of the world :P
Skyrim is the first game that I played more than 150 hours. Even dragon age origins was just about 100 hours. I always found the story more important than gameplay, but I have to rethink that. Edit: just to say, I've got until now just 1 bug and 3 CTD's XD
just all the nine divines
I got slowdowns in dungeons. Does somebuddy know wich setting I should decrease?:)
Ulfric Stormcloaks Victory Speech (Solitude)
ufw7 replied to Stormcrown's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Maybe its your own devotion that makes the effects rather than talos? Talos exists; Talos, Tiber Septim, the DragonbornHeir to the Seat of Sundered Kings, Talos is the most important hero-god of Mankind. He conquered all of Tamriel and ushered in the Third Era (and the Third Empire). Also called Ysmir, 'Dragon of the North'. One of the Nine Divines, the major gods of Tamriel. Less prominent sects, such as the Talos Cult have been inspired by his apotheosis. In the Fourth Era, worship of Talos was banned as a result of the White-Gold Concordat. -
Ulfric Stormcloaks Victory Speech (Solitude)
ufw7 replied to Stormcrown's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Do we have a speech from general tullius? (Still didn't decided wich side I'm for :P) -
I was running the game maxed out and geting 60 fps everywhere but when I went into towns like whiterun when looking around I would get drastic fps drops and the game would start stuttering. Through reading the description of the mod I linked I believe my cpu is having trouble keeping up so to my resentment I had to lower my settings to high and even then there still was a little stuttering which was taken care of by that mod. That is happening because your cpu or gpu is being stressed. Try the mod I linked (http://www.skyrimnex...ile.php?id=4387) and if that doesn't work you can try running the game in windowed mode and using simple borderless window mod so it appears fullscreen (http://www.skyrimnex...hp?id=4#content). If these two mods don't help out then you definitely should lower your game settings. I already have the TESV acceleration layer. It didn't help at all. The game was running just fine 2 days ago, I added no mods or anything and all of a sudden it's stuttering in the wilderness. That's not the answer. You should try skyboost. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2398851 I think it will be better then tesval (it was for me). But I have also fps drops, but then in dungeons. Someone know the cause?
ITS SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@bombomb I think, after reading your replys on Lobselvith, that your statments are to much based on opinions. LobselVith has that too but less than you. (That's my opinion :blush:) ANd here you got the reason of the rebellion 4E 176 — Ulfric Stormcloak retakes The Reach instigating the Markarth Incident. The Empire and the son of the deposed Jarl promised Ulfric Stormcloak free worship of Talos in exchange for retaking The Reach. Ulfric forms a Nord militia and crushes the Reachmen at Markarth with the aid of the Thu'um. The survivors flee into the wilds forming a group called the Forsworn. Ulfric is arrested when the Thalmor discover the open worship of Talos. Ulfric and his men are eventually released, but the incident kindles what will become the Stormcloak Rebellion.I think that ulfric doesn't want power but he'll want to defeat the thalmor (and he needs power to do that (as High king)), (but i think that the empire is the best side to join)
I have a problem :P I really can't chose. At some moments i think that the imperials are better because ... But another moment i think, no the strormcloacks are better because ... And that keeps going on. Is there someone who can give me one good reason to join ..... ?
An important question. Will the empire again become strong enough to defeat the Thalmor? Even with the help of the dovakiin it will be difficult for the empire to regain their strengt to fight.
Then maybe Ulfric is the next tiber septim and is this the beginning of the Stormcloack dynasty :ohmy:
lol i'm with Lobselvith66.:PBut I also think that this discussion is pointless because no matter what you'll chose the outcome of the war will be the same (or bethesda has to make 2 tes VI).
There is a very logical line between good leaders and which side to choose. In casre you didn't know. If you honestly have seen the whole topic you know that we've been through everything up and down. We've gone from the "Choose X because Y is better!" to going in depth in strategy, why and who. We all know the facts, and dragging in "Bethesda decides" or "Who cares? the Thalmor simply wants it to drag it out" is really not helping any sides of the discussion. We know both, and we went into why we believe X is better than Y. As of now, I find the Empire ten times better than the Stormcloak. Mostly because Ulfric is an sadistic idiot, whilst the empire is ... well, less sadistic. That is VERY much related to the question at hand. I might need to point out I have posted throughout the whole topic, so I am well aware of what's been said and why. At least consider I've had a comment to about every point. Of course, you can't beat the latest replies, which goes far beyond me in term of knowledge, but I find it amusing -- we actualy got intelligent people on the internet! I mostly agree with the first part. But I don't agree with the second. Your opinion isn't VERY much related to it. We don't have to now that you find the empire better ( I find it to btw). What realy matters is why (not an argument like "Ulfric is an sadistic idiot") But its not because you replied on everthing that makes you know more than me. and your last sentence just proves that your're one of those 'intelligent' people. (And as i said (2 times already)I read the whole topic).
