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Everything posted by corsta

  1. Thanks guys, I'll have to try having a look at some other mods' methods.
  2. Thanks for the replies, folks. To be honest, I did it that way because that's how I saw the vanilla furniture stuff done, and I don't know how else to make something only enable when a furniture thing is bought at a shop. Is there a better way to do it?
  3. Hi folks, I'm having another issue. I've made a mod that adds furniture to a home, but only when an XMarker is activated by purchasing a furniture set from a merchant, so the new furniture spawns in with the other items that would ordinarily spawn. On a new save, it works fine. On a current in-progress save, it works most of the time but occasionally a few of the containers will disappear. It seems entirely random which will be enabled or disabled on loading a save, but it's so far skipped over the containers that have items in them (thankfully). I don't know how to fix it, so I'm hoping one of you fabulous lot will be able to help. Thanks, Corey
  4. Thanks for the input, guys. I'm thinking I need to move the interior cell into its own new worldspace, which I've done, but I still can't figure out how to manage the fast-travel stuff. I can add a MapMarker now that it's an exterior worldspace, but I don't know how to make that appear where I want it on the Tamriel map (or on the map at all). I want/need it to work like the cities' MapMarkers that appear in the right place on the map and allow you to travel to a different worldspace with the MapMarker inside said worldspace, but without being visible from the beginning. Any ideas?
  5. Hi all, I'm hoping someone out there can help me. I'm working on a mod to improve QOL on a couple of locations, and one of the things I want to do is have the player spawn in an interior cell when travelling to a MapMarker. I managed to do it in Fallout New Vegas (using the GECK, of course), but can't for the life of me find a way to do it in Oblivion's Construction Set. Is it possible in this earlier engine, and if so, please can somebody help me figure it out? If it's not possible, I'll have to settle for some other way about it. Thanks in advance, folks! Corey
  6. Nah, it's an exterior settlement. The mapmarker is linked and everything seems to match up. I'm completely lost. But cool, I'll upload it somewhere easy.
  7. That'd be ace, cheers. Where would be best to upload it for your perusal?
  8. I have done, and it's all saved, but the cell name didn't change.
  9. There's the location thing, which I've done on all 4, but the name doesn't change at all. I'm thinking the issue is elsewhere, but I can't pinpoint it. I've gone right through the tutorial again, checking everything over, and it seems ok. I must be missing something. :L
  10. lets say your location is named corsta then the belonging cells should have the same name, if not then they don't add/count to your location, you can check wat cell(s) belong to your location its under 1 of the tabs from your location simple sample you make a location with the name xx and a encounter zone tat point to xx, you use 1 cell (lets say wllderness) if you not change the name from wilderness to xx it will not add/work as it should because the wb/marker/build is in wilderness, game can't find it so it will not work multie cells work the same way all should have the same name as your location It won't let me do that as it says "previous was type 'reference'", assumedly meaning either the location. There are also 4 cells to change, and it can't have duplicates. They all have the location as their "Location" selection. What would you suggest?
  11. Rename the cells..? My settlement takes up 4 cells, 3 of which are somewhat significant and 1 crucial to the story. I've begrudgingly changed the location of the cells to my settlement location, but do I have to rename them too? They're Ricky's Overpass, LexingtonExt02, SwitchboardExt01 and a Wilderness cell.
  12. So, after a long time, I've finally found time to revisit this... Stuyk, I followed your guide to the letter (it's great, by the by), and everything seems to work. Except that I can select my settlement as a target to move, but the settlers won't actually go there, nor will they work if I spawn them in and assign them. The radio beacon also doesn't put out a signal like it usually would. I've spent 20 or so in-game days waiting to see if anyone will turn up, but nothing. It seems everything's in place, but just won't go that last step. Any ideas, folks?
  13. Don't suppose you can give me the skinny on the missing parts of the InitializeLocation quest, could you? I can't get my settlement to be detectable.
  14. So far I've followed every step while rebuilding my settlement mod from the ground up (I couldn't get settlers/supply lines to work or the workshop to be recognised), but I'm still having the same problems. I'm thinking it might actually be the InitializeLocation quest, because that's the only thing where someone has pointed out that something's missing. I've noticed the default one has some users, where the custom one doesn't. Anyone have any ideas what needs doing?
  15. Need help with getting settlers/supply lines working with a custom settlement. Everything but that seems to be working fine, but there's no option to move settlers to the custom settlement and none turn up via recruitment. There's also no "Workshops" entry in the Pip-Boy. Any ideas folks? Cheers, Corsta
  16. Ah right! It must've removed that stuff when I started the V2 reboot... Thanks man, I'll try sorting that now.
  17. Still nothing. I've been trying for days and I'm at my wits' end. I don't suppose I could ask you to take a look at in the mod in question could I? It's The Untouched Vault for FNV...
  18. Right, I'll make another pass. May well be just my eyes...
  19. Checked every single one - even the ammo names to be sure. Still won't save...
  20. Thank you for the suggestions, but neither one fixed the issue. I still can't save the script...
  21. Note - in the GECK, everything is fully and correctly indented. Just wouldn't paste that way...
  22. Wondering if anyone can help with my script problems - I can't save the script, which tells me there's an issue somewhere. However, Script Validator couldn't pick up on anything and all references made in the script are as mentioned. Other than that, I have no idea what it may be, and yet that's fine. I've tried different variations of SCN to see if that may be it, but nope. Here's my script - can anyone recommend a fix please? SCN VAmmoSortingScript int AmmoCount Begin OnActivate Player Activate ;10 mmset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo10mmAmmoBox10mmRef.AddItem Ammo10mm AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo10mm AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo10mmHollowPointAmmoBox10mmRef.AddItem Ammo10mmHollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo10mmHollowPoint AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo10mmJHPHandLoadAmmoBox10mmRef.AddItem Ammo10mmJHPHandLoad AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo10mmJHPHandLoad AmmoCount 1 ;9mmset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo9mmAmmoBox9mmRef.AddItem Ammo9mm AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo9mm AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo9mmHollowPointAmmoBox9mmRef.AddItem Ammo9mmHollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo9mmHollowPoint AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo9mmPAmmoBox9mmRef.AddItem Ammo9mmP AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo9mmP AmmoCount 1 ;22LRset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo22LRAmmoBox22LRRef.AddItem Ammo22LR AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo22LR AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo22LRHollowPointAmmoBox22LRRef.AddItem Ammo22LRHollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo22LRHollowPoint AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo22LRPlinkingAmmoBox22LRRef.AddItem Ammo22LRPlinking AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo22LRPlinking AmmoCount 1 ;BBsset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoBBAmmoBoxBBRef.AddItem AmmoBB AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoBB AmmoCount 1 ;357set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo357MagnumAmmoBox357MagnumREF.AddItem Ammo357Magnum AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo357Magnum AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo357MagnumJFPHandLoadAmmoBox357MagnumREF.AddItem Ammo357MagnumJFPHandLoad AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo357MagnumJFPHandLoad AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo357MagnumHollowPointAmmoBox357MagnumREF.AddItem Ammo357MagnumHollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo357MagnumHollowPoint AmmoCount 1 ;44magset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo44magnumAmmoBox44MagnumREF.AddItem Ammo44magnum AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo44magnum AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo44MagnumHollowPointAmmoBox44MagnumREF.AddItem Ammo44MagnumHollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo44MagnumHollowPoint AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo44MagnumSWCHandLoadAmmoBox44MagnumREF.AddItem Ammo44MagnumSWCHandLoad AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo44MagnumSWCHandLoad AmmoCount 1 ;38specialset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo38SpecialAmmoBox357MagnumREF.AddItem Ammo38Special AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo38Special AmmoCount 1 ;44specialset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo44SpecialAmmoBox44MagnumREF.AddItem Ammo44Special AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo44Special AmmoCount 1 ;12gaugeset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo12GaAmmoBox12GaREF.AddItem Ammo12Ga AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo12Ga AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo12GaMagnumAmmoBox12GaREF.AddItem Ammo12GaMagnum AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo12GaMagnum AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo12GaSlugAmmoBox12GaREF.AddItem Ammo12GaSlug AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo12GaSlug AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo12GaBeanBagAmmoBox12GaREF.AddItem Ammo12GaBeanBag AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo12GaBeanBag AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo12GaCoinShotAmmoBox12GaREF.AddItem Ammo12GaCoinShot AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo12GaCoinShot AmmoCount 1 ;20Gaugeset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo20GaAmmoBox20GaREF.AddItem Ammo20Ga AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo20Ga AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo20GaMagnumAmmoBox20GaREF.AddItem Ammo20GaMagnum AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo20GaMagnum AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo20GaSlugAmmoBox20GaREF.AddItem Ammo20GaSlug AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo20GaSlug AmmoCount 