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  1. Some mods make the game dependent on them. For example, almost the first page of the top mod list on the nexus are requiring to have them in your mods folder (or r6, bin or whatever) otherwise the game indeed will not boot up. What i did was creating a cp backup base folder elsewere on my hdd. Inside were always these basic mods that every other mod is depdendant on (cet, red4ext, redscript, the xl mods, etc etc) the skip the splash screen and intro mod (load begone) and my custom body mod together with the april fools rig hyst made. Later i added as well the ultra plus mod, and the lut ive used called preem lut, and also its optional file preem lightning. Refrain btw from gits if you wanna use path tracing, cause even a 4090 can have trouble with that. Instead get the preem lut and lightning instead. As well a tip with lower ended systems, to not install density multipliers like nova traffic, or other mods that do it. They simply make the game even more taxing, especially with a lut and lightning mod installed. If you wanna read more about getting a stable game, and what worked for me, check this thread: There i go more in depth which made my game much, and much more stable. If you have any other questions, DM me, and i might be able to help Cheers, Mara
  2. Hey all. I had my game crashing quite often before doing the stuff in this guide. Especially when driving in dense areas in the city. With this guide, I solved it and my game is not crashing anymore for now for 2 hours straight. Ofcourse i don't know if it will stay this way, but before the steps in this guide, my game was crashing at least every half an hour. First a disclosure, this method is for nvidia cards only. Maybe parts of it will work for Amd and intel cards too, but I do have an nvidia rtx 4070 ti, so i know, with the latest nvidia drivers this should work for older cards too. But again, no guarantees. Also, this guide is quite a long read, and does have some misspelling here and there, but ive tried my best to make it as easy as i can tell it. But English is not my native tongue, as I'm dutch. So please accept that lol. If you gonna follow my guide to the letter, and have the nova city mod installed (and the weathermancer too), go ingame first, press escape, click mods, go to the weathermancer, load the first weather (sunny), then click the option to force the game to revert (or something like that, cause i cant check it anymore cause i have nova city uninstalled as i will mention later in this guide) and then manual (so not auto) save your game, and quit the game. Then (or if you dont have nova city installed) First and foremost what to do: Disable path tracing if you have it enabled (and switch down to RT if you have the ultra plus mod) and let only ray tracing be active and max out the ingame ray tracing settings. Next, still in the ingame settings, if your card is powerful enough to get decent fps without DLSS active, then let it be disabled. If not, and you need dlss, then let it be on auto, and ray reconstruction disabled as well. So no stubbornness, and setting it on dlaa, quality, or whatsoever. Just auto with ray reconstruction disabled. Again, if you use the ultra plus mod, set this back to RT, and afterwards make a manual (no auto) save, and reload, and quit the game. Next up, also quite important, go this site: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/drivers/ And click on Nvidia dlss dll, nvidia dlss 3.5 ray reconstruction dll, and nvidia dlss 3 frame generation dll. Don't download and install the most up to date versions yet, cause sometimes (again for me couple of days back, before sorting the rest of this guide) the latest versions won't boot your game at all. So download these 3 first as a backup: Nvidia dlss dll: 3.7.10 Nvidia dlls 3.5 ray reconstruction: 3.7.0 Nvidia dlss 3 frame generation: 3.7.1 These worked for me straight out of the box, even with my broken mods installed, so I consider these the most stable versions to rely back on when the other versions fail. So, download them, and place them somewhere on your pc, to have the backup. And also in that backup create another backup folder, where you copy and paste the same file names that are in the zip folders, that also can be found in your game folder (cyberpunk\bin\x64) The files that you wanna copy from said game folder are the 3 files that start with nvgnx as their names. So in the end, before installing the latest versions on the above website, make sure, you have both the older versions as a first backup, and your original game ones as a second back up, so you won't have to verify integrity and so forth anymore. After that backup is done, download the latest versions of the website: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/drivers/ and install them, and see if your game runs. If no, then first revert back to the older versions, if still no revert back to your game's backup. Test the game, to see if you can get ingame, but immediately if you are in the game, alt f4 back out, cause we have some other work to do. Thirdly, its time to talk about some mods. How sad I am to announce this, it IS what made my game a lot more stable, and this is completely getting rid of GITS: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9274 Ofcourse, GiTS have some amazing lightning if you installed it correctly, but instead, you better get Preem lut: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11510 And then install both the lut AND the lightning, as they are standalone. I also