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About Hatfield

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  1. I am looking for a mod that allows you to jump into other peoples bodies. Or a mod that lets you morph into a wolf that is not in testing stage.
  2. Are there any formal suit mods out there? I saw a picture of some guy wearing a pink suit.
  3. Imperator3, what were you wielding in the screenshot for crynets nano armor on your off hand?
  4. I want to make a mushroom mod that adds giant blue mushrooms to the game. The thing is, I don't know how to make it or which resource to use. Can someone please help me?
  5. I believe it is better for you.
  6. I'm very sorry Aria. I don't approve of certain drugs either. Such as methamphetamine's and all hard drugs like them. It is indeed disgusting when you see pictures of people that have been on drugs such as these. My friend actually just lost his brother to the choking game while his brother was on cocaine. I think this mod should be made for the use of tobacco only.
  7. I have got it! The chosen one who makes this mod can use dragon materials for the jabberwocky and bear materials for a bandersnatch.
  8. Thanks for the vote.
  9. Well then, excuse me for listing the one person that liked the idea. I think the idea of a hookah in the game is great. Others may think the same and others may think differently. Now let us drop this argument and let others decide whether or not this should happen.
  10. Kieranfoy, zprospero though it was a wonderful idea.
  11. You do realize that I was not getting upset and I do realize that no one owes me anything. I had a little too much coffee running through me this morning therefore I was quite hyper. I understand you don't like drugs and that you would vote no to a mod such as this. I apologize for my response earlier and wish to you a good day sir. By the way, may I ask you where you are going when you die? I understand atheists do not believe in religion but some call themselves atheist and then make up their own religion. So I ask you once more, where will you be going when you die?
  12. Why exactly would a hookah not be a cool addon for the game?
  13. Rob you forgot to explain why a smokeable hookah wouldn't be cool.
  14. How could someone say no in the poll? Next time leave a reply explaining why this wouldn't be a good idea.
  15. Would this not be too cool? You just sit down somewhere and start smoking a hookah? I think something like this would be a major download bomb! People would jump on this. Please, if you have the time, don't just copy the smokeable pipe mod animation. It would be great if the character just sat down and the hookah was on the floor next to him.
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