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Everything posted by Reignscythe

  1. But.. but there's an MCM menu just for that.. right?
  2. If you are still open (or weeding out requests you don't like,) can you make Dwarven prosthetic limbs? It can replace an arm or both as a gauntlet, a leg or both for boots, Dwarven metal plating for maybe the neck and thighs. Light and heavy variants, with the heavy looking more solid and armored, while the light looks bare-bones and slender. :D No need to over complicate it with scripts. Just make one gauntlet for left arm prosthetic, another for the right, then another for the both, and so on. I hope you consider this. Thanks!
  3. Dunno if it helps but there's a tweak in Wrye Bash that reduces the time before a cell resets. Just go to Wrye Bash, right click your bashed patch, go to tweak settings. There should be a cell respawn time and cell respawn time (cleared) variables there. The description says that it will also reduce savegame size, if that was your concern. I don't know if it's there already as I have discovered this only when I need to make a bashed patch, and by that time I already have ~40 mods installed, and I discovered that there are some mods that add/edit this tweaks. As for game stability, well, I saw many mods that does things in this way to avoid scripts and ensure better and more stable gameplay, I have tweaked them myself (cranked both variables to the lowest lol) and have no noticeable problems so far..
  4. So I've stumbled across a cyborg armor in an armor compilation mod just earlier. I really liked the Dwarven prosthetic limbs, but I hate how it takes up all the limbs of my character as an armor instead of being equipped as boots and gauntlets. I spent the last few hours looking for a mod-mod of this, chop-chopping the armor as a left prosthetic arm, right prosthetic arm, and so on. There's nothing, sadly. All I saw is comments requesting the mod author for that exact thing, or forum posts that say they tried but are having problems, mainly in permission and visibility issues. So can anyone do it? Or can, at least, guide me how to do it? I plan to find the mesh of the armor, disable/delete/etc. the unnecessary parts, keep the limb, load a hand/foot mesh to pair with it, and finally make an esp out of it. This is in theory of course. I plan to use Outfit Studio (lol please tell me it can do it by itself) If I can realize this, this will be my first time creating a mod (yaaay!) Here are the mod www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76214/
  5. Also happened with me when installing CBBE and some other mods. What I did was to just manually install the mods and keep a backup for reference and overwriting. Also kept a list to keep track of what mods I manually installed..
  6. Can't really put it into words but, whenever I start the game the scenes look as they should be. Run around, kill some stuff, etc. Loading screen here and there, and suddenly you'll just realize your game is getting flooded with whiteness! This effect seems to be more obvious when at night, in a cave or dungeon, it's dark but at the same time it's white.. It also seems to carry through loading screens, so that it also have this effect. I tried tweaking my enbseries.ini, adjusted gamma and brightness, but the problem seems to persist. My enblocal.ini is from ENBoost and tweaked it only to force antialiasing. I've read up on the STEP wiki about what each entry in the ini does, and nothing seemed responsible for this troublesome effect. I also checked my mod list, nothing seemed to be responsible for this as my only graphical mod was the Hi-res DLC's and Climates of Tamriel.. EDIT: I use Performance and Quality ENB with DOF off.. I also use ENB v0305 I can run Skyrim around 12-20 fps on 1366x768 My laptop's specs: Windows 10 Home 64-bit i3-5005U 2.0GHz GeForce 920M 2GB, Intel HD Graphics 5500 8GB RAM Here's some screenshots..
