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About lovender

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    Monster Hunter World
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    Monster Hunter World, Oblivion, Fallouts, Drakensangs, Dragon Ages, Assassin's Creeds, LEGO Star Wars

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  1. My Oblivion blog that contains some artful nudity: http://bootylivion.blogspot.com It's all bootylicious & shows some booty...
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    2. Deleted54170User


      Put that in one of those antique spinning walls with the each picture in each space and the eye would see a happy dancing, giggling, beach comber.

      :- )

    3. lovender


      Hahaha...did u create the walls? I'd like to see it... ;D
    4. Deleted54170User


      It is an old fashioned movie projector that was built before my time. They use too cut some paper pieces into long strip's. One had all the pix in a row on it. They put it up like wall in the shape of a ring, put it inside another paper ring so the pictures on the one ring on a turntable went by an opening and a light shown only on the forefront picture as it passed in view. The viewing slot was only big enough to look through with one eye. As the ring with the pictures moved in one dir...
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