A few good ones: GhostArmor HGEC by ken1945 or HGEC_Sexy Ghost Armor variant by Mondstein FEZA Vesta Set for HGEC and P3 Aigis armor for HGEC LAB by NIHS Edit: Two more - MechaFox and Lambda by larrytmc. I guess those are sort of it, but not quite. I'm thinking more "Iron Man" or "Robocop" than "anime". Not really Halo spartan armor though. This mod has a new set of proper Dwemer armor(more Morrowind inspired) which might work as futuristic body armor if retextured and maybe tweaked a bit- http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=39706 I fear that there is probably no non-anime tech costume for female. Long time ago I saw one on random screenshot, but it was illegal rip another game and surely this is not on Nexus. Oblivion modding is dominated by the cute and sexy anime costumes... Maybe with a little help of Nifskope and graphics program like Gimp or Photoshop you manage to do your own mash-ups and recolour with less anime and more futuristical look. Mixing armor parts and retexturing is pretty easy and fun, so always worth a try. From the typical "tech" things I know only SevennitysTitanSuccubi, CQueen and Terminatrix. They are pretty well done, but can look a bit strange. But maybe you will like it. Take a look at the Neo Dunan Datasuit too. It can not be defined as "tech" stuff, but as for me, it looks Si-Fi. It's unfortunately all I found. I'll let you know if I find something else.