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Posts posted by blitzen

  1. So are we saying we should NOT reload. But quit the game completely and restart the game to be safe?



    Yes. Reloading a save while the game is running is not the same as loading a save after starting the game from a shutdown state.

  2. Fallout 76 ***is*** Fallout 5,



    FO76 isn't FO5 any more than ESO is TES6. As for the rest of the rant, you seem to be taking this personally, and making quite a few inferences and assumptions. The "conspiracy" to promote the game and crush any dissenting voices that you mention won't affect the ultimate success or failure of the game. I'm not reading a lot of forums, so I don't know about the "griefers" and "tears", but if that's happening, it's as much the fault of people whining about their dashed hopes and dreams in a public forum as it is of the trolls that feed off the misery of others like virtual vampires. It's a dysfunctional codependency. Oh, and kudos for the most bitter-sounding comment I've read on the internet. That's quite an accomplishment. Don't let this stuff bother you. There are going to be mods for Skyrim and FO4 that will be like new games. There is a lot going on. Focus on that instead. The delay of TES6 and a real FO5 are the best thing that can happen to these projects. They have a chance of reaching completion before the next generation games pull all the modders away from TES5/FO5.

  3. I'm honestly slightly stunned about F76.


    ...there's a huge chance, that the game will be just boring for its usual audience.



    It seems to me that Bethesda is moving on from its traditional audience, and catering to newer generations of gamers instead. So, yeah. I think there is at least some chance that FO76 will be a total flop.

  4. There are tons of reasons for black faces.


    The basic: Texture has 4 different files: diffuse (the actual texture), normal map, spec map, and sk (don't even know the full name). If you are missing texture, the whole thing will turn purple. But if you are missing the other 3, you may get black face. This is not a glitch as glitches would suggest something are not working as intended. But in this case, the game is likely working fine, but you somehow are not giving it all the needed files (or it cannot find the expected files at the given path).


    The reality:

    - You are really missing a file. Go look in your texture mods to make sure all the files are there.

    - The mod author made typo of file name or path. You need to input correct path inside .esp (via SSEEdit or CK) or maybe just change the file name.

    - The mod author saved the texture files in a format the game does not quite understand.

    - Some other mods redirect your file path ... need to find the offending mod, and read comments to find out if there is a workaround.

    - And this is new to me: Vanilla hair replacer.


    Yep, you think Vanilla hair, all you need is to give them new mesh and textures. But it's not simple as you would expect. Any non-vanilla NPCs without dedicated textures may experience black face. Some mods just create generic NPCs, like Flower Girls, Carriage Overhaul, made new characters with existing game resources .... will conflict with Vanilla hair replacer and cause black face. 2 workaround for this:

    - Either follow instruction on Vanilla hair mod, alter every single new .esp that creates patch/support for the new hair styles.

    - Or do not use hair replacers. You can have add-on, just not replace. You can use any hair you like, but NPC will be stuck with Vanilla hair.


    This is incorrect. Black faces don't necessarily mean something is missing. That is usually not the cause from my experience, and I've had plenty of black faces show up at various times, all of which I have fixed. In fact, in SSE, that has never been the cause of the black faces I have seen.

  5. Does anybody know if there is a way to reduce the basic AI detection range? I don't mean for detecting a character that is sneaking. I'm referring to the range at which the game NPCs and creatures becomie aware of the presence of a hostile NPC or creature, even one that is not directly visible to them.

  6. Wait, there are mods that can play videos? The only video I ever see is the intro video, the Bethesda logo. Anything else from there on out are scripted scenes: real models of actor characters doing scripted things. It's easy to tell, whatever modded outfit/weapon/spells will be used in the scenes. No pre-generated video can do that.


    "Beyond Reach" has a video which, fortunately for me, has an option to skip in the game. For other mods with videos, I've had to use the console to advance the quest to the next stage after the video. You can stiil watch these Videos outside the game with a Bink player. They are found in the Videos folder in the game Data.

  7. This is just an off-chance: are your game files on C:Program Files? It could be Windows permissions are preventing the game from calling its video application, and thereby busting the game.

    The advice is to install away from the program folders to avoid permission problems.


    I might be 100% wrong, too!


    That's not it. I never install games under program files. They aren't on the same drive as the OS.

  8. I'm unable to play mods that have intro videos. I have to skip the intro video for "Beyond Reach" (it has an option to do that). I just tried to play "Umbra Island", and crash when attempting to use the boat to travel there, which allegedly starts a video. I didn't have this problem with Oldrim, but I'm on a different computer. I have no idea what could cause this. Does anybody know what affects in-game videos? Are there .ini settings? Does it rely on some external software such as flash (which I don't have)?

  9. Does anyone know what is happening with this mod?




    When I first learned of its existence, it was already showing as under review. It's been like that for weeks though. Did the moderators forget about it? I don't even know exactly what it does, since I was never able to read the description. I sounds like it might add some more conflict to Skyrim.

  10. Immersive Patrols and Immersive Creatures are problematic? I was using them both in Oldrim for a long time without problems. Is this something that started happening with SSE? I have them both installed right now. My game just started crashing with some regularity, but that's after a week with over 200 active plugins. I'd hate to lose Immersive Patrols. Skyrim seems empty without it. I was thinking about putting Warzones in.

  11. how is this topic still active ? x)

    ma man


    Just saw the new things, maybe I'll try them, but for the moment I'm not into playing skyrim (at all), and skse is still not out for the special ed right ? probably will wait for it


    SKSE is out. It's still in alpha though.

  12. NMM always works for installing mods, from my experience, as long as the mod has been packaged properly. Are you also using NMM to download the mod? I've never done that. Maybe that can cause issues. I manually download every mod to a local mods folder, then install from the local copy. There is some limit to how large a mod NMM will download, but the mods you mention are small.

  13. This is supposedly the largest DLC Bethesda has made (in landmass), but not largest in content (quests, etc.). It's larger than Shivering Isles for Oblivion in size, but has about as much content as Dawnguard for Skyrim. At least that is what I read somewhere.

  14. You can't use two start mods. Pick one.]


    Remove -Immersive detection of NPC. It dangerous.


    'This seems like it was from MO modlist text file, yes? Please use plugins text file instead, it only has your esp files and that what matters. Thanks for posting a list though.


    At last, use loot for the load order and wrye bash if you want use such a heavy load order. God, I thought my Skyrim was heavy.


    In what way is "Immersive Detection of NPC" dangerous?

  15. It means that Tony said 90% done. :sad:


    90% is inaccurate, and also accurate. We still have quite a bit to do, that last 10% will be a killer.


    I will say this: currently the file size is at 5GB. We expect this to grow by at least 2GB more.


    No further information at this time.


    If the degree of project completion is directly related to the file size, then the project is no more than 71% completed.

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