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About ElCansado

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  1. Wow, I haven't been on in a while, and the Nexus has finally gotten a new set of moderation procedures... Personally, I like the entire concept, from the moderators being more open in their reasoning for bans and warnings to the compromise of giving mod authors some way to clean their threads without making them too corrupt in their comment-deleting ways. I know it's especially irritating that senior mod authors can't have their way because of the many bad apples, otherwise I'd also completely advocate authors moderating their own file's comments. I'd like to see how this new system turns out. It looks like it'll do fine. :)
  2. Thanks for the links. I never expected to have the tutorials on YouTube. :P
  3. It depends on what you want in your game. The .ini edit also has drawbacks, but it cannot show a shield on the back like AttT can. As for using DSpSoB versus AttT, I personally chose AttT because it gives a tutorial of how to get custom content to work with the mod. If DSpSoB ever gets a tutorial of how to do it for its own mod, I'll consider switching, or if I can find out how exactly to edit the plugins of both AttT and DSpSoB to be compatible.
  4. Wow, thanks! This sure is helpful... I'll keep this bookmarked for when I run into these kinds of issues again. Much appreciated, bben46. :D
  5. I've been doing a bit of searching for a NordHeroArrow retexture that changes the wood look to a leather look, while also changing the grey metal of the quiver to a more smooth, well-rounded type of iron. Now, I'm only looking for a retexture of the NordHeroArrow texture, as that would relieve everyone of having to map it to the quiver model being used as a sheath for a sword. An image of the kind of appearance I'm aiming for might help: http://www.zeldawiki.org/images/2/26/Ordon_Sword_Scabbard.png But I don't necessarily expect anyone to go completely detailed with the scabbard, unless of course it strikes your fancy to go ahead and create an entirely new Ordon Sword with a scabbard (This is just wishful thinking, it's not a life-or-death situation http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif). Basically, all I want is to replace the wooden quiver texture with a rough-leather texture, and remove the metal imprints from the various parts of the quiver that have a metal cover. A simple retexture is all it takes for this request. Sadly, I can't texture very well myself. Thanks for any ideas, comments, and suggestions you may have.
  6. Well, it seems it was a load order issue for me. I originally just uninstalled the SpellFix.esp, but other crashes eventually came up as I installed new mods. But even with BOSS, the load order for the Nexus Mod Manager did not change. I assume this was not yet implemented, but I do wish for it to exist soon. For now, if you do not want to fix the load order (that is, if you do have load order issues and are too lazy/short on time to do so), you should just uninstall SpellFix.esp, since I myself haven't seen much of a difference, but then again, I rarely use magic.
  7. Well, it seems the culprit was the All in 1 Spell Fixes mod. But I still have no idea what was changed to cause that. I don't see how fixed spells and their associated effects could crash the game when approaching a specific area.
  8. My apparent crashing near wolves did not attribute to anything about the wolves... But I still don't know what is causing the crash. I do not think it's crashing because of memory overload, but of some bug introduced by a mod or maybe even Skyboost? Here's my modlist, along with version number: Any help is very much appreciated.
  9. I'm actually working on the Hyrule from Ocarina of Time right now. Got the base of Kokiri all finished. Just working on the models now.(Coming out poorly as I suck at modelling.) :P Ah, yes. OoT, the game that revolutionized the 3D gaming industry back in 1995. I do look forward to this modification if it ever comes around to being shared across the net. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif
  10. You have to craft it, I believe. I know of no mod that gives you any item as soon as you start the game up.
  11. Hey all. Not sure what the problem is about these wolves, but it most generally happens when I search their corpse for the spoils. However, there are CTDs immediately after I kill them, along with delayed sounds from the cries of wolves as well as other areas of the game. Here is my modlist: Note that it does NOT include my installed mods that do not require plugins to work. I'd like to show it, but I know of no easy way to show them in a list, so if anyone can give me an idea of what I can do to create that list without effort, or just require me to scrape up the details for each installed archive manually, let me know. I haven't been able to play Skyrim for weeks...http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif
  12. Huzzah! Glad nothing serious happened. I told ya we'd still be here.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif
  13. Don't worry, do what you know is important. Modding is and always will be a hobby, not a life. We'll stick around for a while (I hope).
  14. Great, keep up the good work, and you'll be finished in no time! Excluding time off the modding scene that is. Don't worry, we should all know it takes patience to wait for a mod to be finished, but it takes a two-tons-and-a-half crates more patience to complete a mod.
  15. Well, that's good to hear, or read in this case. I wonder how the Test of Courage will come into play... I don't like the idea of having courage against an enemy, maybe something else life-threatening or the fear of having something meaningful ripped from your grasp. Would I persevere if this happened to me in real life? Not sure, but not likely. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif
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