did had nova lut installed, but also get rid of that, cause again: It's very awesome, but seems not as stable as that preem lut and lightning is, ESPECIALLY with path tracing. When you've done that, its time to talk about weather mods. Unofortunally the nova city weather is really amazing, but again, not so stable since it is a beta. And since i noticed that i also was crashing, was when a nova city specific weather was loaded in. Have to say here though that it was not always the case, and sometimes the weather just loaded in fine. But about 80% of my crashes where specifically when a nova city weather was loaded in. So, for now I didn't have found a replacement weather mod to get instead, so for me its back to the vanilla weather system, which btw works great in combo with preem lut and lightning imo. I mean, in the desert it feels like a desert, and when its raining, it rains like cats and dogs for me But, were not done yet. If you have the nova city population mod installed: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13429?tab=files Get rid of it, and use vanilla density settings. Believe me, at rush hour times if you set the vanilla density settings at their max, then still it feels like sort of rush hour. Not as much as that a real rush hour in such a city would be. But honestly, imo then the game is unplayable cause of manouvrebility (sorry for misspelling, and for misspelling in this whole guide btw) cause of the dense traffic. And trust me, i have tried extreme density mods, and while they where fun to see in action, it was not something where you could say from: Hey thats a great mod to have for gameplay. Okay, with that done, we have only one thing left to do while were still outside the game, and that is installing another mod. If you have a card that is powerfull enough to do ray tracing (again, leave path tracing alone) then download the ultraplus mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/10490?tab=description if you dont have it installed already. If you do have it already, then (if you followed this guide to the letter) then you already set the ultra plus to PT, and have no path tracing enabled in the ingame settings, and have ray tracing maxed out. If you just installed it cause of this guide, or if you set the correct settings earlier... No matter what, because it's time to boot up the game again. Try loading a safe, and see if the game is playable for you. If you do have the ultra plus mod installed, you can also easily check the fps there. But do keep in mind that even if you have, lets say only 45fps, then its still pretty decent. If you drop around to 30 or even lower, then you might consider to remove ultra plus, and disable ray tracing altogether in the game, or only enable one or 2 ray tracing options. So, if the game is playable? Great! Hope it stays like that, and please let me know IF this helped for you indeed as well. Like i said, if the fps is low, consider dropping ultra plus, and raytracing altogether. But if you have some pop in issues, and having the improved vegetation lod mod, and improved environment lod mod installed, together with not so good draw distance, then lower the settings a bit of not so good draw distance I lowered the settings by 5 for the ones that were initial lower numbers, f.e from 10 to 5, and lowered it by 10 if the numbers where higher, from 30 to 20, f.e, and the last setting i lowered from i believe it was 150 to a hundred. This, combined with a lot of other mods that i have, made my game finally stable, even while driving at high speeds at dense areas. You gotta give something up, like the amazing relight, but get a pretty decent lightning mod back for it (nova lut lightning) And yes, you gotta give up custom weather and traffic density, but for me the aim was to enjoy the game again, not perse getting every little bit of juice out of it, to make it as pretty as possible. For example, path tracing, especially the path tracing from ultra plus the pt21 and up, and then with maxed out settings in the cet menu, i mean, thats stunning, and the lightning then is close to photorealism. But it IS making the game crash, and it IS taxing. As far as I can tell, even a 4090, can be brought onto its knees, with such extreme path tracing. Maybe the 5000 series from nvidia, or maybe even the 6000 series will change this, but for now, the 4090 is the best card there is, followed by the 4080 super, the 4080, the 4070 ti super, the 4070 ti, and the 4070 itself, and ofcourse after that the 4060 series. But it is what it is, and accept that. Also keep in mind that most likely the path tracing in 2.1 and above is just not implemented correctly by cdpr, as unfortunate it is to say and admit. But... Ray tracing itself comes close to what path tracing does, and gives you a much more stable game, at least that is what it did for me. So, if you managed to get to the end of this guide, thank you for reading, and let me know if this helped you as well to get a more stable game back. If it didn't help, also please let me know, and maybe i still can figure something out to help you. For now this was it Cheers, Mara
