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About Fouvale

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    Skyrim SE, Fallout 4
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    Skyrim and Fallout-Series

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  1. Hi there, once I ran a game version 1.5.97 fine, my char was lvl 57. Then I installed a mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/101823 and since that day my game has been dead! I don't think that mod was guilty of bringing up that failure. I really deactivated every mod and started blank but this s#*! message pops up every time. What is that and how the hell can I get rid of this pain in my ass?
  2. Okay, thanks. Indeed I have some newly installed armors wich have no textures and therefore I asked the mod authors but until now they haven't answered my questions. So I will deactivate it until the mod authors have answered or if they keep not answering delete this mods.
  3. Hi together, since I have collected a lot of stuff in my inventory and browsing it to look it up or search things in the game CTDs without writing a crash Protokoll, I think that is very seldom and I have never heard from another player before. So does anybody know this or has somebody had the same behavior in the game CTD without crashing Protokoll?
  4. Now my game crashes after nearly half an hour and the game doesn't write crash logs anymore although I have this mod installed. Crash Logger SSE AE VR - PDB support. Wierd and this makes it to a total black-box why it is ctd ing.
  5. Hi my Skyrim SE crashed and I deactivated Trainwreck before as I read that it modifies the crashlog and deletes important information. I want to learn to read crash logs but until now I didn't find a tutorial or something that would explain how to read a crash log. So I hope somebody can help me meanwhile and I attach my latest crash log. Thanks in advance for those who may help me out. 2024-09-27-01-30-15.log
  6. #metoo. My game sometimes crashes directly when starting the game mostly when I have installed a new mod. When I start it immediately after the crash the game runs smoothly. So I wonder if there is a way to test the stability of my installation via some mods especially to prove that. Loot doesn't report errors besides warnings in the creation club files due to senseless ITMS records Bethesda likes to leaf in it and prefers to bring updates to Skyrim instead of fixing those bugs constantly and often one is advised not to clean game files. So should I clean the creation stuff and can this be why my game partially crashes? I run the game version and have a BHUNP model active that uses physics via CBCP and FSMP exclusively and all other NPCs use no physics I have built my modlist onto a stability modlist and have most patches and fixes active and use Loot and Whyre Bash and SSEEdit. So what else can I do, please?
  7. Well, yes, mate. I also learned to test mod by mod if the game runs stable after installing. Before I often installed a bunch of mods without testing each one and my game usually crashed directly when starting. And now I use an ENB (Cabbage) which makes it some degrees more dangerous to act like I did before. So I test every mod if my game runs with it and if there are graphic bugs or some sort of other unwelcome issues.
  8. Phu, now it running again. I will install Fallrim and other mods who help figuring out what eventually is further not optimal. First of all I now will deactivate autosave that s#*!.
  9. Uhh, after deleting that mod and running Nemesis and starting it crashed while starting. No end.
  10. Ah, there we have it. Good old Nemesis reports that the loverslab mod FNIS Anubs Human_Behavior.hkx isn't supported in skyrim's architecture. This garbage is surely responsible for the T-Pose and stiffness of my char!
  11. Yeah. now when I activate FSMP I can run OStim Standalone and a bunch of animations I loaded and installed but haven't activated. After that I get rid of the loverslab stuff. It's anyway outdated like SOS also. For SOS I will take the New Gentleman or how its called.
  12. I play Skyrim SE version and everything from Nexus I get from SE and when loading stuff from Loverslab I read very carefully and ask when having doughts that it is running with SE
  13. I use Pandora and let it run over and over but nothing helps. Since I used that f*#@ing Creation Kit she is in the T-Pose and when I move her she levitates. I think I deactivate Pandora and reactivate Nemesis to test if this helps.
  14. Thanks, that's clear. I run my Lad for a while and everything is fine with jiggling and so on. Only problem is, that I managed somehow to freeze my char and my followers as I yesterday used that s#*! Creation Kit. This garbage crashed something and I cannot figure out what. So at the moment I cannot test FSMP because their all stiff like statures.
  15. Ah okay, I must prove if this costs me to much FPS, but mostly I don't see other NPCs than my currently 3 and so this shouldn't break my fps to much. But first I must solve that Freeze-Problem I caught yesterday evening when manipulating a esp in that s#*! Creation Kit. Since then my Char is frozen in the T-Style and I can load saves I like it seems it is a general problem with the engine or the character animation. Still figuring out how I can fix that s#*!.
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