Hello, Sorry I did not respond sooner :biggrin: I'm delighted to see you are still working on this mod, however I haven't played Oblivion for some months and most likely won't be playing it for some time. Too busy with work, and when I'm gaming, I play Skyrim and soon Mass Effect 3 will consume most of my attention. A lot has changed since we last spoke, I am now on a modding team that is developing a very large mod for Skyrim, The Skyrim Slavers Guild. I'm gathering resources and assets for quite a while, and we can always use more people on the project. It's a slavery mod, but not like anything you have ever seen before, this one is huge and diverse, that's why such a large team is working on it. A lot of the elements and concepts in ATdungeon Keeper will also be present in the The Skyrim Slavers Guild. http://skyrimslavers.wikia.com/wiki/Skyrim_Slavers_Guild_Wiki (There is also a forum thread on the LL forums but for some reason it won't let me post it) Please drop by and look around a bit. it would be cool if you could join our team and work with us on this project, new people are always welcome. :turned: