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Posts posted by piotrmil

  1. In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971 are all replies on the same post.

    piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

    That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
    lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
    people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

    Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
    piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

    One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
    lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.
    piotrmil wrote: That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

    But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
    lyoko1 wrote: Yeah but what i mean, is that this is not punishiment whatsoever, i get why use adblock, but this is for people that are okay whitout using it, there are people that really don't care that much about ads, and that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, for those people and for supporters, this is a reward, a thank you, sience those people help to pay the page, and as such they obtain more resources out of it, because those resources cost money.
    And for the people who can't or dont want to help, they still obtain what was always avaliable.
    So this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing, this is not a punishiment for adblockers but a reward for ad watchers and supporters

    >that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams,

    It's not being about being intelligent or falling for any ad scams. I still vividly remember when I first encountered my properly horrible ad on-line. I just had my PC fixed, I turned on one of the news sites, and then the screen went black. Completely, without any means to recover, no cursor, just black. I had heart in my throat, and then, when I was about to scream, an image of some new brand of car appeared in the middle of my not-so-dead screen via a full-screen flash ad. That day I switched from IE6 to Firefox, and never went back.

    So it's about preventing the browser doing something you definitely don't want to, and if you do search a bit, you'll learn they can do much worse than that. If nexus has some ways of preventing such malicious (or just annoying) activities, then it's all and good, but their promise (or their ad providers' promise) is not enough for me, I have to make sure it's on my end as well.
  2. In response to post #64079816. #64079916, #64080396, #64080626, #64111786 are all replies on the same post.

    GamerPoets wrote: Just from my personal "YouTubing" experience. My analytics show that I've missed out on roughly $9,500 due to add blockers since I started making videos. Do what you need to do. From a long time premium member it sounds reasonable enough to give supporters a bump to say thanks.
    Kaebus wrote: Very well said GP. I've known a few content creators on YT who encountered the same issue. As said in this announcement, the reasons people have for using adblockers are valid, and it's not a shunning of them doing so in any way, but it's really nice to have something out there for the people who are giving a little bit back.
    GamerPoets wrote: If I could turn off ads all together I would = )
    Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist. Selling products of any kind is not something that anyone who has to make a living from this realm, while continuing to be a part of it and growing within it, can count on (sales for things like this are bonuses). Even so, personally, ads alone will never even come to close to helping me pay just for the equipment/costs of creating. Thank Talos for Patreon (my form of Premium/Supporter Memberships). Took 4 years to break even on PC parts with the help of pledges. I do the same thing that Nexus is doing here. If you allow me to keep existing while doing what I enjoy I try to give you perks/"thank you's" that I'm capable of giving without alienating everyone else. Nexus isn't changing anything here other than giving some supporters a "thank you" in a way that they are able to while encouraging site growth.
    Kaebus wrote: That's a really good way to express it, and one I wholly agree with. I'll have to remember that ^^
    fftfan wrote: I think Patreon is a pretty cool thing(so long as used responsibly & fairly). I haven't noticed any hassles related to Patreon so it really does seem to me like your channel is an example of Patreon being used well, as a way for us to express support. I think this is fantastic.

    Some channels do a sponsor segment, I think it might anger some people but I am potentially sometimes fine with it when done within reason. For instance Linus Tech Tips I don't terribly mind since it's only once, is under 30 seconds( I think it's more like 15-20 seconds) and has a cutaway which means we can skip ahead to where we see Linus again without any sponsor logos and get on with things. Though I would caution that if it did get more intrusive I would stop watching a channel. If he made it longer or mixed up when it'll be or anything to increase visibility of it then I'd stop. Cases where I mind it less are where it's consistent, predictable, and very brief like at the 0:40-1:00 mark we're certainly passed it already. Best way if doing it is to have introduction, sponsor segment and then get into things within the first minute. With your channel though care is needed since when I'm viewing your info about the CK/other mod tools/other information heavy videos since especially when problem solving things related to modding something like sponsor segment could be a real bother, we might already feel frustrated since we might be trying to solve specific problems on our game/mod projects and be researching for that purpose. Overall I feel for your channel that Patreon as used by you is a superior approach.