  3. First of all, this only works on a new game unfortunally! So do not ask me to make it work on an existing save, cause i have tried, and i couldnt make it work!, so again, this ONLY works on a new save. Step 0: You need to have enabled hidden files and folders, if you dont have them enabled, do step 12a first, then continue with step 1. Step 1: Make sure that cheat engine is working. Step 2: If Cheat engine is working skip to step 16. If you have not installed it yet, and need to download it, continue with step 3. Step 3: Make an exclusion for folders in your AV for C:\users\your user name\appdata\local\temp. If you know how to do this, do it, and go to step 16, if not, then continue to step 4. Step 4: This is for windows 10, I use the virus protection thing that comes included for windows 10. If you have another AV, then i dont know how to make exclusions, you have to google then how to do it. Step 5: Click on the windows button, and then click the cogwheel. Step 6: Click on update and security. Step 7: Click on the left on windows security Step 8: On the right, click on the first entry. Mine is dutch, but it should translate to something like virus and threat attacks Step 9: A new window opens, in this window on the right click on something that translate to manage settings thats underneath something that translates to settings for virus and threat attacks. Step 10: Scroll down a bit, and locate exceptions, and click on add or remove exception Step 11: Click on + Add an exclusion and in the drop down menu select folder Step 12: On the new window that opens up, on the right, click on this pc, then click the c drive (or where you have installed windows and your user folders) and then click users, then click your username, then click app data (if you dont see it, you need to make hidden folders visible, this will be explained in step 12a) then click local, then click temp, then click add folder on the bottom right. Step 12a: If you need to make hidden folders visible: on the my pc screen on the top click the 4th option which should translate to something called view. In the drop down menu, click on the arrow pointing downwards underneath options and click manage something that translates to manage folder and search options. A new window opens up, and in this window click the middle tab, and scroll down at the advanced settings untill you see something called hidden files and folders, and place a checkmark in; view hidden files and folders. Then click ok apply, then ok, then close everything and then navigate to this pc > c (or wherever you have installed windows) > users (or something that translates in your language) > your username > and see if there is a folder called appdata. If there is not such a folder, then repeat step 12a and follow it to the letter! Step 13: Close everything Step 14: Download and install cheat engine (google for it, and get it from its official site) Step 15: In the setup, click on skip all, and install it, then run cheat engine. Step 16: With cheat engine fired up, fire up saints row, and make sure to create a new game. Step 17: If you dont wanna watch the intro, hold enter to be able to go to the boss creator. Step 18: Alt tab back out of the game and go to cheat engine, and on the top left click the tiny blue screen thingy that says select a process to open, and then highlight your saints row exe, and then click open. Step 19: With the exe loaded, on the top right notice the value drop down box, click it and select float. Step 20: In saints row, go to the second tab and at chest size set the chest size exactly to 60. Step 20: alt tab back out to cheat engine, and in the bar on the right side of the checkbox hex, type 0.6 and hit enter and let cheat engine find it. You will notice that it have found a lot of entries, so we need to tighthen down the search! Step 21: Go back to saints row, and make the chest size 10, then go to cheat engine again, type 0.1 in the search bar and hit enter. You see less results compared to your previous search, but still quite a lot. Step 22: Do the same thing for chest sizes 20 (ce 0.2), 30 (ce 0.3), 40 (ce 0.4), 50 (ce 0.5) and 70 (ce 0.7) Step 23: Eventually you see 3 search results, and this is what we want. I hit these 3 at 0.7, but maybe its possible to have these 3 search results a bit earlier, that i dont know. Step 24: Highlight all 3 search results, and click the red arrow thats located on the bottom right of the search results window, this makes 3 checkboxes become visible with some text and numbers after it below the results window. Step 25: Double click the numbers underneat value of the first entry, and then type 1.8 and hit ok Step 26: Do the same for the remaining 2 entries. Step 27: Go back to saints row, and click the first entry on the left to save your boss, then move back to another preset, then back to your boss, and you see you have bigger boobs. Step 28: Optional, go back to cheat engine, and play with the values, to set the boob size to what you want. Remember tho, 100 is 1.0, 180 is 1.8, etc etc. Step 29: Enjoy your bigger boobs ingame! Hope this all helps, but if not, and if you have questions, then feel free to write me a PM. Cheers!
  4. Hey there. Was wondering if there is a mod that adds moving carriages to the world, that drive on the roads of skyrim. I know there are mods that do this where your PC is a passenger, but that is not what i seek. I seek a mod that adds them just randomly driving around to have some immersion, cause the only population on the roads now for me are just npc's. And to have some immersion, there might be some carriages as well, etc. So, does such a mod exist? Thanks in advance
  5. Same here... There is this skill in the atletics section, i think its called the rock, but then when you get hit by a car, you got insta killed, so people elsewhere advice to stay away from that perk/skill. Might be able though to still have it activated and then also have the second heart so you cant get killed.. But dunno about that.