  7. I can't buy the houses from Riften and Windhelm and an upgrade from Whiterun house. They are actually three different problems, but fairly the same thing. Please take note that one mistake I did (careless of me) was to start the Imperial Legion questline and finish it maybe too early. 1. When choosing the option to buy the house in Windhelm, the new steward refuses, saying it's unavailable or something. (Implying the requirement of finishing Blood on the Ice, though it won't start for me..) 2. When choosing the option to buy the house in Riften, Black-Briar responds usually, but he didn't take my gold. When reselecting the option, he asks if I have changed my mind about the house.. 3. When choosing the option to buy the children's bedroom in Whiterun, the same thing as I have said above happens. Also, The children's bedroom is priced like this: ([...]). I have: Skyrim All DLC's SKSE 1.7.2 NMM 0.55.7 I use LOOT, Wrye Bash, and TES5Edit. I use these mods and are in this load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp 3 3 Dawnguard.esm 4 4 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp 5 5 HearthFires.esm 6 6 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp 7 7 Dragonborn.esm 8 8 Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp 9 9 ApachiiHair.esm 10 a HighResTexturePack01.esp 11 b HighResTexturePack02.esp 12 c HighResTexturePack03.esp 13 d dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 14 e SkyUI.esp 15 f RaceMenu.esp 16 10 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 17 11 iHUD.esp 18 12 Customizable Camera.esp 19 13 Kawaii Face Presets.esp 20 14 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 21 15 RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp 22 16 FNISSexyMove.esp 23 17 Immersive Weapons.esp 24 18 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 25 19 Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 26 1a UnlimitedEnchantments.esp 27 1b Crossbows_Basic_Collection_DE_LL.esp 28 1c ArrowsNoGravity.esp 29 1d Immersive NPC in the dark.esp 30 1e Immersive detection of NPC.esp 31 1f VioLens.esp 32 20 10 extra effect.esp 33 21 Enchanting Freedom.esp 34 22 Brawl Bugs CE.esp 35 23 AccessibleMerchantStorage.esp 36 24 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 37 25 Cloaks.esp 38 26 Shout-tastic_no CD.esp 39 27 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 40 28 Faction Crossbows.esp 41 29 BosmerArmorMATY743.esp 42 2a LoshRifle.esp 43 2b KCEAssaultRifles.esp 44 2c Unique Uniques.esp 45 2d FISS.esp 46 2e EnchantedArsenal.esp 47 2f MomoDash.esp 48 30 SBF All In One + DLC.esp 49 31 Dual Sheath Redux.esp 50 32 HearthfireItemsRespawn.esp 51 33 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 52 34 Bashed Patch, 0.esp 53 35 Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp I would like to have using console command only as a last resort. :/ Thanks!
  8. Download and install this (to look as what you have said, imo) Dual Sheath Redux (makes dual swords sheaths possible) XPMSE (XPMS can be okay too but I prefer the extended one.. This is for editing weapon sheath locations) RaceMenu (To change the place of the location of the weapon positions) FNIS (for generating behaviors and stuff..) ..and equip/unequip animations to match the location of the weapon sheaths. I use some parts of Immersive Animations and other sets of animations out there to match my tastes. I'd recommend Immersive Animations for starters.. Using dual swords and dual daggers is okay, but equip/unequip animations won't fit when you dual wield different types of weapons. As for installing them properly, see the respective pages.. That's all I can help, I guess..
  9. From the Argonian Skintones: <quote> -Adds several new skin tints -Brightens existing skin tints -Adds modified Argonian skin texture -Adds new warpaint/face colors -Adds a preset of the argonian in the preview picture </quote> Maybe the warpaints overwrite each other? Try installing the Argonian Skintones first then manually install the Warpaints.. I'm not really sure but.. it wouldn't hurt to try I guess..
  10. I realized my mistake. I never realized that the xpmse/racemenu something at the bottom of FNIS patches is unticked. Thought it was a different mod/combination. Anyway that was maybe my stupid mistake. Thanks!
  11. I got the Fix 1. I ran the generator. And oh. By XP32 Animation Pack it means the animations that came with XPMSE? Thanks, will try. EDIT: Wait. By weaponequip.hkx you mean weapequip.hkx? EDIT 2: Didn't work. I extracted FNIS, got the weapequip.hkx file, then replaced the corresponding file in my Skyrim directory with it. Did I do it wrong?