    About equipment it might be something reasonable since your channel is pretty notable IMO to ask if anyone would give you some as a sponsoring thing. Big gaming channels often have them sitting in brand name gaming chair, wearing brand name headset, maybe sticker on their PC tower and they might be briefly saying "Thanks to EVGA or whoever for the GPU I am using"(The one guy I see do this only brought up the GPU they gave him exactly once ever). Or they might have it at bottom of description "PC hardware used".

    I think a lot of people adblocking on Youtube likely started after 2 minute unskippable ads(that can happen multiple times in a video) became a thing, though to be fair I heard that may have been a bug in their system. I believe it was going to be a policy by Google that got reversed due to backlash. I always adblock on sites because I have found advertising networks to be completely irresponsible with user safety, it's been known as a rule for as long as I can remember that clicking any ads can generally be expected to have a high risk of infecting your PC. My opinion is that networks are apathetic about user safety and also the reputations of sites, they're generally not liable for anything since the websites themselves would take the blame so the network doesn't care. I have been adblocking constantly for over 10 years since getting a PC killing virus served by a banner ad that did not require any clicks to infect my PC. Also on mobile data when roaming it's quite a bother when sites have auto-play videos plus LTE being really fast meaning it'll instantly preload a 400mb video just to read an article. GameSpot is particularly bothersome in this regard since it'll default to high quality so usually 1080p@60fps, if it's a video review that would be 1GB right there which is a lot on roaming and if there wasn't auto-play it would do so only if we deliberately click Play. Users adblock because it saves a lot of time and greatly improves online safety, possibly the top safety measure even above having antivirus of course besides visiting known bad sites.

    But I do like to support sites like the Nexus so I have bought Supporter membership a few years ago and might get Premium sometime in the future. Perhaps I may have to try to remember to re-visit videos I like and already watched on a muted Edge browser to help out.

    >Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist.

    I... I know of at least one other alternative.

    Going to work.

    It sucks, but it is an alternative to finance your hobby.

    >Some channels do a sponsor segment, I think it might anger some people

    Yeah, I hate when channels do that. Some handle it sensibly, like putting the sponsored message AFTER the video, so I don't have to watch it (Numberphile, a very good channel on YT does that). Some put them at the beginning, which is quite annoying, but again, can be skipped ( I wonder if anyone made an extension that does that automatically for certain channels). And then there are people who deserve a road straight to hell for putting them in the middle of their videos.
  3. In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716 are all replies on the same post.

    piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

    That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
    lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
    people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

    Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
    piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

    One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
    lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.

    That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

    But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
  4. In response to post #64110961. #64111471 is also a reply to the same post.

    piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

    That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
    lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
    people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

    >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

    One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
  5. In response to post #64088746. #64092951 is also a reply to the same post.

    GoddOward wrote: I can't take off my adblocker. I am so used to it, I really enjoy it bigtime. Sorry, I will keep it at 1MB.
    LeonidasNerevar wrote: You know you don't have to disable your adblocker entirely. You can just disable it for this one site. Just whitelist Nexusmods and you'll keep ads off on all other sites, but still support Nexus and our modders.

    Same here. Never really minded the cap, it's still lightning fast to me, and I'm not ditching ublock any time soon.
  6. I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.


    That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.

  7. Oh, dear lord... First you add the patreon, the weird mod points, and now a gift shop. This used to be a site dedicated to modding, not spending money. I have to admit I am completely disappointed with the way Nexusmods is taking. It pleases common folks, but sets more and more dangerous precedences, linking earning and spending money with a once-pure hobby.
  8. In response to post #60450772. #60469072, #60495697 are all replies on the same post.