  6. ^^ this. Also wondering how to do it. It must be possible as there are several mods that have .mesh files in it that have different colors ingame. So if anyone knows how to do it, me and brodyy will be very gratefull (and presumably others as well)
  7. Hey all. I tried the search already, but cannot seem to find it. Is there a mod that let you give v's normal arms back when having the mantis blades? Now with the mantis blades, it just looks like that the top half of v's body (mine is female) is a robot. Not that its that bad, but i really prefer the normal human look. So does anyone know of a mod that does this? Thanks in advance. Cheers, Mara
  8. Hey all, Quick question here, I found out that in my game i can eat ingredients that normally cant be eaten, like a horker or a mammoth tusk for example. I want to reverse that, but im not sure which mod that does allow it. The most suspicious one i had, i already removed which was complete alchemy and cooking overhaul. So now im wondering if you guys know any more mods that does allow it, so i can check my mod list to see if i have it, and if i have it, disable it. To make things maybe easier for you all, here is my load order: https://pastebin.com/zk3e4rZm Thanks in advance for helping me out here :smile: Quick edit already: For some reason after deinstalling caco the ingredients i listed are now in the misc section of my inventory, and are not eatable anymore.. So guess ive solved this problem meself. So to the admins, this topic can close.. And i apologise for creating it...
  9. Guess this is the right place for my question. I have a couple of mods that populate the roads of skyrim with caravans, escorts of prisoners, merchants on foot, etc etc. But ive noticed all of them are walking, and none of them using a (moving) wagon/carriage. The only person i saw that had a wagon was that jester (forgot his name) north of whiterun. So, is there a mod that add more depth to the world of skyrim by having npc's traveling around with actual carriages, wagons, coaches, etc etc? I know there are mods which lets you ride carriages yourself without a loading screen, but these are not what im looking for. I just want to have npc's with traveling wagons on the roads, so it adds up to more immersion. Hopefully there is a mod that will accomplish this. Thanks in advance :D
  10. Hey all, I have to say that im now using old world radio, old world radio 2, old world radio christmas and the radio station that comes alongside tales of the commonwealth, however... There are a lot of radio stations to chose from, and it takes a lot of time to actually find out if they cover something interesting, so thats why i created this topic. I do like talk radio very much, a bit like the talk radio stations they had in the gta series. But again, due to have a list of over 35 stations to chose from (iirc) its hard to find actually the talk stations that dont have music, or dont have much music. So, can anyone tell me which stations of these 4 mods are actually talk only stations? And, is there maybe another mod that has some nice talk radio stations? Thanks in advance Cheers Mara Quick edit: I didnt realise i already had a simular topic up. But this one is a bit more detailed, so hopefully its easier for you all to help me
  11. Hey all! Another shot in the dark probally, but i hope someone knows about it. Im looking for a talk only radio station for fallout 4, like wctr from gta for example. So does anyone know a good one if it exist? Thanks in advance Cheers, Mara
  12. Hey all, I think this is the right section to post this topic, and as the community helped me very great before, ive decided to try again. At first my character was wearing bunny ears from the awesome bunny mod, but i dont like em so much anymore. So now she put down her bunny ears and her glasses, but she (and me ofcourse) is looking for a hairband. I tried multiple google and nexus search for headbands, and hairbands to no avail. Closest i got were bandana's not on the neck but on the head instead. So, is there a mod that adds a decent hairband? Im looking for something like this: Ofcourse it doesnt have to be the same, but around the positition where the female from the picture wears it would be great. A bit more to the front of the head would be great as well. Size of the headband does not matter that much, but im not looking for the types that are covering like half of the head if you know what i mean. I really hope there is something that adds hairbands like this. Thanks in advance for thinking alongside me. Cheers, Mara
  13. Nice! Good find Gamewinner! Indeed! Now to hope for someone who is willing enough to convert them to vault girl fridge magnets :D
  14. Hey all, At some loading screens of the game i see a thing that looks like fridge magnets resembling vault boy. I have a couple of questions about them: 1: Is it an item we can get ingame, and then put it on our fridge or where ever in our settlements 2: If its an item ingame, is there a mod that change them to vault girl, like the 2 known mods that converts bobble heads to vault girl. 3: If its just a loading screen thing, then can someone point me out why they are only there, as they look very much like fridge magnets which suspects they are actual things ingame. Thanks in advance :) Cheers, Mara
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