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About Leubast

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    United States
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  1. I've been looking for a mod that removes the (E) Disarm button from mines and tripwires unless you had rank 1 in Sneak.
  2. We have a script that can change the reload animation dynamically for lever action rifles and shell loaded shotguns to load just the ammo needed instead of a whole... clip(?) every time. Maybe it can be used and modified to work with dual wielded weapons?
  3. Is there really no mod made that fixes the description of Strong Back rank 4 to change from "You can fast travel" to "You no longer take limb damage" when playing in survival mode?
  4. Not really a mod request, I'm just surprised no one has tried to change the model of holotapes to look more like cassette tapes. They pretty much work the same way so there would be no need to change the size or the animations associated with holotapes. If someone would to make such a mod, I would absolutely use it.
  5. Kingdom Come Deliverance is my favorite RPG ever! More people need to play it! I'd love to get the DLC and play even more, but since I lost my job I can't afford it. I was so close to getting the OST and Art Book, too. Now all my money goes to student loans until I get a job or my bank goes dry.
  6. I finally have fast internet to get bigger games quick!
  7. I copied the normal map files into the same textures/creatures/icegoblin folder and everything works now! Thank you! For some reason I though since I didn't change the name or tell the .nif to look for a different _n.dds that it would still work. Turns out it's more important than I thought.
  8. So, I'm trying to make a new creature. Just a blue skinned goblin. So I made a new folder in the data/meshes/creatures and data/textures/creatures called "icegoblin" and copied all the vanilla texture, meshes and animation files to them so I don't overwrite any vanilla assets. I opened the textures and recolored the skin blue and saved it back as a .dds with DXT3 compression and mipmaps. Then opened the meshes in NifSkope and changed the textures to my new ones. Looks perfectly fine in NifSkope, but in game and in the CS... Have I done something wrong? Did I miss a step? Please help.
  9. I'm in the middle of moving and have no job. This gift card would help me kill boredom.
  10. Time to give this another shot. Got a lot on my wishlist.
  11. 2 hours in and I'm LOVING this game! I want all my friends to experience it!
  12. There was a mod for Oldrim that did add taxes based on the number of horses and houses you owned with the courier acting as the tax collector.
  13. I would like more houses and land to buy for even more variety. There's so many "Free" house mods out there that just don't feel like I've earned them. The Ultimate Dragonborn houses should at least require completing the main quest line or something.
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