    CaedesAposis wrote:

    So this is how modding finally dies and becomes monetized. With thunderous applause from its last bastion of freedom. Shame really.

    dikr wrote: "User files: 0"

    I shouldn't worry too much about that. Nexus will first and foremost be a free platform; free to download a metric ton of awesome user made content and free to share your own mods with others, that is. The donations come from the platform itself rather than directly from users (which few ever opt to do anyway), that's a notable difference compared to say, Creation Club. If anything, it's an added incentive for people to create and share mods and that's never a bad thing. As most of us modders are used to the fact that we don't earn anything with it and do it for fun and contribution anyhow.
    MPDStudios wrote: I don't think it's the sort of monetization you're envisioning at the moment. Modders are not selling their mods, nor are they selling it to a distributor, i.e. giving the rights to their content to Nexus to sell as they like, but are being given a certain amount of money based on the popularity of their creations, which is a direct contributor to the popularity of the site.
    I'm open to suggestion here, but I don't see how this limits freedom in terms of what can be popularized, uploaded, or created. Sure, it encourages creators to make larger, more refined mods/content in order to meet the requirements of the Donation Points system and generate some revenue, as big mods really don't make much off donations anyway, but it doesn't make small creations, niche mods, or simple fixes less important/harder to upload. It doesn't change the uploading/hosting system of Nexus at all, in reality.

    So think of it less as Creation Club, in which users sell their mods, and more of say, youtube's monetization system, in which creators are paid by the site to have popular content.

    I do fear the same thing, Cades. As soon as I learned about this program, I opted out of it. I do not want any form of financial compensation for my hobby.

    Also, @dikr, number of files one has uploaded has nothing to do with this person's perfectly valid opinion.
  9. In response to post #60434912. #60435157, #60439167, #60487932, #60495767, #60568452, #60581147 are all replies on the same post.

    JinKanzaki wrote: I wonder how many of the people complaining here have spent more than 10 bucks on mod donations in the past 10 years...
    User_23213994 wrote: I don't donate and never will. Modding is a hobby and doesn't require money for compensation. Feedback is perfectly fine.
    FLipdeezy wrote: Lol no offense but who made you the authority?
    User_23213994 wrote: Okay, I'm going outside to the beach and making a sand castle every day. Why? because I like doing it. it's a hobby. If you don't throw cash at me, you are an inconsiderate individual because you can't understand how much effort, hard work and hours I've put into it just so people can look at it.

    Pay me. Now.
    MPDStudios wrote: Ikr
    FLipdeezy wrote: That was incoherent and emotional
    User_23213994 wrote: Emotional? I fail to see how it was emotional. Incoherent? No, you fail to see the picture.

    >Modding is a hobby and doesn't require money for compensation.

    As a very humble mod author, I completely agree.
  10. In response to post #57434956.

    Nightgazer wrote:

    New site design... I HATE it! It has so many problems.


    1. The text is blurry and unreadable.

    2. There are sooooo many missing files that can only be accessed using the old.nexusmods.com address that don't show up on the new one.

    3. The comments won't load in on the new site. Even waiting FOR ONE WHOLE HOUR didn't do any good. All it did was idle at loading. Trying the same thing on the old site and the comments loaded right in. With no problem.

    4. The title text and the images are blurry as hell and can't be read or seen.

    5. Trying to download on the new site is a NIGHTMARE. It doesn't work. I can only download from the old site now.

    6. The new site glitches the page halfway down and jumbles everything together.

    7. Half the links don't work and lead to empty pages.

    8. Page loading speeds on the new site are 50% slower.

    9. To put it bluntly it looks like CRAP now.


    In short the whole thing looks bad. You should ashamed for inflicting this thing on us. What did we ever do to piss you off so much you would give us this horror?




    EDIT :


    Why can't you just leave the old.nexusmods.com site up as well?


