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About rosedotnoire

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    United States

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  1. Maybe a scaled down version of their artifact? Thanks!
  2. This would be fantastic. I hate having to always make my characters smiths in order to improve my weapons and armor. I'd hapilly pay a blacksmith to do it for me. Would also be cool if you could, say, take stuff to Neloth or to the College and pay to have a specific enchantment.
  3. I like being able to have the in-house shrines and all...but what about the Dragonborn who are Daedra worshippers? The Vigilants might disapprove, but I think it would be great if my Dunmer Thieves' Guild Master could have a little Nocturnal shrine in her house, or maybe a shrine to Azura.
  4. I'd add in cleaning up the cattle pens in Castle Volkihar. Yes, I know we're evil vampires, but seriously, those thralls look like they haven't bathed in forever. Who wants to feed off of someone who's been lying in their own filth? Ew.
  5. My current DB is a Dunmer. She's completed the Companions quest line, but she really doesn't want to be schlepping Wuuthrad around--the screaming elf head kind of freaks her out. At the same time, it seems wrong to just shove it in a chest. I'm looking for a mod that will add a weapon rack or display case to Jorrvaskr so that Wuuthrad can be properly displayed. Thanks!
  6. I've been having a strange problem on both the Skyrim and Dragon Age Nexus sites. If I do a search, I get the results, but the page will spontaneously refresh and return me to a list of all files on the site. I'm using Chrome 18 on Windows 7 64-bit. The problem seems to have started a couple of weeks ago. It's not earth-shattering, but it is a little annoying. Anyone else seen anything like this?
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