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AaronOfMpls last won the day on November 13

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Nexus Mods Profile


About AaronOfMpls

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Second Life (hangouts and RPs), Skyrim LE, House Flipper, Kenshi, other things I can get working on Linux
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim, SimCity 2000

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Community Answers

  1. What game is this for, by the way? You posted in a general forum and didn't say. Also, some games have their own forums here, under Game Communities at the top of any forum page (on desktop 🖥) or in Browse > Game Communities (on mobile ). But not all do.
  2. Use the pulldown under "Current section". For some reason, you've got the mobile version of that part of the page, where the tab headings are in there instead. (Maybe due to a narrow window, with not enough room to show all the tabs?)
  3. @Demorphic said there was work being done on the site search yesterday:
  4. Or refresh (F5 or the refresh button) or hard refresh (Ctrl-F5 or Shift-click the refresh button) the page. It looked like the page had loaded, but not the CSS stuff that makes it look nice. Glad you got it loaded now.
  5. Welcome! You'll probably want to join the Skyrim forums here, too. Go to Game Communities (at the top of any forum page on desktop 🖥, or in the ≡ menu > Browse on mobile ). Look for Skyrim there, and hit Join Community next to it if you want to post there. Do the same for any other games' forums you want to post in.
  6. I know Vortex works by symlinking or hardlinking your mods' files into the game's Data folder. Have you looked to see if they're actually there? And has it found your plugins.txt file and made your load order correctly in it?
  7. I'm on Firefox 131.0.3 on Manjaro Linux (current version in my distro's repository), and manual downloads are working just fine for me. I do have enhanced tracking protection turned OFF for www.nexusmods.com (shield icon left of the URL), to make sure that doesn't interfere with site functionality. (I don't have mod manager downloads set up, and don't use Vortex. For some games, I move files manually to where they need to go. For other games, I move them to my Mod Organizer 2 instances' download folders, and then Query Info on them inside MO2.)
  8. What game are you having trouble with? And did you run the game at least once without mods, so game setting files get created where they need to be before deploying? (I'm on Linux, but not a Vortex user myself. Just going by what some games need for mods to be loaded, regardless of what mod manager you're using.)
  9. Where is A Quality World Map in your load order and install order? It might need to be loaded after Seasons of Skyrim, if Seasons makes map changes. And yah, dunno if extracting the files made a difference here or not.
  10. Or one other thing to try: maybe one of your game files got corrupted somehow. If you're using the Steam version, then verify integrity of game files in it. I forget what the GOG equivalent might be, or what other stores like Game Pass would have for this.
  11. You might be getting heavy script load, or thrashing (scripts starting faster than earlier scripts can finish). Possibly you have two or more mods that don't play nice together, or a mod that's not compatible with your version of the game. Can you post your mod list in a spoiler (eye button at the top of the text box) or a .txt file somewhere? Maybe someone will know better than me what won't work together. Also, possibly check FallrimTools ReSaver if you haven't already. The mod description lists a bunch of common causes of save file corruption, and the actual tool can check your save file for problems (though dunno if it can fix yours if they're happening within 10 minutes of startup). Definitely read the entire description page, though. And if you're using a pirated version of Skyrim ... get a legit version if you can. Mods will likely play nicer with it, and we'll actually be able to help you with it here (since supporting piracy is against the Nexus TOS).
  12. What does the error message say? It's hard to help without knowing that.
  13. It's a shortcut for typing certain emojis on desktop, without having to dig through the emoji picker at the top of the text box. There are a bunch of more descriptively-named ones too, like :grin:, or :slightly smiling face:. Start typing a colon and the first word of the name, and you'll get a list of suggestions. If you really want the colon there, try typing another character and another word immediately after, then move the cursor over and backspace the extra character out: e.g., "D:\ drive" → "D: drive". Or paste it in from Notepad or such: "D: drive".
  14. What game are you asking about? You posted in a general forum and didn't say. Also, some games do have their own forums here, but not all. Look in Game Communities (at the top of any forum page on desktop , or in the ≡ menu > Browse on mobile ) for the list; you can leave it sorted by last post, or sort it alphabetically instead. Hit Join Community on any game forums you want to post in.
  15. What error messages are you getting, exactly? Does your computer have enough RAM to decompress files that big? Does it extract properly in another program like 7-Zip?
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