  12. Hi! I just need help here, as I am completely confused as to what I did wrong. My character (or any character I have saved before adding mods), initially plays animations I added just fine. But when I change the weapon placement of the swords and quiver, the equip animation for the swords won't work. My character just assumes the fighting idle stance, the swords are still sheathed on the back, and I can't attack. My mods are Unofficial Skyrim Patches (including DLC's), SkyUI, Realistic Ragdolls and Force, Immersive Animations, XPMS Extended, Dual Sheath Redux, FNIS Gen, RaceMenu, and Pretty Combat Animations, installed in that order. The weird thing is that when I start the game and load that particular save, the animations are working fine but the weapon placements reverted back to the original positions. When I use RaceMenu to put the sword placement on the back and the quiver to be on the hip, that's when the animations mess up. However, after changing the weapon placements, and load again the same save, then will the animations and the weapon placements work correctly. But when I save this instance, restart Skyrim, and load it, it goes back to messing up. As I said, even vanilla and clean saves mess up too. I have no idea what I've done wrong. Please help. :/
  13. Thanks for the idea! Will try to understand it..
  14. I downloaded a lot of animation packs, because, say, I wanted a certain animation available only on this pack for running and a different animation from another pack for idle dual wield. Problem is, I can't simply get them to work as I have thought by overwriting each other in NMM blindly. So I guess I should understand what those animation files mean. I know it is possible that it's obvious, but I don't really understand what they meant as English is not my first language. Is there anyway to know what animation a file represents? Also, after choosing out the certain animation files I wanted and put them in the right directory, can I just run FNIS once? I also asked this to avoid, as much as possible, the animation bug where the dual-wield sheathe/unsheathe animation only works on one arm. Thanks!
  15. As the name says, can anyone make invisible equipment that takes up all item slots? Make it enchantable, at least. Rather than downloading dozens of armor mods to fill in all the slots that'll just clip like hell even without custom animations and bodies, why not make do with invisible "armor" pieces? Thanks to anyone who will do this!
  16. Solved it, sorry. Turned out to be a problem in RaceMenu..
  17. Hi guys! I'm using Succubus Race made by Nikitaa and I noticed that when you get vampire eyes it will be all messed up (looks like empty). I'm surprised that no one seemed to have this kind of trouble before.. But I saw a post by Nikitaa that the face morph of her race is different hence the eye-clipping but when I asked how to solve this, didn't get a response. So I'm turning to you guys to help me solve this little problem. I'm thinking of.. Replacing Succubus's face or head morph file with default race one. (But it might change how my character looks like in-game right? And what file is it, exactly, if it even exists?) Remaking the eye texture to fit the Succubus. (Which I have no idea how to do it.) Thanks in advance..
  18. Happens to me too.. I'm using Remodeled Armors and Immersive Armors and IA for CBBE-BBP, although so far it only affects NPC's in clothes. Followers (Maybe because of SBF) doesn't seem to suffer from it though. Will follow this should a solution be offered..
  19. Hi! PC Gamer here.. so maybe the mods I know might not be available here.. You probably have known this but try Convenient Horses although my experience with it was.. well rough. As for face and body mods try CBBE (with HDT and BBP for.. you know.. something to look at besides the face) XPMS, RaceMenu (ECE would have been better IMO, but it's full of errors for me) That's some of the mods I can load here in my laptop without CTD-ing frequently.. so that's all..
  20. Care to tell me how? I would do it if it doesn't need that much tools and stuff..
  21. Sorry if there are any earlier ideas like mine posted here but is it possible? Yes it may be kinda OP and imbalance the game but hey, isn't it more realistic when you assassinated a merchant and get his/her shop items? Or is there a mod like this already available?
  22. Sorry for sounding a bit stupid but what's the difference of UNP and CBBE? Are they different 3D formats or extensions? I think I had installed both and I think it's the reason why the eyes are so messed up when being changed and the face turning into a pouty elf..
  23. Hello! I'm somewhat a fan of mods across many games.. even attempted to mod some old game and I'm so excited when I learned of Skyrim and its.. uh.. moddability..? However the game itself didn't really meet my expectations and to compensate for that I decided to mod it right away.. (I usually mod games when I fully understand the stuff in and out,) But I got overwhelmed by the numbers of mods and might as well be stumped by finding mods compatible with each other.. So um that's why I'm asking here.. I only wanted some very customizable (not necessarily adult) character editing and fixes for the character's faces and some good ENB preset favoring performance over quality (using my old Sony Vaio laptop with Core 2 Duo P8400 @ 2.26 GHz, 4Gb RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT) and a fix for that outdoor tree shadows.. Thanks..
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