    For those people who prefer it instead.

    I agree, the previous design was much more streamlined and easy to access.
  11. In response to post #54671943. #54672703, #54677478, #54678053, #54681883, #54683388, #54683578, #54686488, #54686998, #54687253, #54687418, #54687503, #54688283, #54689173, #54691103, #54691838, #54692348, #54692833, #54694268 are all replies on the same post.

    Pegasix wrote: Can we please just have an option to stick with old layout? I personally just don't like the looks of this design.
    SharraShimada wrote: Maintaining 2 Designs is a waste of time, because its work, that wont repay in any way. So, the old design will perish some day. And yeah, its always hard to change to something different, and leaving style, used, and attached to, behind. And yes, the new design looks... boring? Just another flat, tile-design, as seen on nearly every other crap-site in the internet the last 2 years.
    But i must admit, the primary function of a mod-page is to deliver info. And they come in form of pictures most of the time.
    You may explain, what your armor-mod does, how it looks, and where are the belt is attached... but no one will really imagine int. Put a picture on it, and kabooom.
    And thats, what this design is made for.
    Personally, i would had made some stuff the other way. But i´m not in charge. If have to, and i can, live with that.
    pintocat wrote: I don't mind if they don't maintain the old one, I'll use a buggy one until the new one is fixed
    Jokerine wrote: I personally understand that maintaining two different versions of the site may be too much work, and this will probably be an "adapt or die" situation. But, well, if the site is switched over for good and we're all forced to use the new redesign I'll most likely stop using the site altogether, or only visit very, very rarely. I have a choice in this matter, thankfully. I'll just take death :laugh:
    kn1ghtfall wrote: Once again I have agree with Jokerine.
    Foxia wrote: HEAR, HEAR!!! I must agree with Jokerine myself. Death it will be as well for myself.
    HomicidalGrouse wrote: YEAH! Everyone over to Bethesdanet!

    Oh wait...
    Crimsomrider wrote: I feel the same way Jokerine.

    I spoke to a few friends about this design and not one of them likes it. One actually hates it so much he threw a tantrum.

    I really hope for some visual and design improvements until the final launch day which reduces the cluster**** of ugliness and information and scales down the UI, which I offered my suggestions on, otherwise I'll just go away because I really can't stand this new design. I am really trying hard forcing myself to suffer through it, but it's just impossible and frustrating. On a mobile the site is PERFECT! It looks good, it feels good... except the mod pages which are ugly as hell no matter where you view them from. But it's just not worth sacrificing something that was perfect in order to make a mobile version more better.

    I'll keep on surviving until the final launch day and see what changes happen from now till then. All I can do until then is just offer my opinion on the matter and like you said... adapt or die.

    I am forced to death however because I really can't stand another Bethesda.net lookalike.

    I am under no illusion that my opinion or me quitting matters at all, after all I'm just another random peon who already got milked for money and will be forgotten after a day of departure... but I would like to remain on this site... hopefully... :(

    fredlaus wrote: I had thumbs up yesterday - today I feel like I lost my best friend.

    Changes are OK to me but then you have to show up something entirely new - some braver stuff than this.

    Come on guys and gals you are a resourceful site with millions of fans contributing.

    What happened?
    goatsnatcher2 wrote: Ha, I went to bed last night thinking what the hell have they done that for, then I get up this morning to my son asking what the hell have they done that for.

    It's not that people don't like change, it's more, people don't like change when unnecessary or makes thing's worse.
    menathradiel wrote: @SharraShimada: It is normal for a website to have a desktop and mobile version - and I know this because I maintain several - so your point is rather invalid.
    HomicidalGrouse wrote: @menathradiel
    Yeah, it was perfectly normal, back in 2010 before responsive design really took off and became a standard.

