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Status Updates posted by KDStudios

  1. That is because they are two epic pieces of software.

    Oh and they were cheap at the time =D

  2. Great thanks and yourself?

    Got yourself NV yet? =]

    I gotta wait till the 22nd =/ ah welly.

  3. Was here peeking too ;)
  4. He always does ;)
  5. Too much if you asked me, complete texture overhaul. Theyre all new and all edited. Practically everything has been touched.

    The options just make sure EVERYTHING is touched, optional tree, robot and clothing/armour packs :)

  6. Complete, all the optionals are complete too.

    Just doing the once over to check everything and then uploading.

    But it's gonna take some time to go through and check the compression of 1300 + files

  7. Haha you keep an eye on it for me ;)
  8. Saw this image on imageshare and immediately thought of Robco certified.


    Perhaps you could make it and incorporate it into your mod?

    Being able to make turrets and place them anywhere would be awesome

    (was going to be in a message but you don't accept them haha)

  9. Hey there =)

    Sure you can =)

  10. I'm doing alright thanks, how about yourself?

    Yeah its been a short while =)

  11. Alright thanks you?
  12. Wait... Do I know you? ;)
  13. Why have you uploaded these terrible files?

    Use your own imagination and go play "Noob" on a busy road if you're going to be like that.

  14. Love your name.

    A fellow fan of Enterprise? =)

  15. Hey man, thanks for the comment but a message would have got you a quicker reply. About Mothership Zeta battle. It is just a save game. The game is not edited at all, I uploaded it for people who would like to play the battle only... Sorry there's not a lot else I can do.
  16. Have a comment ^_^
  17. 1st comment... hmmm


    Thanks to you most of the modded weapons in my game work with Ironsights.

    If I could give you more than kudos I would =P

  18. "KDStudios has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?"


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