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  1. Ok well apparently it was the controller. One of the mods I listed conflicts with the controller and the ability to enchant. So if your enchanting stops working and your using a controller UNPLUG YOUR CONTROLLER!!!! I know this is a pain in the ass but it is a temporary fix!
  2. Well im using a controller also, ill try disabling the controller and see if it works then, thanks!!!
  3. Ive found that editing the map can mess this up, so can the mod that allows you to zoom in on the map. Change your .ini file back to its original and remove any map mods you have.
  4. For some reason my enchanting no longer works. I have the option to go in and add what I want, what enchantment, what soul gem........however it doesnt give me the option to create it??!?! Has anyone else run into this problem? ( i tried multiple arcane enchanters with various different combinations....nothing ) Does anyone know of any mod that is messing this up? Attached file is picture of mods im running.
  5. Well I am unhappy. The reason being is in oblivion, our characters ( or the ones we would be fighting ) seemed to be split into 3 groups: Magic, Weapons or Both. And as a character in oblivion who was heavily based on magic, if I ran into group 2 I had to change my entire strategy. I tried magic in this one, but due to the fact they took out 90 percent of spells in this one, and made conjuration just 1 or 2 damn things, it was irrelevant and after about level 10, I pulled out a sword and went to town. This is my plea to get someone to start on a monster mod of some sort!!! (btw I read all your rants)
  6. I loved Oblivion, even before the mods for more creatures and items etc........... However, it seems I already know what im going to be facing once going into a cave, or a dungeon, or anything else...... Im going to encounter either: a draugr ( who eventually looks like every other one ive encountered ), a spider ( same creature ive seen since level 1 ), or............wait no, thats it? I have no fear walking throughout the forests or roads of skyrim at night, not worried about being gang raped by bandits/deadra/random bad ass creatures....... I generally go where I please and own all that I encounter with some tact and intelligence, whereas in the previous elder scrolls, my fear ( usually brought on by lesson learned ) kept me off of the roads and out of the forests until I thought I could handle it or was fast enough to run away! It just doesnt seem to make me sit on the edge of my seat wondering " omg what will I encounter next ", its more like a " how many draugr's will I have to kill this time? " its a hack and slash fest thats completely redundant. Its great the game is pretty, but its not very interesting or exciting after the first 50 hours. If your thoughts on this are " wait till the patch comes out " then basically I should have waited 3 years to buy this game and I could pick the greatest mods and saved half the money?!?!?!?!
  7. PROBLEM RESOLVED! Apparently, simply turning steam to offline mode fixed my issues. I started a new game after putting into offline mod, then once in that game, I loaded my previous game....................????? So if you have this same problem, just try that!
  8. This is not a crash problem. This is Skyrim not loading ( I can get into the game, go to load my last saved game, and it will just stay on the load screen ). Things that happened prior to problem: Download and installed new mods. Got the error for 4gb skyrim missing the .dll. What I did: Reinstalled DirectX to get the .dll working again, could get back into skyrim, but came across the loading screen never actually getting me into the game. What else ive tried: The resolution would be simple: Turn off all mods, then go back and do each one to find the culprit. Sadly, even after turning off ALL modifications I cant get back into the game. Encountering the same problem. I even reinstalled Skyrim???? Any help on this would be great. Ive tried reloading older saves, starting a new game, nothing works!!! Any thought would be greatly appreciated!
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