1 ;556mmset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo556mmAmmoBox556mmREF.AddItem Ammo556mm AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo556mm AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo556mmHollowPointAmmoBox556mmREF.AddItem Ammo556mmHollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo556mmHollowPoint AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo556mmArmorPiercingAmmoBox556mmREF.AddItem Ammo556mmArmorPiercing AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo556mmArmorPiercing AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo556mmSurplusAmmoBox556mmREF.AddItem Ammo556mmSurplus AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo556mmSurplus AmmoCount 1 ;223set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo223AmmoBox556mmREF.AddItem Ammo223 AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo223 AmmoCount 1 ;127mmset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo127mmAmmoBox127REF.AddItem Ammo127mm AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo127mm AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo127mmHollowPointAmmoBox127REF.AddItem Ammo127mmHollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo127mmHollowPoint AmmoCount 1 ;4570set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo4570AmmoBox4570REF.AddItem Ammo4570 AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo4570 AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo4570HollowPointAmmoBox4570REF.AddItem Ammo4570HollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo4570HollowPoint AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo4570SWCHandLoadAmmoBox4570REF.AddItem Ammo4570SWCHandLoad AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo4570SWCHandLoad AmmoCount 1 ;308set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo308AmmoBox308REF.AddItem Ammo308 AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo308 AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo308ArmorPiercingAmmoBox308REF.AddItem Ammo308ArmorPiercing AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo308ArmorPiercing AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo308HollowPointAmmoBox308REF.AddItem Ammo308HollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo308HollowPoint AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo308JSPHandLoadAmmoBox308REF.AddItem Ammo308JSPHandLoad AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo308JSPHandLoad AmmoCount 1 ;50mgset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo50MGAmmoBox50calREF.AddItem Ammo50MG AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo50MG AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo50MGArmorPiercingAmmoBox50calREF.AddItem Ammo50MGArmorPiercing AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo50MGArmorPiercing AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo50MGHandLoadAmmoBox50calREF.AddItem Ammo50MGHandLoad AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo50MGHandLoad AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo50MGIncendiaryAmmoBox50calREF.AddItem Ammo50MGIncendiary AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo50MGIncendiary AmmoCount 1 ;5mmset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo5mmAmmoBox5mmREF.AddItem Ammo5mm AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo5mm AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo5mmArmorPiercingAmmoBox5mmREF.AddItem Ammo5mmArmorPiercing AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo5mmArmorPiercing AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo5mmHollowPointAmmoBox5mmREF.AddItem Ammo5mmHollowPoint AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo5mmHollowPoint AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo5mmSurplusAmmoBox5mmREF.AddItem Ammo5mmSurplus AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo5mmSurplus AmmoCount 1 ;ECPset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoElectronChargePackAmmoBoxElectronChargePacksREF.AddItem AmmoElectronChargePack AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoElectronChargePack AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoElectronChargePackBulkAmmoBoxElectronChargePacksREF.AddItem AmmoElectronChargePackBulk AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoElectronChargePackBulk AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoElectronChargePackMaxChargeAmmoBoxElectronChargePacksREF.AddItem AmmoElectronChargePackMaxCharge AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoElectronChargePackMaxCharge AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoElectronChargePackOverChargeAmmoBoxElectronChargePacksREF.AddItem AmmoElectronChargePackOverCharge AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoElectronChargePackOverCharge AmmoCount 1 ;MFCset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCellAmmoBoxMicroFusionCellsREF.AddItem AmmoMicroFusionCell AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoMicroFusionCell AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCellBulkAmmoBoxMicroFusionCellsREF.AddItem AmmoMicroFusionCellBulk AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoMicroFusionCellBulk AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCellMaxChargeAmmoBoxMicroFusionCellsREF.AddItem AmmoMicroFusionCellMaxCharge AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoMicroFusionCellMaxCharge AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoMicroFusionCellOverChargeAmmoBoxMicroFusionCellsREF.AddItem AmmoMicroFusionCellOverCharge AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoMicroFusionCellOverCharge AmmoCount 1 ;SECset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoSmallEnergyCellAmmoBoxSmallEnergyCellsREF.AddItem AmmoSmallEnergyCell AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoSmallEnergyCell AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoSmallEnergyCellBulkAmmoBoxSmallEnergyCellsREF.AddItem AmmoSmallEnergyCellBulk AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoSmallEnergyCellBulk AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoSmallEnergyCellMaxChargeAmmoBoxSmallEnergyCellsREF.AddItem AmmoSmallEnergyCellMaxCharge AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoSmallEnergyCellMaxCharge AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoSmallEnergyCellOverChargeAmmoBoxSmallEnergyCellsREF.AddItem AmmoSmallEnergyCellOverCharge AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoSmallEnergyCellOverCharge AmmoCount 1 ;Alienset AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoAlienPowerCellAmmoBoxAlienPowerCellsREF.AddItem AmmoAlienPowerCell AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoAlienPowerCell AmmoCount 1 ;Messet AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoMesmetronPowerCellAmmoBoxMiscREF.AddItem AmmoMesmetronPowerCell AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoMesmetronPowerCell AmmoCount 1 ;Explosives set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoFatMansAmmoBoxMiniNukeREF.AddItem AmmoFatMans AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoFatMans AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoMissileAmmoBoxMissilesREF.AddItem AmmoMissile AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoMissile AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoMissileHighExplosiveAmmoBoxMissilesREF.AddItem AmmoMissileHighExplosive AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoMissileHighExplosive AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoMissileHighVelocityAmmoBoxMissilesREF.AddItem AmmoMissileHighVelocity AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoMissileHighVelocity AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo25mmGrenadeAmmoBox25mmGrenadeREF.AddItem Ammo25mmGrenade AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo25mmGrenade AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo25mmGrenadeHighExplosiveAmmoBox25mmGrenadeREF.AddItem Ammo25mmGrenadeHighExplosive AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo25mmGrenadeHighExplosive AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo40mmGrenadeAmmoBox40mmGrenadeREF.AddItem Ammo40mmGrenade AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo40mmGrenade AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount Ammo40mmGrenadeIncendiaryAmmoBox40mmGrenadeREF.AddItem Ammo40mmGrenadeIncendiary AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem Ammo40mmGrenadeIncendiary AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoFlamerFuelAmmoBoxFlamerFuelREF.AddItem AmmoFlamerFuel AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoFlamerFuel AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount AmmoFlamerFuelHomemadeAmmoBoxFlamerFuelREF.AddItem AmmoFlamerFuelHomemade AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem AmmoFlamerFuelHomemade AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapNVDynamiteAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapNVDynamite AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapNVDynamite AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapNVLongFuseDynamiteAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapNVLongFuseDynamite AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapNVLongFuseDynamite AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapNVTimeBombAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapNVTimeBomb AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapNVTimeBomb AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapGrenadeFragAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapGrenadeFrag AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapGrenadeFrag AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapGrenadePlasmaAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapGrenadePlasma AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapGrenadePlasma AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapGrenadePulseAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapGrenadePulse AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapGrenadePulse AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapNVGrenadeIncendiaryAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapNVGrenadeIncendiary AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapNVGrenadeIncendiary AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapNVGrenadeStunAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapNVGrenadeStun AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapNVGrenadeStun AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapMineFragAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapMineFrag AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapMineFrag AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapMinePlasmaAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapMinePlasma AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapMinePlasma AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapMinePulseAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapMinePulse AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapMinePulse AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapNVMinePowderChargeAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapNVMinePowderCharge AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapNVMinePowderCharge AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapMineBottlecapAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapMineBottlecap AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapMineBottlecap AmmoCount 1 set AmmoCount to Player.GetItemCount WeapNVC4PlasticExplosiveAmmoBoxExplosivesREF.AddItem WeapNVC4PlasticExplosive AmmoCountPlayer.RemoveItem WeapNVC4PlasticExplosive AmmoCount 1 ShowMessage VAmmoSorterDoneMsg End
  23. hey my pipboy doesn't work. does any1 no wer i can get the original files? not even re - installing the game gets them. i just need the pipboy...
  24. Hey, I'll get to the point, when I make a mod and try using it, sometimes the items, creatures or containers aren't there. Anyone know what's going on?
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