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About verly

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    United States
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    Dragon age Inquisition and Fallout 4
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    at the moment Dragon Age series

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  1. Grey Warden's are not infertile.. two Grey Wardens together are (if they don't use magic), but there can be a rare chance for a Grey Warden and a non Warden to conceive. Dwarfs themselves have a very low birth rate, but there are apparently half dwarfs. Elves do not have a low birth rate, but any child conceived with a non elf will create a non elf. so a human + elf = human apparently Zev has one kiss where he does kneel (I had it happen with my dwarf. it was after the tent invite. and a mod has been created to cause better kisses and I use that now.)
  2. I like having Alistair as a romance, but only for a human noble. He broke my first city elf's heart. (and I was a bit devastated!) I actually prefer Zev's romance to Alistair. I guess I like the bad boy turned goodish. lol
  3. Twist what story? If you take the bribe you are allowing Shianni and the other women to stay for more "fun" That's part of the bribe. These same men that raped Shianni and the guards that say the sicking "she's still warm..what more do you need?" about one of the other girls. and the fact you take the bribe over the body of your bleeding and raped cousin. No, I don't see why she'd be mad about that at all.
  4. uhhh. wynne is right! She *really* doesn't like it when you are in a relationship with Zev.
  5. I'll share some of my DA fan art I painted based on screenshots I took in game: Sereda Aeducan banished: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b40/verly/Dragon%20age/Seredabanished.png Zev about to kiss my city elf Abby http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b40/verly/Dragon%20age/Zevpaint2.png and a finale battle scene with my city elf Abby: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b40/verly/Dragon%20age/AllyBattle.png I have a few more too. they are in my sig. lol
  6. I just found out about this dragon yesterday on the bioware site. I never knew it even existed.
  7. city elf female is my favorite. I guess dalish would be my least, but it's just because it seems so rushed.
  8. my favorite ending is having Alistair as sole ruler (hardened) and my character either staying in Denirum helping him out (with her love Zev at her side) or Zev and her off training new GWs. If it's a Alistair romance it's only as a human noble...I'm not going have my girl be the hero just to be a girl on the side for anyone and I can't think of a single character that I've made that would be happy with that idea. My favorite male ending I had was as a human noble male that had his relationship with morrigan (kissing bella and anyone else along the way) and marrying him off to Anora. (this was the only game I saved Logain because I couldn't see having Anora's daddy killed if my guy was marrying her. )
  9. sometimes I come up with my own and other times I'm not feeling creative and I just use the name in the creator or slightly change it so it's a bit different then the default name.
  10. oh, boo. lol. oh well. I just have an elfish looking human head then. lol
  11. I didn't know that either. my current avi is a human noble I made, but the face looks more elfish to me and I never knew there was a way to use that face as an elf face.
  12. This is the same answer I added to a discussion on the Bioware forums when this was asked: I have killed him in my game except once because I wanted the trophy, but since I bought the game on the PC I'll have to do it again at least once for the same reason. I like having Alistair in my party. As for why? I get that we didn't know everything that went on at Ostagar and I can understand that there might have been a reason for him turning from the war, but why did he blame the death on the Gray Wardens? Even some of the gossip was that it was silly because the darkspawn killed the king. It's his fault that my character has to sleep on the ground for somewhere around 2 years hiding out like a criminal gaining a rag tag group of companions which consist of: you're fellow gray warden who doesn't want to lead, a mage that complains about anything that is not totally evil, a loony bard that won't stop falling in love with my warden (I know it's a bug), a huge silent guy with anger problems, a flirty elf assassin that was sent by logain to kill my character (ok, that's a plus on his side), an annoying old lady mage that won't stop sticking her nose in my business and a large golum that also has anger issues. not to mention having to fix every problem my character comes in contact with "werewolves you say? I'll do it!" "No king? oh I'll spend a year here helping out. I don't have anything more important to do." then he blames selling elves to slavers on MY character and her gang of idiots. I didn't have a butt lode of cash either and my character didn't do anything like that. Oh, he dies in my game for sure.
  13. I love the hair style and character creator mods, as well as dragon age redesigned, but I really NEED the lock bash mod. I'm actually now fine with playing a warrior and mage now without being mad that I cannot open chests early in the game.
  14. I completely agree. I really want my guys to have nice hair too.
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