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Everything posted by arcana75

  1. I happened to read this bit while reading up on a Skyrim bug: :)
  2. Few more suggestions, as I'm really keen on this mod. I would have readily volunteered to help you, except I'm only 30hrs into Skyrim and want to play it through first. 1) I found your earlier suggestion thread and one of your earlier requirements is that your town isn't affliated with Imperial or Stormcloak. I think it would be fun to have your town interplay with both factions. Eg raids, or envoys coming over to curry your (my) favour. Just like how sometimes you see the Aldmeri Dominion in some towns. To make things interesting you would have some balancing act to play between the two, as leaning too far towards one faction causes repercussions from the other perhaps down to all-out raids by them. Or you could just play between the two, keeping both happy. I don't think being completely neutral would fit into Skyrim. Independent would be a better word and mercenary at times. Or give the player to one day fly a faction flag at the gate, with real differences to the town either way, eg more Nord/Imperial NPCs, more Imperial/Nord raids, etc. 2) The player won't be in town the whole time and therefore putting effort into it (defences, guards, equipment) must mean something than just to look good. See if you can get the courier system working for you (more than it already is), giving you letters from the township informing you of successful defences (and so eg adding some gold into your town coffers) or successful raids by enemy (and so some paid guards are dead, or lost gold in coffers). More losses would encourage you to beef up your town. And the 3rd is a quick alert letter which you could respond to, to participate in the battle. For this I wouldn't mind a fast teleport into town. Afterall Mark and Recall were part of lore and in earlier ES games. Some of this could just be meta-gaming with no real activity ingame, except the intervention option, but it certainly helps with immersion and reminds the player, hey you're still Jarl of the town and there's a town to run. I admit both ideas maybe too early to implement given the WIP nature, so just ideas to toss about :)
  3. Great job on the first release! Will be watching it from now on :) 1) Definitely! Already doing that, and aside from some building interiors that's how I plan to keep it. :thumbsup: 2) Hm, good idea. I'll have to look into it, not sure how to accomplish this. I'm not a Skyrim modder but did fiddle with Oblivion, Morrowind and Fallout. By looking at the current companion packages like Lydia, should be easy enough to change a nav point to your town? But I think you may need to create all-new navmeshes for the companions to roam your town. 3) Yup yup. Some upgrades will be purchaseable, others will require quests (some of which may very well consist of gathering rare materials, while others will be more interesting). :thumbsup: 4) Definitely happening. Being exterior, dragon attacks are already a possibility. I also plan on bandit raids and other scripted events being part of the evolution of this mod as well. :thumbsup: 5) There will be enough storage to keep things somewhat organized, which is to say far fewer chests and the like than most player home mods have (which really just put too damn much in, I think!). Weapon racks etc. will be common. Mannequins a little less so, just because I find them a bit creepy, but still enough to display your nifty armors. I find mannequins creepy too... the face... Perhaps another, more creative way to show armour. Eg an "invisible" mannequin or a new model that is a wireframe holding up the pieces, just like how our museums today show plate armour. In any case, I find that from my travels, named weapons tend to hold a more special place in my heart than a piece of armour, hence my preference for weapon racks. Armours, perhaps only to display unique shields like the city guard shields. Though a few can't hurt, in reality if you had a whole town to own and play with, instead of a mannequin I much rather have my town guards wear that armour (as mentioned in this thread). Actual NPCs wearing my armours and holding weapons forged by my town, way way better.
  4. Suggestions: 1) Make the town an external cell, not like eg Whiterun, but like the homesteads like Riverwood, Dawnstar, etc. 2) Make all companions whom you ask to part ways to return to this town. Then they can roam the open outdoor spaces with the NPCs and miggle, eat, lean against posts, etc. Not sure how sleep would be handled though, probably an underground barracks in the Jarl's(?) house (yours). 3) As mentioned by others, gather materials or pay gold for it, to help build the town. 4) Other than quests, add some dynamism to the town, eg dragon attack, Forsworn raid, etc. 5) A really really good player home that has plenty of weapon and shield racks for display. Enough with the storage boxes and display cases. I want to admire all the stuff I collected from my travels. Mannequins are fine but racks are more visually pleasing.
  5. Hi, is it possible for a player home modder to make all companions return to a single home, when you ask the companion to part ways? I see quite a few modders do up nice big homes like this Dwemer Fortress. However all of them end up empty and lifeless. Would be great if home modders could change companion behaviour to get them to return to the modded home, with navmesh.
  6. Bought Skyrim off Steam, went straight away to Nexus. Then the Workshop mods got me interested. Started downloading and using Workshop mods together with Nexus mods. Then I realised Workshop modders were mirroring their work on Nexus. Today, I unsubscribed all my Workshop mods and moved everything to NMM. Tighter control, more comments, integration with SKSE.
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