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Posts posted by Vercalos

  1. My personal favorite for this is Immersive Vendors, which basically just takes the default shops and adds relevant paraphernalia to it. IE the general store will have random scrap items on display, the weapons shop with have arms and ammo on the racks. They're not steal-able, as they're all static objects directly connected to the shop, but now at least the shops actually have merchandise on display, as opposed to just going by what the sign says. What's more, the items are only there when the shop is open. So if it's unmanned or closed, no merchandise is on display.


    it also makes logical sense because for all that the shops clearly have display racks, for some bizarre reason the vanilla game doesn't make use of them.

  2. I'm imagining this would be a lot of work without much payoff, but I thought I'd put it out there all the same... Worst that'll happen is I'll have a thread of people insulting me. As this is the internet, I'm largely inured to that sort of behavior.


    It's great that Raider-type RPers now have something that lets them RP as raiders. but it rather sucks that the quests are heavily skewed towards raider type players, leaving players who prefer to RP as the good guy(or girl) without any sort of structured gameplay.


    I rather envision something similar to the Civil War questine from Skyrim. Something with more content than just "You don't like playing raider? Kill all of them."


    Culminating with a pitched battle to take the power-plant at the end, replacing the rebelling raider gang at the end(assuming you're playing through the good aligned chain created in the proposed mod) with a coalition of the raiders that survived you taking the rest of the park.

  3. Like I said, you don't actually miss out on any content except the radiant quests. But I do agree that they clearly didn't bother fleshing out the good guy route.

    You also miss out on at least one unique weapon by going against the raiders, as Amoral Combat, after several repeats, yields a unique gatling laser.


    The Blacks who lead the Operators are implied to be sociopaths through some holotapes you'll find eventually. Especially Mags seems to indicate through conversation that getting the caps through illegal means is just as much part of the fun than getting rich itself is. After all, they identify as raiders and not as just mercenaries. And the Pack by definition isn't really suited to function in any society. They follow the laws of nature and disabling the laws of nature is one of the first things a society does. And Mason, despite his weird animal-fetish, actually seems like the most normal of the leaders at first. If you do a raider playthrough, he's actually the worst of all three in some regards though. He's the only one that will never really show any sign of friendship or true loyalty to you.


    In the end, there's enough dirt on all three gangs to not make me have any issues with taking them all out. I did also try out all conversation options to see if the Operators couldn't be swayed, but eh, I won't mourn them.


    I suppose you have a point. I still think my point that you lack agency in the Nuka World questline is valid however.

  5. I don't see why a part of the game tthat finally requires you to be evil is disappointing. If you wanna be such a goodie, just kill them and be done. I'm sure there's plenty of playthru even so :smile:

    I'm all for the option of being evil, but like the rest of the game giving you no choice but to be at worst a jerk, this one feels like you don't get very much agency to be a positive influence outside of just wiping out the raider gangs.


    Particularly it feels like the Operators, at the very least, should be turnable to less violent means of profit. Even the Pack could be lead in a more benevolent direction by a show of force, so long as you were strong enough to take down any naysayers..


    The only raider gang that feels like they'd never submit to a positive influence, really, are the Disciples.


    I feel like there should have been more groups to support, so you'd get the same quest experiences, but potentially take over the parks in a more positive fashion, while still having a structured questline.

  6. That's a pretty cool idea, at least for those few powerlines that still appear to be intact.


    But I don't know how many buildings in the commonwealth are actually relying on an external power grid. You ever notice how many of them have their own reactors?


    What might be kind of cool would be some sort of quest structure that would allow you to re-create the commonwealth power-grid.

  7. I was wondering, how hard would it be to make a mod that basically spawns walls automatically based on what you select?


    My idea would be basically either an interactive object(rather like the Pylon from Tina's Cookiepocolypse) or a holotape, that could be used within a settlement, and would allow you to spawn walls in exchange for resources, maybe even with different types and layout(some settlements have obvious ideal locations for gates. Others... don't.)


