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About LordSam17

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  1. I know there was recently a mod that let you romance Moira. And the Amy Wong mod had some slight romance to it... well, in that she eventually said "I love you." And other sappy things. There was never really an ability to reciprocate, or do anything romantic as far as I remember. I haven't used Amy in about three years.
  2. I think that it should be free travel up to a point. Maybe when the courier knows for sure that your Mark (puns) is in Utah, no more travel. But before that, you would be allowed to travel back to grab that uber sniper or whatever is needed. Maybe there should be a penalty for doing that though, like any quest you have active from the mod might be failed because the trek back to the mojave is a very long one.
  3. I downloaded Caesars 5th Cohort and monster wars a while ago on a mod binge. The short version of my issue is that, upon killing an enclave patrol from Monster Wars (who use the enclave faction in game) I pissed off the salvatores from 5th Cohort. The Salvatores and the Enclave appear to be allied, I don't know. But, the enclave remnants oddly enough are part of the enclave faction and not the enclave remnants faction. So after pissing off the salvatores I got a message saying that they will attack on sight, and since the enclave remnants are part of the enclave faction and not the remnants faction, they are fighting me. I've looked through FNVedit and noticed a script was run that makes it so the enclave and salvatores were hostile, how do I stop that script? I'd love to finish Auld Lang Syne.
  4. I know I've been playing with mods too much when: 1: I play the vanilla fallout and start to wonder "Where the bloody heck is Willow/Amy Wong/Jessi/Niner/ Insert-name-of-current-companion-here" 2: I start telling a friend who plays the same game on console about a fun moment I had with Willow, and she goes all "Who's Willow?" On me. 3: When I tell my dad about an awesome moment in a game, it's not from vanilla game, it's from a mod. 4: When I look at the standard guns and go "What is this WW2 BS? Where's my Ultra-Tacti-Cool M4/AK/MP5/Insert-name-of-ultramodern-firearm-here" 5: You see an awesome weapon on the site, download and install it, but then find out you already had that mod installed. Whoopsy. 6: You play vanilla Fallout and wonder why the nuclear wasteland is so empty, weren't there more trade caravans/soldiers/enemies/random insects? 7: You start to base real life situations in Fallout logic or happenings. Example: I really like this M14 I found... how much does it cost? *Goes on internet* Wow, a real life M14 is redunculously expensive...; or "Well, Niner always told me to have fun..."
  5. It occured to me recently that you're mods always have unique items in them, NVB1 had Ferguson Rifle, the cool 44 Mag revolver, etc, what can we expect from this mod in terms of unique items, if you're willing to tell.
  6. I'm actually watching Zulu as I type this, and I had some ideas for the mod. I remember you talking, one point, about there being other contractors besides yourself. Depending on how many contractors there are, hopefully at least two, they should have polar-opposite opinions on what to do. IE: Spend medical supplies on saving already wounded soldiers pre-fight, on the chances it will work, or save the supplies (And maybe euthanize the wounded) for the main battle. And you could choose either option, or be a middle ground (Save those we can, but those who are too far gone we don't try to save.) Also, I disliked how in normal NV lots of the work you did with the faction really only goes into options for the end game fight. Maybe, if your character is on good enough terms with certain factions, you could call in reinforcements from them, which would lead to a few things. If you call in help from the Followers of the Apocalypse, they use their extensive medical knowledge to save troops, increasing morale, but their anti-war leaning has some detrimental affects. IF you call in the BOS (After getting some form of a peace-treaty/cease-fire), you get a squad of power armored spec ops which will help, come the main siege. But the legion, noticing the soldiers, will up their game to match, equipping their soldiers with more firearms and attacking more often so that the advantage of the power armored soldiers is nullified. And maybe some of the soldiers in the firebase will be upset that the BOS is here, leading to increased tension. Also, someone suggested the morale system work for the legion as well, so here's an idea I had for that. At some point, the Legion has to blow off some steam, right? The constant attempted raids and standing around would be tough on them, so they have some shindig going down, maybe a giant feast, or an orgy with the local captured slaves, or what ever it is they allow. You can possibly ruin it in several ways. 1: You poison their food supplies, so that for a while (maybe even up to the time of the siege if you work fast enough) soldiers will have been taken out of the fight, either due to death or food-poisoning. 2: You crash their party, coming in either guns-a-blazing or ninja-like, and kill quite a few people, leading to there now being less soldiers to fight, a decrease in legion morale, and the legion no longer allowing things like those parties, making stress rise on their side. A possible consequence for this one would be that they know it was you and attack more often. 3: Ofcourse you could do nothing, leading to the Legion having an increase in Morale and being a tougher fight come final siege. Those are the ideas I have for now. Happy Trails, LordSam17
  7. Well, I have mediocre Geck skill... but I'm not even remotely sure on how to script or anything. Ah well. I do better with story lines, personally. But, if you need some help, I'm willing to offer it.
