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  1. Feel free to take what you like from it! it's quite fun to make them, so long as you don't hit too many roadblocks :smile: Hehe, i guess its fun if it works like you want it to :) I know i ask a lot, i'v just been around the block a few times, thinking about making this companion, i just never found anyone to answer my questions. XD One more thing, do you use Custom topics, or did you steal topics from Vanilla Companions? Also. Does your companion make any sound at all, while speaking? Or is it just plain silence? Thanks for letting me use the script content, and thanks for being nice enough letting me steal some of your time :P For the topics, I noticed that all of the companions (for common things like wait, follow, tactics) all of their topics are arranged identically, with their responses varying depending on character. You can see this in the quest labeled VNPCFollowers, so I added his responses to their topics along with the proper conditions, then made Rutherford's own dialogue quest. As for the sound, Rutherford is actually a Fire Gecko a friend suggested I make, as he is obsessed with geckos heh. I have him set to use various gecko sound effects and animations depending on his reaction to what you say. It's a little cheap at points but still much better than dead silence. And you're welcome for the answers--I always hate starting off with something only to have to figure it out myself :rolleyes:
  2. Thanks, I'll be sure to check Miria out. Perhaps having another custom companion to check against would help sort things.:yes:
  3. Feel free to take what you like from it! it's quite fun to make them, so long as you don't hit too many roadblocks :smile:
  4. For the most part I've been looking up guides on the G.E.C.K. wiki, though most of them seem to be rather limited in the dialogue department, so I've based most of my effort off of examining how the default companions are set up and working to mirror them, changing references and conditions to apply to my companion wherever it seems necessary. So far he'll fight with you, switch between passive/aggressive, carry things and so forth. I just can't make him talk! :pinch: I'm off for work now though, I'll be back to tackle my modding woes later in the day. Edit: Nvm.. Oh well, how do you use the companion wheel? :O The companion wheel is set to run automatically if SetPlayerTeammate is set to 1 for your companion, though that's about all I know about it lol. Hmm. I'v never used SetPlayerTeamMate, is it a Script code? Yep, the default companions have something set into their script to toggle it between 0 and 1 depending on whether or not they're in your party. I kinda got lazy though and tossed "SetPlayerTeammate 1" into Rutherford's main script as a constant setting :whistling: Would it be to much to ask for to let me look at Rutherford's script? I got no coding skills.. So looking at a Custom companions script would help a lot more than looking at Vanilla Companion scripts. As they've got 1000 lines :P Truth be told I've patched most of the script together by example of a few other custom companions along with the vanilla ones, but here it is for better or for worse :P scn RutherfordSCRIPT int Waiting ; 0 = Not waiting, 1 = Waiting int CombatStyleMelee ; 0 = Not melee, 1= Melee int CombatStyleRanged ; 0 = Not ranged, 1 = Ranged int IsFollowingDefault ; 0 = Not following default, 1 = Is following default range int IsFollowingLong ; 0 = Not following long, 1 = Is following long int FollowerSwitchAggressive ; 0 = Passive (wait on player), 1 = Aggressive (attack when see enemies) begin gamemode SetPlayerTeammate 1 player.addperk RutherfordPerk if RutherfordREF.IsInCombat == 1 SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1 else SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 0 endif end begin OnCombatEnd if GetPlayerTeammate == 1 resethealth restoreav perceptioncondition 100 restoreav endurancecondition 100 restoreav leftattackcondition 100 restoreav leftmobilitycondition 100 restoreav rightattackcondition 100 restoreav rightmobilitycondition 100 endif end begin OnDeath if VNPCFollowers.RutherfordHired == 1 set VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers to VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers - 1 ; <<< (Added 7_10_10) To update "nCurrentFollowers" properly -ETB if (VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers == 0) ; <<< set VNPCFollowers.bPlayerHasFollower to 0 ; <<< endif ; <<< set VNPCFollowers.RutherfordHired to 0 set VNPCFollowers.bCritterInParty to 0 ShowMessage FollowerMessageDeadRutherford ; Remove Rutherford's companion perk from player player.RemovePerk RutherfordPerk ShowMessage FollowerMessagePerkRutherfordRemove endif set VNPCFollowers.bRutherfordDead to 1 end The OnDeath bit was borrowed from ED-E, if I recall since he counts as a creature I figured it would be best to work off of him as Rutherford isn't registered as a human npc. (Also, sorry if the code box is kind of huge..I'm not really used to entering code into forums so I don't know if there's a way to shorten the box and give it a scroll wheel)
  5. For the most part I've been looking up guides on the G.E.C.K. wiki, though most of them seem to be rather limited in the dialogue department, so I've based most of my effort off of examining how the default companions are set up and working to mirror them, changing references and conditions to apply to my companion wherever it seems necessary. So far he'll fight with you, switch between passive/aggressive, carry things and so forth. I just can't make him talk! :pinch: I'm off for work now though, I'll be back to tackle my modding woes later in the day. Edit: Nvm.. Oh well, how do you use the companion wheel? :O The companion wheel is set to run automatically if SetPlayerTeammate is set to 1 for your companion, though that's about all I know about it lol. Hmm. I'v never used SetPlayerTeamMate, is it a Script code? Yep, the default companions have something set into their script to toggle it between 0 and 1 depending on whether or not they're in your party. I kinda got lazy though and tossed "SetPlayerTeammate 1" into Rutherford's main script as a constant setting :whistling:
