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About theblackpenny

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  1. i would just like to add a thank you. out of everybody,, you seem to be the only one actually trying to take the time and help. i have joined a few forums and stipulated my issues , with very little response. many have had similar problems,, and some resolved, i have encountered egocentric arrogant fools,, that seem to hide behind a screen. hardly even lending a helping hand when they know how and where.... my problem is still ot solved,, i have sped the game up,, and some other older mods have decided to activate (wow) but i must say thank you. tried loot,, and then tried fo4edit (found loads of issues,, but dont know how to address those) i have a bag full of tools,, breaking my game,, and making it. my second character is pretty useless (is amusing ) but im learning, thank you
  2. hi, im also looking for the file location... fallout/data/dlc robot...does not present on my list . where are the robot meshes and skins ?
  3. does loot order actually do anything ? i see it picks up errors or bugs, and tells you how to clean them,,, but when i enter nexus mod manager,,,,the files are still in the same order..
  4. havent downloaded loot order yet,, still reading how that works, found mod organizer (any good and clearing or sorting files and preventing crashes ? now im getting crashes when i save,,, does not save
  5. its running .. bit jittery,,,but running.. and wow,, maps all messed up,, 120 settlers at city,,,,,, erm....nevermind. workshop menu messed up,,, cant find certain items, decorations, and other usual things that come in the workshop panel, luckely i have SKE,, as a workround . just a heads up that its sorta working now.
  6. semi working again,,,was big help..(i think) disabled everything...one by one installed again.,,, and edited the list.. couple crashes here and there ,, sorted more,,, crashes again,,, sorted,, disabled and enabled one by one,, sorted more.. started new game,,,stable... added and added ,,, crash figured out what and where (sorta) was able to get my old save game running again,,,, now its certain trades with settlers thats a bit buggy,, its a main file and a workbench,,,
  7. thanx i have most of those i think its armoursmith thats messing it up,,,, im moving files around,, and it used to be fine with all of them,,, now wont accept.... its defiantly and overwritten file . going over it one by one,,,, will take a long time
  8. thanx i have most of those,, i think its Armorsmith Extended.esp or some other workbench thats conflicting with something.. got it up and running,, but without mods.... going to sort and load one by one
  9. anybody have a list i can copy ? what order they should be in ,, what mods are good and what are bad...?
  10. dumped all the mods,, and was able to get into the game,, naturally a lot will have changed,,, so going through them one by one to try get a stable collection.. some one mentioned that you need a holotape to uninstall a few,,,,,,,,,,pesky
  11. start all over again ? i really dont feel like doing the whole game again,,,, i work late nights and use the game for when im waiting for products to Finnish (paint to dry sorta thing) i putter around and farm,, build towns and so forth,,, after a few months i have added a dozen new towns and built them up.. so,,,if i delete some old mods,,, it will maybe work,, but not in the long run. i have tried backtracking and finding the mod thats making the system crash (possible many conflicts)
  12. true,, very true.. im just shooting pot luck really,,, so far it has been working,,, now its a mess.. any way i can save the save game ? all the other bits and things i dont need,,,just the save game.
  13. disabled a few plugins and mods,,, now crashes on startup, if im quick enough i can get past start intro movie,, and get into the game menu,, and when i click continue,, it crashes, last night i was at least able to get into the game,, missing everything,, today ...no luck
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