    Ironically enough, 2010 was right about where the Nexus' previous design was stuck.
    menathradiel wrote: All right. (that would be why all the major websites have a mobile version, because that is a thing of the past.... but shhhhh, not your point, is it.) What part of this design is "responsive" to me? The part where it's arbitrarily decided that my description layout is not good enough as I have coded it and decides to break it?

    Don't get me wrong. I'll get used to the new design, but I'll also have to spend time making my mod page layout compatible with PC users again, which is insane when you think about the fact that this site is for people who use mods for PC games.
    HomicidalGrouse wrote: The entire site is responsive. Which is why the layout changes to accommodate your display's width, which is an incredibly common strategy for dealing with many different users across many different devices, and it's far easier to design and maintain than two or more separate designs under potentially multiple different subdomains.

    Interestingly enough, you could get two different designs entirely by using the very same media queries and scripting that is used to make a single design responsive. Since you're apparently a web designer/developer/maintainer, you surely know that this is all that a responsive design is... one that conforms to the device that it's being viewed on.

    The request here isn't one that can easily be accommodated by that though. The request is to keep two COMPLETELY different designs live and maintained because some people don't like the new one, which you should know is an unreasonable request considering this design is not only so radically different from the previous, but also adequately accommodates both mobile and desktop devices.

    The request is made even more unreasonable because of your own stated issue of corrupted mod page layout. It has been known since they opened up this redesign to mod authors that mod description formatting doesn't translate well between the two designs and many pages need to be updated to once again conform to the author's vision. This works both ways, as making edits to the page on either the old design or the redesign results in the opposing design being broken in various ways. To fix this, one of these designs would have to be changed regardless, in order to create format parity between the two, and there would still be various issues caused by the change in colors and overall design philosophy that would cause unintended results based simply on the author's own preference for one version of the site over the other.

    Keeping both sites live and optional is not a wise idea.
    menathradiel wrote: "Keeping both sites live and optional is not a wise idea"

    Because most people would choose the old design, and we can't have that.
    pacfish wrote: The layout of text is the biggest issue I have. The reason the old site was so great was because the information
    was in a confined spot. Typically a page would only have access to about this much room per line to get their
    point across before a new line was created. It makes for a much easier read on screens.

    The new site has it's perks. But it is also missing some old features. Things are not where they used to be. And
    content is disrupted. That is why so many people dislike the new site. They want something that works. They are
    the stable release users. The bleeding edge are the people using MO2 on SSE with SKSE64. The stuff doesn't
    work 100% of the time. But the creators need feedback or things will go unchanged.

    Our disgust with the new site is voiced because we have criticisms. And they should be heard because ultimately
    it can lead to competing website that does it better. People need to be able to give proper criticism and the
    maintainers need to be able to understand what it is we are saying. With the Steam workshop, the adult themed
    LL site, the drama surrounding the Nexus, Bethsda's creation club, etc the last thing I think the modding community
    wants is another splinter.

    The site is too buggy in it's current status to go live. There are also missing features that we have grown
    accustomed to. Like text fitting in a a width that is readable. If you view this specific post on a mobile platform,
    It won't look right. But on a computer, it should read much easier than any of the other posts at full resolution.
    Lets say 1080p because I don't know what the site uses and I know that is what I'm writing it on.

    I think it's awesome that the site is mobile friendly but that's not where the audience is. I'll watch a youtube video
    on mobile but I have a hard time responding to comments of videos on my phone. That said I'm not going to read
    a mod description or browse the forums of the Nexus on my phone. I do honestly believe that this update was
    for moderators, admins, and active modders awho made the request for a mobile version of the site so they can
    respond to a forum more quickly. But I think the correct solution would have been to make an app for the two
    environments that can use the information it gets from the server and presents the user with an enjoyable
    experience while viewing content on their mobile devices. This could have been a web based app or the
    traditional app from the app store. Yes it's more work but if you do it right, you only have to do it once. AND the
    content is still accessible where it matters to the majority of the users: on a monitor larger than your hand.

