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About mrpepperkitty

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    United States
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    FO3, Oblivion, Empire Total War all w/heavy modding
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  1. Really ?!?!?! Must ready the nerd survival kit at once!!!!!
  2. Hey I can't find a date anywhere D: But do any of you know when the CK comes out?
  3. But there's a mistake, I can't find Game of the year edition anywhere on steam! :thumbsup:
  4. Will there be dragons underwater? That'd be sweet, on a boat, Dragon attack!!! Those dragons would have some treasure.
  5. Disturbing, both the announcement and reaction. Tread wearily until more info comes out. If they see this reaction and immediately release PC gameplay, I will be very satisfied, and if they don't, their silence will make a statement as well. Despite Oblivion being a port it was pretty amazing, y'all have to admit, but mods were a large part of that awesomeness too. Not just adding things, but fixing things. It looks like we will have this capability no matter what. Right now I feel a little betrayed by ports though. CoD blackops even on deep discount was deeply disappointing. That withstanding reaching a larger audience is also dangerous. After recieving my pre ordered Civ5 I played a whole game (in 2 hours, thats how long some of my TURNS in Civ 4 took) and after waiting and waiting for the "strategy" element to kick in, I won, and immediately dove back into modded civ4. Mods to the rescue again, but civ5 seems un moddable/helpable. As long as Skyrim retains its "rpg ishness" without just becoming a FPS without guns I'm sold. And come on guys, really not planning on preordering? Even if it is the worst game in PC history(I'm not really worried about that though), you guys will be there to pick up the slack, and give my khajit nice new textures, an AK47, and crazy new badguys to shoot it at :laugh: .
  6. The president should change what year it is back to 2006 so it comes out 6/6/06 and we can play it today 5 years ago. But I bet he already has a copy because they didn't want him to do that :( . Cuz this new info is just tantalizing. Also did anyone else notice how the giant helped the wooly mammoth? It's be cool to see some OOO style animal factions in Skyrim. And what was that guys magicky bar doing, it looked like a slow drain, not just a single casting cost! Can you just keep a spell going until you're out?!? If you need a free hand for magic, do you need one to use a potion?!?!? How many Oscars and Nobel Prizes will this game win?!?!?!?!? The wait is just maddening, and the hospital keeps bringing me back whenever I try to hibernate for the release :( . I need a demo or more trailers or something.
  7. LOL, looks like the final round will be between Fallout and TES (both are winning by a lot now) the way things are heading, don't want to be anywhere near these forums if that goes down.
  8. Me. That's what keeps me coming back to those games. Did ya know they're making a new one? And yes if Skyrim had a system like that I would be set but there might be some isues jamming magic in there and having that balance. Optimally they'll derive melee and archery from M&B at least. It'd also be interesting to see how your companions fought with you under those settings.
  9. Go do some mods, then come back here.If you spend the next months doing nothing but learning coding, blender, and, master the G.E.C.K.,it'll probably be closest to the new creator.Then this might be possible with a few good modders.
  10. I generally hope they can have cutscene-esque type scripted things, but where you play an active, ingame part.In oblivion every :wallbash: conversation became a cutscene.Only game I've played where cutscenes don't just stop the action is Mafia 2, but I dont think there'll be gunplay or excessive swearing in Skyrim. It'll be interesting how they do the new conversation thing though. It looks like Bethesda will once again set the curve for ingame interaction.
  11. Reading these makes me think the ya'll should show a little insight into the characters character too, not just their skillz, race, and gender. Not just "my mage is gunna be a tall elf guy with a sword". My first characters are always a lil' noobish, even if I play the games before Skyrim. I also think my first character(aforementioned mage w/ sword) should be a little unhinged. Making crazy decisions once and a while makes things.... interesting.I always try to act on all of my "what if I ......." urges on the first guy. SO he'll probably be a moderately well karma'd mage but with a few skeletons in the basement. Bethesda had better have a way to cover up crimes in this one, cuz in oblivion, all de skeletons were just in my yard.
  12. Personally, I love it when a game can actually make me jump a little every now and then, like you said. Walkin' through a cave, then boom, raughr, scary zombie!!Boom, spiders!! Boom, cave dragonz maybe? Bethesda games are really the only ones that can give me a jump when I play them.They make things that force me to creep through dungeons on my guard. That's one of the many things that makes them Bethesda.Also, there is a pirate mod, its pretty popular. Bethesda might look at that.
  13. Good to hear you're finally on the mend. Now you won't just experience Elder Scrolls 5(still early, lucky), but also elder scrolls 6, 7, 8, and 9. There won't be a 10, as 9 will break the awesome barrier and destroy the universe.Also, please tell them to, if they haven't already, do something with item moving, how many people just got crazy OCD :wallbash: trying to arrange weapons, books, or bodies?
  14. Wow, went back to watch it more and it's still lagging. Imagine how many industrial man hours are being destroyed by Bethesda.Many of those are my hours, analyzing the hell out of that trailer :laugh: . My conclusion (watch the dragon crash) Destructible/at least semi destructible environment! Can't wait to blow some things up :devil: !Edit: Can't believe I forgot this I'm gonna do my first playthrough without using doors if possible. Doors are for non pyro-mages.
  15. Did y'all see when da dragon crashes?!? It makes a crater! Dynamic/destructible environment?!?!? Also I like the throat slittey/stabbey part :ninja: . I'll be expecting another equally informative and awesome trailer within the next few days, and regularly until release.I have spoken Bethesda!!!
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