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Everything posted by sarvy

  1. I've been playing Skyrim and modding for some time now, but just recently have I started with the Creation Kit. The reason I chose to start now is because of a new character I've created. I've been toying with the idea of subversion characters, who take the stereotype associated with their race and tear it apart. An example would be a pacifist mage Orc, who travels Skyrim and attempts the help the people of the country with minimal bloodshed. The character I'm working on right now is a High Elf who is unable to use spells, since she can't regenerate her magicka. However, she has a different ability: she can recharge enchanted items with little more than her touch. As a result, she relies on her cunning and creativity by smithing Dwarven Constructs, creating and using staves, and finding scrolls to supplement her inability to cast spells. The character is still very much a mage, unable to use weapons bigger than a dagger, but I have run into a slight problem. While she can use alteration magic through staves or scrolls, there are no staves that can form wards (and having a scroll for wards is really annoying). So, I decided to dive into the world of mod creation, rather than usage. tl:dr; character uses staves and scrolls but they are very limited So my question is simple; I have managed to apply the three ward spells as enchantments on restoration staves, but I am not sure what to do now. Should this be applied to the Skyrim.esp, or the Dragonborn.esp, since I want to be able to craft these new staves? Additionally, how would one go about adding new spells (like the ones from Apocalypse) and forming staves from those, or scrolls? Is there anyway to make scrolls craftable at arcane enchanters?
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