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Everything posted by goatcheese2

  1. I've seen the mod. Sadly I can't use it. I am enthralled to Laura Bailey's voice acting. To me Laura Bailey as Serana is irreplaceable.
  2. If you reject Harkon's gift does it completely lock you out of getting the Castle and the Clan of Vampires that comes with it? I was thinking of rejecting Harkon's gift then having Serana turn me into a Vampire Lord later going into the soul cairn, possibly remaining a Vampire Lord then(since Serana says it's personal to turn someone and I wanna play as a Vamp Lord too), then getting Castle Volkhair and the clan of Vampires that comes with it - I don't really want to kill any Vampires except Harkon by the end of Dawnguard. is all that possible? Or once I reject his gift does it lock me into siding with Dawnguard, having to cure the Vampire Lord to progress the storyline after Serana turns me, and not being able to get the Vampire castle as a player home and the Vampires that comes with it?
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