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In response to post #56085816. I disagree with you that there are more than less. But there are definitely some out there but I can only come up with a few. This system will mostly benefit people with a lot of downloads, so basically recognized mod authors. And again like many before me have said and I'll say it as well. Mod authors post their mods here for free. You as a user downloads whatever mods you fancy for free. What do you give back? So with that said, now thanks to this system you will help authors because lets face it, most people don't donate to mod authors even if they deserve it. And I just need to say that I completely disagree with your last statement. I see plenty of people that express their opinion. I think because you're a fairly new user, you should be careful speaking for a community you haven't been a part of for long, like you've known it for years.
Even if it's obvious, it's nice to see that the authors of Nexus and workers are indeed modders as well that play games and enjoy them the same way we do. I'll look forward to the next post, though a shame that I couldn't see Robin's pick :)
In response to post #39491315. #39496050, #39497250, #39531815 are all replies on the same post. And the mod would still work on a console. Even if it requires SKSE or FOSE, you can still download the mod. They're never included in the mod, hence the mod would work because it's just a "fake" requirement.
In response to post #39518795. It's so lovely to see those kind of threads. Just simple comments when people say thank you or give contructive critism is great. Thank you for your thoughts as well and happy modding :)
After reading so many comments and ideas it's sad to see that the community is so divided. Let's be honest though. A mod authors work is an authors work. An author have some sort of right to that creation, no matter if it's physical or digital, that's not relevant even. All people defending this idea of this being ok are most likely just consumers. I've checked most profiles and they are, many new as well. I hate how this community (especially since Skyrim) has started to go away from kind people. These days there are so many greedy users with no contribution and that they speak for my work is something I dislike. They don't represent me nor my work. It's that simple. What I create is my work. Don't take my work and do what you please with it. Don't justify it with "B-but I gave credit man!" I honestly think it's disgusting. Most big modders of this site agree that their creations should be in their control, not someone elses. It's their work. Please for the love of god, is it so difficult to respect that? Greed is what it is.
In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820, #39495215, #39495510, #39495745, #39495875, #39496060, #39496080, #39496750, #39496960, #39497070, #39497535, #39497750, #39498490, #39498745, #39498845, #39501930, #39503535, #39506700, #39516610, #39516730, #39517310 are all replies on the same post. @Brabbit1987 That might be true as I used to be one before 2010, but that doesn't change the fact that in this specific case, this user hasn't contributed in a sinlge way to the community. It's obvious already what kind of person this is. It's a consumer with no sense of the modding community. I agree that there are lurkers in the community, but if you never endorse, post, reply or whatever, you're not a part of the community. Simple as that. I love the modding community, I really do. But I will NEVER, like these members that post comments like this when in reality they have no clue of what they're talking about, especially when they don't contribute. A mod is that mod's authors work. Regardless of size, the origninal author is indeed the author. That person put his or hers time and effort into that and YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TAKE THAT AWAY FROM THEM. According to me, it doesn't matter what the consumers think, that's not relevant at all. Because it's not their work. Sorry for my rant.
If there's one feature I've always wanted in NMM that existed in the old managers such as Oblivion Mod Manager, is to open up BSA files or archives if you will. So my question is; is there any reason why this isn't implemented yet? This is something I really want to know.
Nice images, looking nice indeed! I know how you feel in a way, I had 560ti too before I upgraded. The difference was huge for me, though I also replaced my processor, still though. Performance wise, it literally climbed up a lot of steps on the ladder. Anyway, I'm sure the grin on your face will widen up with your new card in the future. Hopefully the 700-series will be as good as the 600-series when they were new. Best regards mate, Loke
Thanks all for advices and thanks Georgie for wishing me luck! About my settings, they aren't really a problem though. Only time it's not 60 fps is around the forest southeast. I don't use ENB, I use Realistic Lighting and RCRN, with high res texture packs. Like you said prod, I'm still finding that balance, but I like my look of it right now and the game runs smooth. Now I don't know what cards you have, but skyrim runs very well with the GeForce GTX 670 2048mb version. http://puu.sh/2VbQF.png <- My other components. Though some of the info is on swedish, but I think you'll understand either way. Again, thanks for everything, I've done my tweaks and I like it and I'll share a beautiful gif with before and after pictures of RCRN. http://puu.sh/2VcWj.gif Remember that this is a gif so some quality is lost, but I still like it. Cheers everyone, Loke
Sorry for not replying, having my final exams this month, but thanks. Everything seems to cast shadows correctly now, the only thing that isn't working properly right now is the resolution. Other then that, it looks great! I really appreciate the help Georgie, I really do. Thanks a lot mate! Cheers, Loke
Oh sorry I forgot to mention that. After I made these ini changes, I did create a new character. I have boss too. I've usually very picky about mods and I'm often careful with what to install, due to my past experiences of modded Bethesda games. I just think this is strange. I don't think it's hardware related. But at the same time it feels like this interior only changes is memory related, but I have a Nvidia geforce 670 with a memory of 2048mb. But. I haven't upgraded my ram for ages. I still only have 2gb, but I have plans on upgrading that. Any chance it's ram related? Games by Bethesda Game Studios, they are the ones that really uses ram a lot, and the harddrive. I'm basically just frustrated with this issue. I remember having great shadows this summer and now they don't look that great. Frustrating... Thanks again and I you have more tips or advices, please tell me. I do appreciate them a lot! Best regards, Loke
Ok, so I tried that with no succes. Like I said, the interior shadows update, but not the exterior. So my edits only affect interiors.
There, I edited my first post so it has a spoiler. Thanks for the tip.
So like the title says, my ini edits only affect interiors. Short story: I've been modding, making mods, altering skyrim for quite some time. I've upgraded my pc with several components over the year, so I have re-installed skyrim a lot of times. This, I'm afraid might have caused some issue along the way, the missing mods when reloading a save. I'm no sure but I wouldn't be surprised due to the amount of mods I have installed over the time. So with over 100 mods active, texture packs and realistic lightning, I'm not satisfied. So I wanted to fix one thing that still bothered me. The shadows. I make my edits in the skyrimprefs.ini located in My Games/Skyrim. Increasing shadow resolution to 4096 and increasing the "iBlurDeferredShadowMask" to 7, so the shadows are more blurry or smooth. But nothing changes. I'm running around and writing "refreshini" in console so it updates, but teh shadows still look bad. A time after that I go indoors to actually play the game, but indoors I see my own shadow from a dynamic light source and it's a good resolution and it's smooth. I alter the ini again and what do you see? I find out the my changes only alters interiors. So any advice regarding this matter would be very appreciated. I'm also adding a text file with my ini settings. Best regards, Loke