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Everything posted by LostSteve

  1. Aralon: Sword and Shadow is a mobile RPG, highly inspired by Skyrim. I bought it when I still didn't had a good PC, so I played with my iPad. The point is, that I really enjoyed this game, it was really entertaining and played it for hours. So I wonder, if anyone could remake Aralon on Skyrim engine? Like, Aralon, with Skyrim's graphics, physics, and sound effects. With HD remade weapons, armors, map and NPCs/Enemies (Unless they're already in Skyrim, such as wolves or horses). Keeping Aralon's OST (Which I really liked) and voice lines, trying to be the most faithful to the original game. I would really apreciate that, and maybe even pay you (Maybe... Maybe Not). http://crescentmoongames.com/wordpress/aralon-sword-and-shadow-2/
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