    It would be cool to see what this looks like on a 16k display. Guess I'll ask Linus if he still has that ridiculous setup
    and see if he'll view a dynamic website like this one.
    HomicidalGrouse wrote: @pacfish
    It looks the same on a 16k display because the site's content has a maximum width of 1280 pixels. A little wider than I usually use for my sites (I generally follow the 960 grid system), but not exactly uncommon. It doesn't scale to match ridiculous resolutions or aspect ratios, though the background image does.

    Because of the responsive nature of the site, you COULD choose to view it snapped to half the width of your screen or otherwise restrict the width of your browser window yourself if the width of the content bothers you too much. Not saying that it's ideal, but it is a way to nullify the issue on your end. I do accept the issue with ultra-wide text displays being less readable than properly wrapped paragraphs. There is plenty of documentation supporting this fact.

    And of course people can post their opinions and concerns. That's the entire point of this being open to everyone in the final weeks of development. That being said, I try to correct incorrect information when I see it, and I try to explain why things may not be as easy or as logical as others seem to think them to be.

    Sometimes, decisions have to be made. It's not always as simple as just leaving both options on the table forever just to appeal to everyone's nostalgia. There's a lot of valid criticism of this new design, as well as a lot of emotion thinly veiled as criticism. Explaining why the latter isn't feasible is perfectly valid, no matter how much certain individuals may want to completely ignore those explanations.
    pacfish wrote: Thanks for the info on the larger resolution screens.

    Yeah I can adjust the screen but even at half the resolution, using Windows snapping tools, on an ultrawide the sight layout it much too wide though I don't get a background image (which is important for realizing which version of skyrim some link took me to -- doesn't even matter on the new site because the se logo is covered at every resolution). On a 'normal' 16:9 1080p screen it's also too wide unless I also use window's snapping tools to cut it in half. Portrait mode almost works.

    But again, who is the site for? phone modders or pc modders?
    pintocat wrote: "@SharraShimada: It is normal for a website to have a desktop and mobile version - and I know this because I maintain several - so your point is rather invalid."

    Are your website as complicated as this one?

    I agree with Jokerine. UI is crucial to people, and if we can't use the website efficiently, then we're not going to use it as often. It' simple as that.
  12. I do hope you will leave the old design as an option. The old one is way better and less cluttered. Don't force things down our throats. The " Don't fix what's not broken" is exactly the argument I'd use if I had to describe the new look. Utterly horrible.
  13. Can this thing merge formlists? Cos that would be useful.


    Edit: So, I made a patch, but instead of an esp, it's a SAVE file. What do I do with these now?


    Edit2: Oh, god, it turns out this thing doesn't automatically loads masters, hence the esp was empty. Kinda counter-intuitive, gotta say.

  14. In response to post #43702785. #43703270, #43704190, #43704300, #43704350, #43704675, #43704695, #43706040, #43706800 are all replies on the same post.

    MickyFoley wrote: To all, complaining sarcastic & ironic about the downtime:
    At 99,9%, all of you don't have this nice, shiny, green text for saying: "Hey, at least I supported the Nexus and so I can text my sadness about the downtime." This would at least be reasonable & understandable. But the service is for free. No, you don't need to support anyone. But just understand, that there are limits.

    Limits, maybe not that fast broken if more people would support them. More servers, better speeds. Well, I stop here. I think, you got the message.
    phell666 wrote: Amen! I couldn't say it better :D
    zcul wrote: Right :thumbsup:
    badkrma wrote: +1 :) this site isn't for the irrational but the enthusiast
    kidshxt wrote: lol exactly.
    BlueGunk wrote: +1 from me!
    kapy1049 wrote: I didnt disable my ads so I can support them. $_$
    luvboox wrote: I've used the site so much over the years I realized I couldn't NOT go premium. It was really overdue to be honest. A big thanks to everyone involved, both Nexus site folks and wonderful modders. Aside from a little immaturity/drama from a small percentage of users, I think Nexus has one of the best communities on the web.
    mbmirkwood wrote: Well said. I don't have the super shiny green tag you guys have, but I do what I can! My blood was starting to boil here at the people being rude and demanding. I needed your post just now to restore my faith. Thanks!