    My reasoning behind this is that while I do enjoy building settlements, I've an obsessive need to build walls for all of them, and it gets old having to do it for each settlement, and each playthrough.

  8. I don't know what advertisement it was, but I just had an advertisement on the front page for the Fallout 4 section redirect me to a site that was labeled "Urgent Firefox Patch", but the URL was eixodbusinesspme.org


    It also appears to have deleted itself from my browser history as I seem to be unable to locate it.

  9. Heh. The resizing thing is only really an issue because of some of the default mod filenames. I've noticed a LOT of them have redundant information in the filename, For example:


    Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (Without DLC) v1.87


    That is the default filename for AWKCR when downloaded by Nexus Mod manager. Renaming the files does mitigate the issue a bit, at least.

  10. I was thinking there should be a way to resize the columns and lock their length. As it is, every time I select a mod on the MODS screen. the Name column resizes to the fit the mod with the longest name, And since some mods have unnecessarily long names, it means that I cannot view other relevant information at a glance, such as whether or not the mod has been updated(which isn't reflecting properly anyway), or when I last installed it. At the moment, I'm simply renaming the mods with redundant or excessively long names to mitigate this issue.

  11. I'm not sure how possible this actually is.. Do you mean like a quest mod where you build a faction from the ground up? I think whoever would pick this up needs more details about what you have in mind.


    Personally, I think it'd be interesting to take something like Hearthfire, except instead of building a home, you get to build a faction HQ, but I also have no clue if there would be any way to support custom names, if that was something else you had in mind.

  12. This isn't necessarily a super fantastic idea that I had and just had to share. It's more of an annoyance I've had with the armor set I'm wearing.


    I've completed the Dawnguard questline, and I'm currently using the Ancient Falmer armor. Unfortunately, the matching helmet wasn't added to the game(Ancient Falmer Crown), and has no armor value, and also, the armor itself, while having decent statistics, looks, well, incredibly bland next to just about every armor set out there, even the other vanilla ones. I'm not sure how I'd go about making the armor more interesting, but if I did, I'd probably have a go at it myself instead of making this request :P


    For the sake of contrast

    Ancient Falmer Armor

    Elven Armor

    Dwarven(AKA Deep Elves) Armor

  13. I'm suddenly realizing how many mods there are for this, so I'm not sure which one to choose. All three basically do the same thing, with some variation. Which do you recommend and why?


    Right now I have the Paarthurnax Fix installed(but haven't gotten nearly to that point yet), but I also decided to install SkyHavenTemple Enhanced, and given that the author plans on expanding the questline, I'm afraid it will conflict with the Paarthurnax Fix, as that author also plans on expanding the questline,

  14. Further research, not just the hairs, it seems to be problems loading in general. I'll have to do a hard drive scan.



    Did a hard drive scan. Found no problems.


    Was provided a link to an updated archive of textures and meshes. Replaced all textures and meshes from Cobl races with new ones. Problem seems to have disappeared, for now. No time to test it thoroughly, however.


    I know it's belated, but in case anyone ends up searching for this same error; it turns out what it was is improper references in the Meshes, referring to a drive that didn't exist, instead of a directory for the related textures.

  15. I recently went and re-installed Oblivion, after attempting to get Morrowblivion to work(and suffering from numerous CTDs, because I was stupid enough to attempt to run it with FCOM), and got the game running again, and went through the FCOM: Convergence installation, plus a few extras, but now I keep having a "No disk" error popping up.




    I'm guessing it has to do with a mod that adds in hairstyles since it pops up consistently in character creation when I'm cycling through hair styles, and I think it might have something to do with Blood and Mud, since it also cropped up more often around Bravil. I'm not going to bother trying to get Morrowblivion to work again, but I would like to get rid of this error, since it forces me to stop gameplay in order to dismiss it.

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