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Everything posted by TheNonsenseFactory

  1. My purpose is to find out if an interior cell can be considered "abandoned" or not. I know I could hand-code it for each cell, or make a list of each unique NPC, but I was hoping there was a nice dynamic script solution like so: Check what cell the player is in Get owner of that cell If owner is unique, is not the player and is dead then cell is abandoned.I can do 1 and 2, but since the result from 2 is a Form then I can't do 3. The end goal is my own curiosity and helping out GodOfWolves with his Massive Object Ownership Revamp mod (if he hasn't figured it out himself already).
  2. Hi all, I know there is a script extender function to go from a reference to the base object, but how do I go the other way? I have a Form reference, and I want to find out how many instances of that form are in the game, so I can determine if it is a unique NPC. If it is a NPC and there is only one in the game then I want to perform some reference functions on it, so I need it as a reference, not Form. Grateful for any assistance!
  3. Hi all, I have decorated my player home with, amongst other things, food and drink. I also store food and drink in a fridge. I noticed that food would go missing, and at first I attributed it to my poor memory or a fallout glitch. But then I caught Star Paladin Cross stealing my food! I did some google-fu and it is related to the Eat Package. If it has "allow search" enabled, the NPC will search the area listed in its Eat Package for food, and then eat it (sitting down if it finds a chair or sit marker). This is probably a good idea to make NPC behave realistically, but "allow search" should probably be disabled on companions. Why I am posting this as a FWE troubleshooting issue is because I guess things will break horribly if I try to modify the Eat Package and then try to use it with FWE's Followers Enhanced. So my question is; is there a setting in FWE that disables this, or will one be implemented anytime soon? If no to both, how would I go about safely implementing this change? I don't want to break FWE/Followers Enhanced, and I want my followers to sandbox in my home, but I want to keep my precious food and drink too! Best regards, The Nonsense Factory
  4. That's good to hear, but maybe you can also let us know what the problem was and how you fixed it?
  5. It's available on http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/mods/197/Owned.
  6. Also, scaling an object will also scale the texure, which may make it look strange next to objects that are the default size.
  7. Hi all, I am adding a building and some piles of rubble to the DC Wasteland, and I am concerned that it might look strange without updating the LOD. I did some digging around and there seems to be a way to generate LOD for just a few cells (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/782478-generating-lod-one-cell-at-a-time/). It relies on the fact that the GECK will not generate LOD for an area if the output files are already there. So by selectively removing only the files for the areas you want to generate LOD for you can drastically cut down on time. The question then is, is there any way to include just those updated LOD files with the mod insetad of the whole DC wasteland (which is large and also may conflict with other updates to LOD). That is, if I put just the LOD files that contain the new architecture in meshes/landscape/lod/wasteland will that override those specific LOD files, and use the standard Fallout 3 LOD for other areas (from the bsa)? If anyone have any experience to share, or can point me to a tutorial or article that would be great! Thanks, The Nonsense Factory
  8. If you create a variable in your script, you can store values there for later use. See the GECK wiki for reference. You set LastDay to GetDaysPassed the first time the script is run (*). Thats the start of the timer. Then when (GetDaysPassed - LastDay) >= 1 you show the message to the player, and then set LastDay to GetDaysPassed again so that we wait for another day to pass before sending the next message. (*) If you want to do something only once, you can do something like this ScriptName YourScriptName short DoOnce short LastDay Begin GameMode if (DoOnce == 0) set LastDay to GameDaysPassed set DoOnce to 1 endif end
  9. I second this request, and would like to know what the Hat and Coat is from, because the combo Hat+Mask+Coat is 150% awesome. Thanks, The Nonsense Factory http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/Mods/17642 Thanks! Do you have a link to the mask as well?
  10. I am fiddling away with all this, and I just want to say thank you again for taking the time to write these detailed instructions!
  11. I second this request, and would like to know what the Hat and Coat is from, because the combo Hat+Mask+Coat is 150% awesome. Thanks, The Nonsense Factory
  12. Thank you very much Prensa! I wish I could give you another Kudos :thumbsup: I have a lot of more questions (of course, that's how knowledge works, the more you know the more you realise you don't know) but I will restrict myself to two questions until I have spent some time actually trying this. The first is, did you have to compensate in some way for the book being much smaller than the metal box? Or did the havoc "size" come naturally with the data present in the metalbox branch? And second, you spoke of making your own collision mesh (might be related to question one), is this something that needs to be done, or was it a tweak to maximize realism? Best regards, The Nonsense Factory
  13. The box works exactly as I want! I can do the scripting to handle the actual placement of a real container. Great success! :D I am very curious how you did this. I opened the bhkRigidBody field in nifscope and got an instant headache. Dozens of parameters, half of which are "unknown". My favourite is "Unknown TimeFactor or GravityFactor". I can't even find the AllowTransform mentioned in the other thread. There are a bunch of parameters obviously related to motion, but I have no idea how it all fits together. If you have a link to a good tutorial (hell, even a bad tutorial is better than what I am going through right now), or can do a quick "adding havoc for dummies" that would be excellent. Best regards, The Nonsense Factory
  14. Thank you Gribbleshnibit8 and Prensa! Gribbleshnibit8: that thread explained a lot and I also posted a question there for even more info. Prensa: I am at work now but I will test your box as soon as I get home. Awesome of you to take the time to do this! I would like to learn more about the process, so that I can do it myself. What are the steps to change a non-draggable item into being a draggable item? You say that the setting is pretty simple, and by that I assume that you mean the AllowTransform mentioned in the thread that Gribbleshnibit8 linked? That sounds like it would be not too hard. However, you say that it is difficult to make the item behave realistically, and I really would like to know more about the process. Thank again, The Nonsense Factory