    >At 99,9%,

    citation needed
  15. I had the same issue today, and sadly I also had to setstage 9000 to finish the quest. I have however, narrowed down what the problem might be. All the 1000s objectives that OP was missing are set by a script on a hidden CWAttackCity quest, which, from what I observed, failed to start. Starting it manually did not work, which usually means some of the aliases needed for the quest were not properly set up (for example, some might have been disabled, while the quest needed them to be enabled). I haven't gone through every single one of them (and there's quite a lot of them), neither have I figured out what exactly starts that quest (I suppose it's a sendevent thing). I might post here more if I find out what might be causing it.

    EDIT 1: My hypotesis was correct! I made A Very Silly Patch that made all the aliases on CWAttackCity quest optional (a lot of them were optional already). Upon loading a save from before Galmar's speech, I was able to continue the quest! Now I will load that patch again, and I will try to undo my changes, one by one. I will mark my progress here.

    Edit2: First progress. In my setup, CityFieldCOImp seems to be bugged. Leaving him not optional fails to start the quest. in three hours I'm going on holidays, so I doubt I'll be able to figure the culrpit before :D

    Edit3: Hm.... The actor that would be chosen is being edited both by Usleep and (in my case) by patchus maximus, but neither of these edits do anything important; their edits do not do anything harmful. So the field general must be somehow being edited on the fly by some other mod. I'll keep looking into it, but that might be difficult to pinpoint. What is weirder is that this guy can be dead, disabled or reserved. So... perhaps he's not there? He is being chosen by conditions.

    Edit4: Okay, for some utterly bizarre reason, Legate Quentin Cipius, or whatever his name was, was a) disabled (which isn't a big deal), and b) was in Valtheim towers. Not in Whiterun, which means his location did not match the one in conditions. So, a new enigma arises - what on earth was he doing there?

    Edit5: None of my mods make permanent edits to that guy's reference, gotta see if somehing's moved into valtheim towers

  16. In response to post #41272325. #41274465, #41275065, #41275135, #41275585 are all replies on the same post.

    J Allin wrote: If it aint broke, don't fix it... ;)
    pedantic wrote: Sage advice :)
    sonogu wrote: Which must have been told more than a year ago, before the hundreds of hours hard work :)
    HadToRegister wrote:

    Which must have been told more than a year ago, before the hundreds of hours hard work

    This is the first I've heard about it?
    sonogu wrote: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/12539/?

    These are the news I found about the redesing of the site... It's been a while and have been announced in every step.

    That is very, very true. I do hope that the authors will give us options instead of shoving the new design down our throats.
  17. >This may be a little controversial, but we have discovered through extensive research and heat-mapping that this part of the site is often skipped over and our users jump straight into the game of their choice. We’re hoping that having the news and articles close to the top of the site will interest enough people to take a look.


    Wait, you were surprised by the fact that the site oriented around mods will make people omit the news section? Really?


    I do hope the front page can be customised, so we can turn on and off things we don't like. For example, the supposedly "popular" or "trending" choices. We all know that most of them will be half-naked gals, instead of actual worthwhile content. Or the news - if people didn't like them, why force it? I hope I could do things like on the frontpage of one's Deviantart, where you can hide and switch different elements to your liking.


    Other than that, the design doesn't really look any better or worse than the current style. I'm glad that you have finally realised that PC screens are horizontal and not vertical - dropping the elongated form definitely will help.


    Will it be possible to leave the current skin while retaining the functionality of the new version? That is one thing I really wish for: options. Lots of them. Allow people to shape the visage of the website they are viewing.

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