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Posts posted by Pyroy


    I don't understand these replies @devinpatterson and @YanL care to explain?

    I'm not having any luck with scaling the mesmetron projectile is there a second choice?



    ...Hmm. Did you try scaling the robobrain one? Also, sorry for the late reply. Indeed this is bad on my part.

  2. Ah yes, the Righteous Bison is a raygun, noty sopnic based at all, though the ring projectile is also different. Also, looked into the projectiles and the mesmetron is the best one from what I can tell of the various ones shown.


    Sorry it took me so long to get back here guys, works been a pain lately, lol. How's everyone doing anyways?

  3. "It's important you do the footwork on studying the different projectiles for two reasons.
    1. You may have a personal preference for one or the other, and of course that is subjective (ie. I can't guess which you'll like better).
    2. Since I haven't found a way to scale the mesmetron projectile (see my previous post) it becomes even more imperative that you choose another option, because baring that or someone bestowing upon us some additional info we are at a roadblock."


    Again, not exactly easy when you have no viable way of viewing each projectile, and for all we know they can all be the same. For simplicity, I suggested the mesmetron projectile.


    I did some foot work, as much as I could without the GECK or good equipment. I used to have the GECK but right now my PC won't let it do it's job, and it wasn't exactly an easy program to install in the first place which doesn't help with the complications.


    But you are able to run the game ? Cuz the geck should use less hardware assets than the game ... at least just for poking around. It does get a bit process intensive when opening up the navmesh editor depending on how far out you are panned though.


    You are not trying to launch the geck with your whole load order you play the game with are you ?

    Cuz it would definitely choke on that. Or if your disk space is low , that would be a problem also. The install was pretty easy in my recollection ... atleast just to run the vanilla version. I guess it is a little tricky with GPU , NVSE & JIP. But don't need those just to poke around at the vanilla content and any mod that only relys on the vanilla functions.



    No, I'm saying I can't run GECK period. I'm always missing dlls and although last time I was able to run it, about a year or half a year ago, these days I can't. They make the installation far, FAR to demanding and I hate running around online trying to find files that should already be with the GECK in the first place.

  5. The mesmetron projectile would be my favorite, if I had to say. Again, you know what to do. Two ALT pistols found, let's say in the Goodsprings gas station, and adjust the size and all of both projectiles, blue and purple. Can you maybe show me the purple projectile if it's not too much trouble at the moment? I'll be patient don't worry. I did some foot work, as much as I could without the GECK or good equipment. I used to have the GECK but right now my PC won't let it do it's job, and it wasn't exactly an easy program to install in the first place which doesn't help with the complications.



    I think the mesmetron projectile is intact in the geck. There's also the sonic attack from the robodogs of OWB as YanL suggested, the lakelurk projectile or the robobrain's. There is Euclid's orbital laser if you want a large area of effect. Anyway shold be a few there for you to choose from.


    Which reminds me, I was going to ask if there were any subtle differences between those projectiles or if they're all the same thing. Also, how's my mod coming along? :thumbsup: I was curious to hear about the progress, and I'm sure you have a busy schedule like myself, so it's all good. I just had to ask.

  7. That does sound like an awesome mod idea, however in regards to the mesmotron projectile, I think you're just incorrect and it's just for show. I don't think there's any multi-expansions or what not Good observation though.

  8. Wow this sounds pretty awesome ... which is mostly about customizing the projectile ?


    I've got a mod I'm scratching my head about how to have a mind control weapon long range.

    And adjusting the the mesmatron projectile seemed good Idea ... but how it gets bigger and what actually is the size of the collision plane by the time the projectile hit it's target ... how is that controlled ?

    And could it render in a scope.nif ?


    Sorry to derail OP ...


    Oh dude no problem. It's not a major derailment and your mod sounds interesting. As an added suggestion, maybe you should make it alien tech since aliens and mind control go together quite well.


    Also, is the collision plane the blast radius? Noob question probably but I had to ask.




    fired, so hopefully changing the projectile doesn't automatically change what happens when the person or thing is hit, be it an NPC or a wall.

    Do not happen anything diferent.