  6. Do you mean the "Start Game Enabled" checkbox on the Quest Data tab? If so, yes I do have it enabled.
  7. For the most part I've been looking up guides on the G.E.C.K. wiki, though most of them seem to be rather limited in the dialogue department, so I've based most of my effort off of examining how the default companions are set up and working to mirror them, changing references and conditions to apply to my companion wherever it seems necessary. So far he'll fight with you, switch between passive/aggressive, carry things and so forth. I just can't make him talk! :pinch: I'm off for work now though, I'll be back to tackle my modding woes later in the day. Edit: Nvm.. Oh well, how do you use the companion wheel? :O The companion wheel is set to run automatically if SetPlayerTeammate is set to 1 for your companion, though that's about all I know about it lol.
  8. For the most part I've been looking up guides on the G.E.C.K. wiki, though most of them seem to be rather limited in the dialogue department, so I've based most of my effort off of examining how the default companions are set up and working to mirror them, changing references and conditions to apply to my companion wherever it seems necessary. So far he'll fight with you, switch between passive/aggressive, carry things and so forth. I just can't make him talk! :pinch: I'm off for work now though, I'll be back to tackle my modding woes later in the day.
  9. Probobly stupid, but did you check the Top-Level on the dialogue? Yes, I have it checked for GREETING as well as thiings such as wait, trade, let's go and so forth. :confused: Hmm.. You got the right conditions ? As far as I can tell, yes. GetIsID properly points to the companion in question and I added him and the relevant variables to the VNPCFollowers quest since that's what the other companions use for their conditions. Like "GetQuestVariable Quest: 'VNPCFollowers', RutherfordHired" (Rutherford is my companion's name, btw) Huh.. Im really not good with Dialogues and things like that. And i honestly can't tell whats wrong. But do me a favor and post if you figure it out :) Might help me, and others avoid it. :) Good luck I'll be sure to do that. I'll probably throw Rutherford up into the downloads section as well if I can get him working properly hehe. Thanks for taking the time to poke at it a bit though :tongue: If anyone else might have a suggestion or two I would greatly appreciate your assistance!
  10. Probobly stupid, but did you check the Top-Level on the dialogue? Yes, I have it checked for GREETING as well as thiings such as wait, trade, let's go and so forth. :confused: Hmm.. You got the right conditions ? As far as I can tell, yes. GetIsID properly points to the companion in question and I added him and the relevant variables to the VNPCFollowers quest since that's what the other companions use for their conditions. Like "GetQuestVariable Quest: 'VNPCFollowers', RutherfordHired" (Rutherford is my companion's name, btw)
  11. Probobly stupid, but did you check the Top-Level on the dialogue? Yes, I have it checked for GREETING as well as thiings such as wait, trade, let's go and so forth. :confused:
  12. Hello to all the modders on the forum! I recently decided to try my hand at modding when a friend of mine suggested I make a new companion to spice things up :cool: however I've hit a bit of a problem regarding the dialogue of this companion, and I'm somewhat embarrassed as it's likely due to something very simple I've overlooked but can't quite grasp..anyway, on to the issue: Whenever I try to talk to my companion, (through the button on the companion wheel) instead of loading the dialogue I have set up for it the game merely pauses and zooms in toward him momentarily as though preparing a conversation, but then immediately zooms back out without going to the dialogue. Here's some relevant information (let me know if you guys need more) : The companion is a creature I set up a number of topics and responses (including the GREETING topic) for him using the dialogue topics of the game's default companions as reference. The "Allow PC Dialogue" box is checked for him, however I've tested both with and without it checked and for some reason the result is the same, so I'm lead to believe that I've missed some sort of prerequisite to make him talk. Apologies if this turns out to be a silly error, I'm still very new to G.E.C.K. and thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to help a fresh modder :sweat:
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