There is a very logical line between good leaders and which side to choose. In casre you didn't know. If you honestly have seen the whole topic you know that we've been through everything up and down. We've gone from the "Choose X because Y is better!" to going in depth in strategy, why and who. We all know the facts, and dragging in "Bethesda decides" or "Who cares? the Thalmor simply wants it to drag it out" is really not helping any sides of the discussion. We know both, and we went into why we believe X is better than Y. As of now, I find the Empire ten times better than the Stormcloak. Mostly because Ulfric is an sadistic idiot, whilst the empire is ... well, less sadistic. That is VERY much related to the question at hand. I might need to point out I have posted throughout the whole topic, so I am well aware of what's been said and why. At least consider I've had a comment to about every point. Of course, you can't beat the latest replies, which goes far beyond me in term of knowledge, but I find it amusing -- we actualy got intelligent people on the internet! I agree with the first part. But I don't agree with the second. Your opinion isn't VERY much related to it. We don't have to now that you find the empire better ( I find it to btw). What realy matters is why (not an argument like "Ulfric is an sadistic idiot") Its not because you replied on everthing that makes you know more than me. and your last sentence just proves that your're one of those 'intelligent' people. (And as i said (2 times already)I read the whole topic).
I think you've missed the point of the latest part of this topic: We do not talk game, we talk theoretical and lore. We really don't care what Bethesda will do, as it is irrelevant. Eh, what? None of my replies got anything to do with opinon. It builds on lore fact and generally how things work. Have you read the in-game books, as is even quoted in this topic, about how Ulfric leads? You can sum him up to "You are either with me, or against me". Is that any good leadership you think? Otherwise you got the empire: Sure, they are not perfect. But heck, at least they are better. Did you read why they won? Because a good bunch of cyrodiils veteran where behind and helped. Without the help they would be about done for. This topic is about who is better and worse. We've had some pretty damn good posts on how both the empire works and how the Stormcloak works. We all know what the Thalmor wants, and we really do not need to discuss that. Really, I suggest you read the whole topic, instead of a wiki page. about hammerfell: 4E 175 — Hammerfell leaves the Empire after rejecting the White-Gold Concordat. Titus II renounces Hammerfell as a province of the Empire to preserve the treaty after the Redguards oppose ceding their lands. The Redguards see this as a betrayal, and a lasting bitterness between Hammerfell and the Empire is sown to the delight of the Thalmor. Hammerfell continues to war with the Aldmeri Dominion for the next five years.4E 180 — The Second Treaty of Stros M'Kai is signed Having been fought to a standstill by the Redguards, the Aldmeri Dominion completely withdraws from Hammerfell And maybe you should read this topic better. It was about someone who couldn't decide wich side he would chose. Also i'm following this topic from the beginning (as I already said) And that wikipage is based from in-game books. And what ulfric says "You are either with me, or against me" is true, you are with the empire or the stormcloaks. Also where or not talking about who's the best leader.
Eh, there is a big different who wins. If the Imperial win fast, they can rebuild and fight the Thalmor. If the Stormcloak wins fast, Skyrim can keep it defenses. Generally, Hammerfell and Cyrodiil is screwed. If none wins: The Thalmor can first take out Skyrim with no casualties, then work their way over. Generally, the different is who will rule Skyrim afterwards. Look how Ulfric lead: Kill anybody who does not agree with you. Look how the empire lead: Look at how it is in Oblivion. A lot better, no? Though I doubt I can add any more information than is allready given in depth. I think there isn't much to be rebuild because they owne not much anymore. And Hammerfell won of the thalmor in 4E 180 I think it we shouldn't be talking about what will happen afterwards because that's up to bethesda what will happen. We should only focus on the situation in skyrim and make our decions based on that.Your information is for a part based on your opinion mine on thhis site http://www.uesp.net/...Lore:Fourth_Era