  15. Do I understand you correctly that to make for example clutter/office/MetalBox01.nif movable by the Z key I would "just" have to go into the MetalBox01.nif using nifscope or 3DSMax and activate bhkRigidBody > Rigid Body Parameters > Allow Transform? Thanks, The Nonsense Factory
  16. Hi all, I'm trying to make a box that I can move around with Z or FengShui, with the model from clutter/office/MetalBox01. I make a misc item, and set the model to MetalBox01.nif, add it to my player's inventory and drop it. Only to watch it float serenely in the air. There are no settings that I can find in the GECK that makes this item different from for example the lunchbox item, that has havoc and is draggable with Z. If you have any tips on what is going on that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, The Nonsense Factory
  17. Success! The solution you suggested worked, by using the direct refereneces instead of using CurrentPlant, the plants are removed in an orderly fashion. Maybe not as elegant as I would have liked, but it works so I am happy. Thank again for your help! //The Nonsense Factory
  18. Hi DizzasterJuice, thanks for stepping up! Yes, I was horribly vague. I apologize, let me fill in some more information. My idea was to create a product catalogue for player house furniture, so the player can see the change before he or she hands over the caps. The more house items you want to have, the more of a hassle the terminal solution becomes. And ideally the solution should be open ended, so that I or someone else can add more items. When you mentioned the ending binks I thought of the G.O.A.T. (which is at the very beginning, funny how the brain works). I wonder how the GOAT is coded - it is both a fullscreen image and dialogue options. Being fullscreen you could put several pictures into one slide, and cut down on total number of slides that way. Regards, The Nonsense Factory
  19. This is the area that I found north of DC. I could not find any metro stations in the surrounding area. There could be other underground complexes here, but so far I have not found any. Map location: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w303/Drebble/Fallout/ScreenShot46_zps4177c270.png Looking east: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w303/Drebble/Fallout/ScreenShot45_zps111e72cc.png Looking west-ish: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w303/Drebble/Fallout/ScreenShot48_zps43f482f8.png http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w303/Drebble/Fallout/ScreenShot49_zpseedc127b.png http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w303/Drebble/Fallout/ScreenShot50_zps8069be4d.png Thanks again for your help! //The Nonsense Factory
  20. Hi all, I know that you can show a picture as a menu option in a temrinal, but the terminal format has lots of limitations. Is there any other way of showing the player a number of pictures? Thanks, The Nonsense Factory
  21. That is defenitely an option. I have considered it but I was worried that to make it believable I would have to avoid using any architecture or clutter that would not fit through a normal door. The metro entrance is quite large so it would be believable to have dragged down quite big objects. I scouted the area north of DC last night, and I think I found one potential candidate spot. There is a large flat concrete area in front of a couple of buildings on the higher ground just north of DC proper. It's like a parking lot or something. It's just west of the highway going north from DC. It has a bus stop but no metro entrance, and the only danger is three raiders lurking between two buildings on the east side of the area. I will grab a screencap and map reference later today. Regards, The Nonsense Factory
  22. Yep, you are correct, there is almost nothing there. There is one totally bombed out concrete building towards the water from Bethesda, but not enough concrete stuff around it - a metro entrance would look a bit out of place. Next up is Canterbury Commons. Then I will look at the area next to Megaton. Someone also said that they had a vague memory of a ruined metro entrance far to the south almost by the map edge. I should probably start near DC around the factory and nuka cola plant and work myself west. Thank again for helping out on my little quest! The Nonsense Factory
  23. It gets slightly more messy when you have variations a, b, c... etc of each plant stage because you do not know which one is enabled. If you keep track of which one you disabled, you get less of that. And if a lot of time passed between the checks, the plant may have gone from stage 1 to stage 3, so you have to disable all the other stages as well if you want it foolproof. One possible solution would be to keep track of when we last checked time, and determine if something is about to change, then disable everything. Then do the "if dance" to find out what we want to enable. That way we get only one copy of all the disabling. Or stick it all in the OnLoad section, so that we only do the calculations when we are actually about to see the plant. But, all that is just eye candy really. The big issue is that I can't disable stuff at all. I will have a go with the direct disable, like in your example, later today. It's totally worth dumping CurrentPlant to get it to work at all :) Regards, The Nonsense Factory
  24. I do plan to modularize so that the same script can handle different plants, but that requires to set the plant refs anyway so it is not dependent on CurrentPlant. So I could work with the reference variables directly, it's just that it is so much less code to use CurrentPlant. Especially since I was sort of planning to have variations of each stage (hence the "a" in plant refs). Add a few more plant stages and it will be dozens of lines of code that are "uneccesary" if I could use CurrentPlant instead. This is very interesting. What would the benefits be of using a quest script, and what would I have to take into consideration if I use one? I haven't really worked with quest scripts (I'm pretty much a GECK beginner). Regards, The Nonsense Factory
  25. Thank you again guys, you really spent some effort on this! If I am following correctly, I could place a metro station more or less anywhere between Agatha's House and Bethesda Ruins (there is a metro there according to the wiki). It remains to be seen if there is a spot there that would make a metro entrance believable, I will look at the area today. Platz would be nice because it would fit nicely into the lore. It might be a bit strange that they didn't choose to live in Megaton instead, and also less interesting for the player if it is in the area you explore early in the game. I would welcome your thoughts on this. I will look at this area as well. I could also go ahead like ghostnull suggested and plop a station down somewhere south of canterbury commons, and just dodge what line it belongs to. Jackpot of course would be an existing metro entrance, filled with rubble, with no associated underground content, in a fairly low danger area. Regards, The Nonsense Factory
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