  8. I have a question. Is this a WIP or just a bunch of people getting together and talking about what they'd like to see from this mod if it ever gets made?
  9. I went on Youtube today and saw that Rooster Teeth had released a 'Five Facts' about New Vegas, and one of the facts was that J Sawyer had released a mod with the stuff left out of the game originally. Where can I get it?
  10. This is a quick request. I have always seen the 14mm pistol from the old games and thought that the gun was more ridiculous than a Desert Eagle. I once designed a 14mm pistol with a longer barrel and a stock. I lost the picture, but the idea remains. I know there are 14mm pistol models out there, my request is that someone takes one of those and throws on a stock and longer barrel, probably like the one used by a gauss rifle or the rail-system on the marksman rifle.
  11. There was one made, but I'm pretty sure it is in a mod that is no longer on the nexus and that I am not allowed to talk about for reasons of the author being banned and the site it is currently on being a competitor to the nexus. But, fear not, I'll see if I can pull some magic out of my magic hat and contact that author and get permissions and what not.
  12. I've seen an M1A1 carbine on the nexus, look up "Carbine" in the advanced settings. That's should do it, though it goes by a different name than 'M1A1'. Also I saw a WW2 pack out there with a sten in it, and I believe Scottmack is working on a springfield.
  13. The way I saw it was this: Every being is free to determine their own path. I almost went Stormcloak for this reason alone. However, when I enter Windhelm and see how pretty much every nord there is against any elf (with the exception of that one dude you meet in candlehearth hall) or non-nordic race, I see that Ulfric wants to determine the fate of everyone. Not just his city, or maybe even his country. He wants to kill any one who gets in his way, which is why he killed the high king. And this I cannot abide. However, since I hold out hope for an official dlc where we kick the thalmor out of skyrim, I have not finished the civil war quest line a second time. I'm thinking if we do get to kick the thalmor out of skyrim, it would be better to have the full, combined, efforts of both Empire and Stormcloak fighting against the thalmor. But, if it comes down to picking a side before that, I will choose the empire. Bigger force, and they would allow the free worship of Talos again if they win. Scratch that, when they win, since my Dragonborn would help them. Funny how the tide always changes dramatically when one minor hero is thrown into the mix, huh?
  14. Personally, I see the argument here much like the argument about FO3's Dad. Alot of people on the nexus are upset that he was upset at you for doing BAD THINGS. He raises you to do good, and when you do the opposite, your surprised? People even talked about wanting to join the Enclave. I don't know any person who would willingly join an organization that KILLED their father, unless it was to take it down from the inside. Onto the point here though... I don't really roleplay as a vamp-hunter, more as a doer of good. And serana is a good person, even if she has a flaw. And even if I were to RP as a Vamp-Hunter, she would be a necesary evil. I understood her logic about "you kill me, I'm one vampire, but if these people are looking for me, then something big is going on." Especially cause I knew that was an elder scroll on her back. So, I'm more that willing to put up with her, if it means that I can kill more vamps in the end.
  15. For me, it was during the rebellions assault on whiterun. I was married to Aela at the time, so I have her with me in this fight. The exact details are long and boring, so I'll get to the point. I enter whiterun, turn around to talk to my wife, and see she is not there. I run all around whiterun, maybe at some point she went inside? I end the search at my house, and realize exactly what must have happened. You see, skyrim's engine can only handle so many bodies, I imagine that some must have magically disappeared in the fight. Including Aela's. The next five minutes of real world time was spent 'fus-ro-dah' ing everything in my house, attacking the walls with my sword, and wondering "what have I done, bringing my wife into this fight?" I then promptly loaded up a save before that entire fight and sent her back home.
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