This is what collections are supposed to be for. I don't know if there are any that have exactly what you are looking for. There might be. I was looking at some in FO4 and it was predominantly people posting their entire load order, which completely misses the mark. Those collections are more useful for seeing what mods people are using that you don't know about yet. If you want to try something simple, start off with Noble Skyrim. If you don't like the snow, search nexus SSE using the word "snow" and sort them by endorsements. I've been using Nordic Snow but there are others that are popular. I recommend looking at Natural View Tamriel for an enb preset. I have Water for ENB installed, but the water isn't opaque enough. It's so transparent and colorless in some places that white water sections can look like foam floating in air. Its main advantage is that it doesn't edit cells like Water 2 does, so you don't need a series of patches for conflicting mods.