    Change the color of the projectile is easy, it can be done in 10 seconds, really.


    But the color of the impact and desintegration? Oh boy, this is trouble. Well, good luck with that devin, I'll even keep an eye on this thread, because I'm interested in how you're going to do it, because I do not know how.



    Oh, I don't want to edit the color of impact or the disintegration effect. Just the projectile will be edited here.



    oh, ok. This is easy, just a change in the color of the material, can be done in Nifskope.


    Anyway, you are in good hands, good luck with your mod :smile:



    Thanks man, this should be pretty epic once it gets made. I would have done this myself but I have zero time and learning that s#*! can be a bit of a loophole game.


    fired, so hopefully changing the projectile doesn't automatically change what happens when the person or thing is hit, be it an NPC or a wall.

    Do not happen anything diferent.


    Change the color of the projectile is easy, it can be done in 10 seconds, really.


    But the color of the impact and desintegration? Oh boy, this is trouble. Well, good luck with that devin, I'll even keep an eye on this thread, because I'm interested in how you're going to do it, because I do not know how.



    Oh, I don't want to edit the color of impact or the disintegration effect. Just the projectile will be edited here. And yeah, I'm extremely curious to see how he does it. This should be very interesting indeed.

  11. Oh, and make sure the speed of the projectile is unchanged as well. The original badass pulse lightning projectile moved pretty fast and I want to keep it that way. Faster than plasma but not impossible for someone to dodge.

  12. Ah, yes I definitely am looking for 2 versions of the mod, sorry if I was unclear. I was thinking alternate esm files that I could just check or uncheck (esm or esp) but two alternate pistols would be alright as well. Both pistols would look exactly the same, but one fires the normal blue rings and the other fires the purple rings. make sure it's a badass purple and not pink though LOL.

  13. What I mean is, the pulse effect when it hits will be different than the mesmotron effect. So everything else remains the way it was, but the projectile coming out of the weapon is the mesmotron effect. I hope this makes sense.

  14. Alright, since this forum is f*#@ing horrible with it's layout and features, I'll continue my post as it was sent prematurely above. This is a continuation of my previous post. Sorry for the confusion but I wish this layout was less of a pain.


    An alternate (second) pistol, or an alternate fire mode of the same pistol (I can probably do either or both)?
    No, I meant an alternate color for the ring effect. One will be the original mesmotron ring effect, so blue, and another as purple. That's all.
    Also, if you replace the normal pulse ball lightning effect with the ring mesmotron particle effect, PLEASE make sure you don't change any of the epic crit effects when it hits it's target, or anything like that. When it hits someone, organic or robot it has a sound and robots tend to have a pulse damage effect. This stays. The ONLY thing I want changed is the projectile being fired, so hopefully changing the projectile doesn't automatically change what happens when the person or thing is hit, be it an NPC or a wall.
    I would like to know if changing the projectile also changes the effect when it hits, because this is interesting me now.
  15. Oh the Righteous Bison doesn't have moving parts aside from the pump reload which isn't even necessary. Though I wish I knew where to look for public domain raygun models that were-Bison like. I've seen many, many models but none were public dsomain. I'm a bit confused as to what you mean.



    An alternate (second) pistol, or an alternate fire mode of the same pistol (I can probably do either or both)?


    Sorry, I'v only had a chance to skim your post, so I might have missed this, but you want both combined? Yeah I'd guess that's do-able, I kinda thought you wanted it more to look like the vids you posted. But as I said I haven't looked at the post in detail, I'll try to as soon as I get some free time.

    If the nifs for both can't be combined, then maybe we can do something like a simultaneous ejection of both projectiles at the same velocity to make them appear to be one. Just because sometimes when you copy branches into another nif they don't (or I can't) link up correctly. We'll see.

    BTW your probably familiar with Euclid's C-Finder, to me it looks like it's closer in style to the pistol in the videos than the pulse pistol in the mod you linked too (especially once it's re-textured in the same colors and a few edits are made), but that's just and opinion and you may see it differently.





