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AaronOfMpls last won the day on June 29

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Nexus Mods Profile


About AaronOfMpls

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Second Life (hangouts and RPs), Skyrim LE, House Flipper, Kenshi, other things I can get working on Linux
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim, SimCity 2000

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  1. Yah, SE appeared in my Steam list for free too when it came out in 2016. I suspect they gave it to everyone who had LE at the time, whether they'd bought the game and the expansions separately (like me) or bought it all together as part of the LE release. (I've only been playing SE more recently on my current computer though, since I figured LE -- without any high-res texture upgrades -- was a better fit for my old computer. Plus I still have some LE characters I'm not done with yet.)
  2. Are you using any mods that change how combat and/or damage works? Maybe one of them is having a problem.
  3. Do any of your game's other ini's contain those settings? If you're using something like ENB, do its configuration files have these settings?* Maybe one of these other files is overriding your changes. And if you're using Mod Organizer 2, are these settings set correctly in your profiles' ini's? * I've never used ENB, so I don't know what settings files it has.
  4. Yah, in my case, MO2 keeps each mod in a separate folder (.../mods/<mod name>/) in its own folder structure. Then presents it all to the game in a virtual file system, so the game thinks it's all in the game's Data folder. This kind of mod isolation has been a core feature since before I used MO1. For some mods, I'll have multiple relatedly-named mod folders for different versions (e.g. ModName 2 and ModName 3, or ModName original and ModName modified), or for different optional plugins or different settings files. I also have a RaceMenu presets folder alongside RaceMenu itself. MO2 sees all of these as separate mods in the left pane.), or for different optional plugins or different settings files. I also have a RaceMenu presets folder alongside RaceMenu itself. MO2 sees all of these as separate mods in the left pane. My own mods (both finished and work-in-progress) have their own folders among this. Any new files created by the CK (esp's, scripts, facegen exports, etc) or from the game itself (settings files, RaceMenu presets, etc) will end up in MO's Overwrite folder, and from there I can move them to whatever mod folder I want them in. And yah, this makes it relatively easy to pack my own mods up in zip or 7z files for the Nexus. Each folder has files for only one mod in it, with nothing else there but a metadata file for MO2's info.
  5. Probably not directly, I'd think. It'd just take longer for things to load off of it, compared to an SSD (either SATA or NVME).
  6. Meanwhile I've been using Mod Organizer in some form for over a decade (MO1 on my old PC, MO2 on my current one). I'm pretty familiar with it, I like its features, and it does what I need it to do -- even running in my games' Wine/Proton setups on Linux. That said, yah, use what mod manager works for you! Only difference to me is I can't help as much with the ones I haven't used. (And heck, before I had MO, I used to manage my Skyrim mods semi-manually. Aside from SKSE dll's and a few early mods, I'd pack most mods' loose files in bsa's, and keep multiple descriptively-named copies of plugins.txt for different mod set-ups.)
  7. As I recall, the .toml edits aren't needed anymore since Engine Fixes updated back in April. Does your game work without the edits?
  8. We'll need a bit more to go on, since I cant find any comments of yours there. Can you attach the log itself in a reply, or paste it into a spoiler? Are you using Crash Logger or Trainwreck or similar? If so, have you tried loading the crash log into Crash Log Analyzer?
  9. Glad you got it working! And dunno about delete. But it's probably best to leave it up, in case someone else has s similar issue and searches the forums for a solution.
  10. Also, if you're looking for the Skyrim forums here, go to Game Communities at the top of any forum page (on desktop 🖥), or the ≡ menu > Browse > Game Communities (on mobile ). Look for Skyrim in the list, and hit Join Community next to it to post there.
  11. For the most part, hair mods only add hairs to the player character creation options. NPCs won't use them unless a mod edits those characters to use them. Search around; there are many mods that change existing NPCs' appearance, or add new NPCs. Some will give them some of Apachii's hairs. I'm finding several already, just searching Skyrim SE mods for Apachii (though that probably misses many that don't mention it in the title). Some others will be listed in Apachii Sky Hair's Requirements section (though that will miss any that use their own copies of the meshes and textures). And from personal experience, nerdofprey's Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded adds a bunch of new Cidhna Mine prisoners with Apachii hairs.
  12. Have you ever tried to put a crazy idea into practice?
  13. A: Three, plus however many you decide to cover it with. Q: Why were the uncool called squares?
  14. The cat purring while he's curled up with me.
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