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  1. I'd side with the Enclave, here's my well thought out reasons. The Enclave seem to have everything in top shape and top notch coordination, other than the disputes between Autumn and Eden. The Brotherhood on the other hand are scattered all over the place like wastelanders, they're less organised then the raiders for crying out loud. The tech of the Enclave is indisputably better than that of the Brotherhoods and what President Eden has recorded and played many times over the radio actually leads the capital wasteland 'America' a chance to be hopeful. I've not sided with the Enclave yet and have only ran through the story the once in which I hated the Enclave for pressuring my dad so much he killed himself. (How'd Autumn survive?) -- Again a powerful display of technology. I also think the Enclave just look incredibly better than the plain boring brotherhood.
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