    Ah yes, of course I am familiar with Euclid's C-Finder, though I must say it's design is nowhere near as epic as the Bison or the Pulse Pistol. See here: xtSXpcY.png




    Also, HIGHLY IMPORTANT: for now let's just focus on having the normal unaltered Mesmotron particle effect added to the Pulse Pistol. Then, aftar that we can look to combining it. However, aside from the normal blue mesmotron effect, if we can also make an ALT for a violet ring effect (literally just recolor the effect to make it purple, NOT pink, purple) then that would be great too.


    Thoughts? And thanks again for the valuable input.

  17. As an added note, if we can make the ring projectile smaller than it was originally, so that it's more of a fit for the pistol it's being fired from, that would be great.


    Now, the Mesmotron does very weak damage, so again this is a cosmetic change, the normal effects and everything should remain normal for the Pule Pistol in-game. Replacing the particle should be easy enough, though I do hope we can mix the ring projectile with the original pulse ball lightning, somehow, if it can be done.

  18. I'll be patient if it takes you a whole, so don't worry, and in regards to what you said, I realize that porting a particle effect from another game like the Team Fortress 2 Righteous Bison projectile effect is quite advanced, as well as custom reload animations, but for the YK32 Pulse Pistol, if you can make a purple Mesmetron projectile come out of it, that would be pretty interesting in and of itself, though I would like options to change between blue and purple, with unchecking esm files or what not. Still, even if the Mesmetron isn't as cool, i's still an interesting idea.


    Thanks for the feedback, though I do hope more people can chime in and aid me with this. What about gettig the Bison model in New Vegas? Would that be difficult? Correct me if I'm wrong but it seemed like you thought it could happen, though minus the pump as it would be too advanced. Getting the Bison inside is something I tried but it was pretty mind boggling, I'm new to modding so it makes sense. Hopefully more experienced modders chime in.

  19. You know, one thing I always wanted was for my one of my main weapons in Fallout New Vegas to fire energy rings, instead of ball lightning. Ring lightning I suppose, or a tauroid.

    There's this classic energy weapons mod for New Vegas and it has the YK-32 Pulse Pistol in it, and it's a classic, badass looking raygun.


    The particle is cool, but I would prefer a purple ring blast instead. Don't change the stats or anything, or the speed, or the sound, don't change anything but the way the particle effect looks. So that it's more accurate to the actual pulse pistol and rayguns in general. If any of you can make this a really cool ring that would be wonderful.

    If you need any added info, please ask for it. I do have an idea of what you can base it off of.

    The following vids are short TF2 vids showing off the Righteous Bison's projectiles. Though, this is just to assist you.


    Now with ALL THAT said, I have an added bonus idea, though this is definitely going to be more difficult. I would also like to maybe see another raygun in New Vegas, only this one is so epic it's going to have it's own custom stats.

    The gun I am referring to is known as the Righteous Bison. It’s an epic ray gun from Team fortress 2, and quite honestly it’s a GALACTIC SHAME this gun hasn’t been somehow implemented in Fallout as a mod weapon. It’s such a Fallout gun. See, originally the Bison had 4 shots, which you can recharge using the pump at the back. It’s a pump action raygun. That being said however, the projectiles moved slow as f*#@ and it’s a horrible gun in most combat scenarios, as it relies on situational ambush tactics. It lacks versatility.

    HOWEVER. Man VS Machine does it justice...Somewhat.I know Team Fortress 2’s Bison only has 4 shots, and slow projectiles but this New Vegas version should have 8 shots, each and every shot being rechargeable, as well as the projectiles moving MUCH faster. Faster than a plasma bolt in Fallout but not bullet or laser fast. Fast but still moderately dodgeable. And as I said, if you fire off 1 shot, 2 shots, 7 shots, or all 12 shots, you need to reload each and every shot individually, but the pump reload should be fairly quick.

    That being said, I always loved the way the rings of energy from the Bison look. They look badass, and I have sources showing the way the gun operates in-game, as I've shown you all. The effects it has on it’s targets in Fallout would either be the same as in TF2 ONLY for critical hits (if you can port it) or just an ashy effect . Otherwise it just hits them like laser or plasma would, maybe even add a flashy electric effect.

