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About JazeriEbonheart

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  • Discord ID
    Skyward Star#6139
  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Modded Fallout 4
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    Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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  1. Actually, I found what's wrong. So I went to the SoS Skyrim Legacy page and found out that their skeleton mesh isn't even made for the regular Skyrim werewolf. It's for another mod's called Mighty Beasts - Werewolf. A mod that was taken down. But fortunately, a fan re-uploaded a copy of that mod, and even made a version for SSE Link: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8073-mighty-beasts-werewolf/ I personally don't like this mesh, so I just got rid of SoS. Although, if you use the non-nude version it may work, as long as that applies to werewolves as well. Or it may even work if you just delete the SoS werewolf skeleton file. Â Â Just as I read your reply and checked your link... I realized that I might have installed the Legacy version of that mod, which for some reason has been running well for months lol. Guess I'll have to re download and cross my fingers then. Thanks for the link! My had been working for awhile too, which is weird. Anyway, it could also be that they have patches for this and other mods (Say Moonlight Tales). But I'm not sure if those are converted to SSE, so if you use any of those patches that could be doing it too. Also, if you don't already, use Loot to sort your load order. That could help too.
  2. Actually, I found what's wrong. So I went to the SoS Skyrim Legacy page and found out that their skeleton mesh isn't even made for the regular Skyrim werewolf. It's for another mod's called Mighty Beasts - Werewolf. A mod that was taken down. But fortunately, a fan re-uploaded a copy of that mod, and even made a version for SSE Link: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8073-mighty-beasts-werewolf/ I personally don't like this mesh, so I just got rid of SoS. Although, if you use the non-nude version it may work, as long as that applies to werewolves as well. Or it may even work if you just delete the SoS werewolf skeleton file.
  3. So the problem is everytime someone turns into werewolf form the game crashes. I thought it might be Diverse Werewolves or More Werewolves, but I disabled the ESPs and started a new game and it still happens so it can't be them. I thought I didn't have any other mods effecting werewolves, but I guess I'm wrong? If anyone has a suggestion, I'd really appreciate it. I uploaded screenshots of my load order to Imgur because of the KB limit. :https://imgur.com/Dg3xasD :https://imgur.com/e2ucA23 Edit: So I basically just went through disabling mods until my game worked. Schlongs of Skyrim.esp is causing it (but for some reason the .esm doesn't mess up the game). If anyone has an idea to make them work together that would be great.
  4. I just now realized that the 2014 version is up. Thanks for the help. :laugh:
  5. When I searched for the patch it said "Sorry, we couldn't find that!" does that mean its gone for good?
  6. I'm trying fine the patch. do you still have it?
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