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Posts posted by Vercalos

  1. That would be nice. I stood at the farmer's stand, and listened to Mogrul threaten his wife's life. That would have been a beautiful time to torch him publicly, but alas...rules.


    As an alternative, you can lead him outside of the bulwark and kill him, though. After you send Drovas over to be Neloth's new Steward, go back to town. When Mogrul sees you, he'll begin walking toward you. Walk out of town to the farm house, or somewhere you can be out of sight. Don't run too far ahead of him, or he'll turn around, but if you stay at a normal pace, he'll keep following you. When you're away from prying eyes, you can do away with him. I remember sniping him in games past, but this time he was unkillable until after I let him threaten me. If you can't kill him straight away, he may need to say his piece first. His sidekick slitter sometimes comes with him, sometimes stays in the tavern. Not hard to find him without prying eyes around.

    For what it's worth, I'm aware of the possibility of assassinating him(which I eventually did in my current playthrough), but this post is about modifying the quest to have alternate solutions to paying him off or killing him. He's a loan shark, and he's clearly engaged in shady activities. Hell, even the letter from the Thugs he sends after you could be considered evidence of some of his criminal activities.

  2. With the nature of Mogrul's character, he's undoubtedly committed crimes, so I feel like there should be a solution to A New Debt where you can investigate him, and then take evidence of his crimes to Captain Veleth, Adril Arano, or Lleril Morvayn, and have him arrested, so he can no longer send goons after you for a debt you never took a loan out for.

  3. All things considered, I'm not sure if that's even feasible. I'm not 100% certain, but I'm fairly sure that at least some interiors would conflict with the surrounding exteriors(or even neighboring interiors, in cases of cities), and such a mod would be very heavily prone to conflicts, especially with other mods that add new areas.

  4. Heh. I'm not exactly unwilling, but I am totally ignorant as to where to start. When I loaded the NIF file on my end, I didn't even see the same issue that Purr4me did.




    I turned off "Autosanitize Before Save", then my view was identical to Purr4me. I've never actually used NIFskope to edit anything before, so I guess I'm lucky I didn't accidentally break anything.

  5. Actually, just one single file. As I mentioned before, the StarshipCap.nif loads and renders in game. The StarshipCapgo.nif does not. I'm not sure what the difference between the two is beyond the name, as they're visually the same in NIFskope, and one is intended to display when worn by an actor, and one is intended to be displayed in the world. I actually switched the reference to StarshipCapgo.nif to StarshipCap.nif, and it rendered visually in game, but I'm afraid there are differences between the files that aren't immediately obvious, that could cause issues.


    in any case, I'll be going away for a bit because I need to eat something.

  6. For what it's worth, the missing masters are all from Tales of Two Wastelands, and are basically all the official DLCs and main game for both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, plus the TTW ESM. It also looks like you've downloaded redundant files, as the main file is already at v166, and the other two are updates for previous versions v16 > v165, and v165 > v166 respectively

  7. That error is not directly related to the file sizes, but rather to their location in the Data folder. Please see the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.




    I don't know that it's an issue with the file location, seeing as both NIF files are in the same directory, also, I did look through that page before posting here, but none of the proposed issues/solutions seemed to apply in this instance.


    As for the file sizes, I wasn't suggesting that the file size itself was causing the issue, I was suggesting that the file sizes indicated that the files weren't identical, so despite being visually similar, there must be some difference between the two files causing the StarshipCapgo.nif to not load properly in game

  8. So, I'm currently trying to figure out an issue with the Tale of Two Wastelands conversion of the Fallout 3 mod, namely with a piece of armor, called the Starship Officer Cap.


    Two of them are placed on the bridge of the Mothership once the MCZ quests start. However, with those two being placed there is an issue. For some reason, they're showing an error in game(red kite, with exclamation point in the middle).


    The object in question refers to two .NIF files. When worn, it refers to StarshipCap.nif, when placed in the world it, it refers to StarshipCapgo.nif. Now, visually, they appear the same in NIFSkope, but there is some differences between the files, as StarshipCapgo.nif is 6kb bigger than StarshipCapgo.nif. I cannot figure out how they differ, but they both refer to the same textures, and while the StarshipCap.nif displays properly in game, the StarshipCapgo.nif does not.


    So, a quick and dirty fix would be to make both the biped model and world model refer to the same .NIF file, but given that there are differences between the two files that I haven't been able to discern, I'm not sure if that wouldn't cause more problems than it solved to do that.

  9. So, I recently went on a Skyrim binge(gave up on it for the moment due to the sheer frustration that is Dragonborn related crashes), and ran across this mod:


    Pastel Map Markers


    And I wonder if anyone's ever considered a similar mod for Fallout 4? The one mod I found with color icons on the Nexus so far breaks my map icons, so that my player and quest markers show the incorrect icons.

  10. It just seems odd to me that everything you can do on the Download screen is more easily and comprehensively done on the Mod screen. Like I keep saying, the functionality of the download screen is weird, and differs from every other download screen I've ever seen, including other mod managers I've used. Even in NMM, the download screen was little more than a pop-up that displayed mods that were currently downloading.

  11. Unless Nexus itself changes the way the download links work (and that's unlikely), there's nothing Votrex can do about it. Which mod you're actually download is controlled in the Nexus website (THAT's where you click the link), and this link gets invalid after a while.


    Vortex is just not able to fix that on its own.

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. Unless they're good for an exceptionally long time, Nexus Mods doesn't generate random links for file downloads. I just downloaded the same file from the the same direct link link that was provided to me 24 hours ago, and it worked again.


    Also, Nexus Mod Manager, Vortex's predecessor, had the ability to restart/resume failed downloads.

  12. It's not a list of downloads (which is what a browser is showing) but a list of mod archives in the download directory. And I'm pretty sure that there is a warning when deleting one of those files.

    I don't know what your experience has been, but when I clicked the [...] and Remove, there is no warning. The file is immediately deleted


    As I said before, every file manager I've seen with a Downloads screen before Vortex, it wasn't an active record of what files were in the directory it was referring to, it was a record of the download, whether or not it was completed, and in some cases, whether or not the file was still located in the indicated directory.


    This is literally the first time I've ever seen a download screen that deleted files when entries were removed from it.

  13. I've only just now noticed something quite annoying, and counter-intuitive.


    Removing a download from the download screen, post download completion, actually deletes the downloaded file, rather than solely the record of the download from the download screen.


    This is the exact opposite of every web browser and download manager I've ever used, including Vortex's predecessor, Nexus Mod Manager.


    If you're going to make a counter-intuitive feature like that, why not add a warning message that the action will delete the file?



    Looks like they changed it so that it now says "Delete" instead of "Remove"

  14. For what it's worth, I second this suggestion. Even starting over from 0(zero) would be better than what's currently in place, which is having to go back to the Nexus webpage for the mod in question, and clicking on the download link again.



    Seriously, what is UP with these downloads? I've had 8 out of 10 mods fail to download and presently the only 2 downloading are at 0 B/s

  15. I suppose this would be a lot of work to implement, but I feel like it should have been a thing from the start. Basically, I rather like the idea of being able to filter mods by language. I would imagine while there is a demand for mods in various languages, the majority don't need access to an Italian translation.

    Such filtering would also make it easier for users to find mods translated or patched into their native tongue.

  16. I think this is kind of an interesting idea and kinda not.


    The interesting idea is to have something that lets a settler go out and hunt for good.


    The bad idea is having a camp within the settlement. If one has a access to a bed with a solid roof over their heads, sleeping in a tent is somewhat unpalatable.

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