    So it's a rechargeable weapon, it can't break, and it has a fairly quick projectile speed, fire rate, etc. Now for damage. 50 damage. Definitely a lot, but this baby is a true FIERCE raygun that puts normal Fallout weapons to f*#@ing shame, so it should do lots of damage.

    So...What do you fine people think? Can this be done? It would mean, so, SO much to me if both ideas can be brought to reality.

  20. Thank you Sic Parvis Magna. You really are appreciated. Funny thing though, miraculously it stopped popping up and NVSE seems to be working fine now. Problem is, everything is still in the x86 directory. Is there any adfvice you have that can permanently place them in a different drive? And what drive should it be? The D drive? Oh, and I did download 7zip and it's amazing. When it comes to the drive issue, I really don't want to uninstall and re-install Fallout New Vegas so this would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks again, this really means a lot.

  21. Now, I want to start this off by stating how much I loathe having to do this. After hours upon hours of looking into this, and literally 99% of other mod related issues, nothing seems to help. Ever. I always either get lucky after wasting my time with excruciating trial by error sessions, or I actually do find a legit helping hand in the form of some obscure method I found while perusing countless threads. I have no idea why some mod authors are so dense as to not describe their instructions well, only to look down their greasy noses and scoff at people RIGHTFULLY upset by their arrogance, but that's not the point of this thread, now is it?


    No, THIS is. cdwfa7c.png


    Now this might not be the only issue. That would be too good to be true, but I have a feeling this is what might be causing the majority of my problems. Funny thing is, New Vegas still runs after this error flashes on my screen. Do keep in mind I accidentally uploaded the NVSE files and even the src in the data folder, which I then remembered was a mistake. After promptly deleting them from that folder, I then placed them in the New Vegas folder. Turns out I didn't even need the src folder lest I want to mod myself, but I'm not a skilled enough modder yet.



    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas"



    That is the file directory path, but despite my efforts certain mods still don't work and that error keeps coming up. Now, I checked for the version of NVSE in-game and it said it was version 5. Was it working all along? I'm so confused. The vast majority of mods I place into New Vegas work perfectly fine, but when they don't work, it's almost impossible to find a clear cut, intelligent way of dealing with it. All those threads and nothing.


    âAny assistance would be appreciated. To my knowledge no one knows about that error I showed in the screen cap above.


    what is the path Nmm say's the game is installed @...?


    when you scan it, and it drops onto what it say's it finds that it "thinks qualifies as the games directory..? please screen shot that for me and post it.


    I will attempt to walk you thru it.


    the error message "failed to launch fallout 4.exe system could not find the file specified" even means?

    Yes, I do.


    Here's a screenshot of the directory http://i.imgur.com/fL4Q98V.png


    Also, THIS JUST IN I figured out how to change the layout and get launching from NMM. But some of the mods don't function. Also, I'll be gathering some screenshots on F3SE because that's just a clusterf*#@. Hold up for a moment.






    So first screenshot. This is an example. I’m looking at two folders in the src, if I should place F4SE in my Fallout 4 data folder, or my main Fallout 4 folder, then should I place every single .dll file, .pex file etc.




    About those .pex and .dll and more...See, I have a hard time understanding if every single non folder file should be placed there, or wherever it should be or not. This is a massive gripe I have with people who make these read me files or tutorials. Where should every single file go?











    These are screenshots to help. Other than this, I need further questions for anyone willing to help. I’ll walk through it with anyone. But for anyone willing to randomly act like a snarky twat, I’m not looking for that trouble. Go troll someone else.

  23. what is the path Nmm say's the game is installed @...?


    when you scan it, and it drops onto what it say's it finds that it "thinks qualifies as the games directory..? please screen shot that for me and post it.


    I will attempt to walk you thru it.


    the error message "failed to launch fallout 4.exe system could not find the file specified" even means?

    Yes, I do.


    Here's a screenshot of the directory http://i.imgur.com/fL4Q98V.png


    Also, THIS JUST IN I figured out how to change the layout and get launching from NMM. But some of the mods don't function. Also, I'll be gathering some screenshots on F3SE because that's just a clusterf*#@. Hold up for a moment.

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