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Everything posted by XxShinra

  1. I'd prefer Oblivion... A game that was fun in the day though wizards and warriors. This reminded me of it... Gaunlet was another game and... Kid Niki, Kid Icarus. Lol some of those old nintendo games was fun. Gouls and Ghosts... Ah! Castlevania and my personal favorite Rygar, Yeah Rygar was hero of the day and... Ninja Gaiden was sweet!... Anyway I wouldn't be too disappointed. There is some serious mods here @ nexus that will keep you occupied for hours!... Yay! :) thats like asking whats the point of naruto mods or final fantasy mods, there for teh lulz. i don't see how 2 words are hard to pronounce..
  2. Thnxx I'll keep this in mind if all else fails... for now I'm just gonna toss alittle here and there... Till I get my Oblivion game set the way I want... Then hopefully I can get organized ect. I freed up alittle and no problems again yet. Hehe! xD ... Actually if anyone knows which Python isn't needed pyFFI 2.4.1 then... pyFFI 2.6 & 2.4.1 combo and Python 2.6.5 also Python 3.1.2... I don't think I need all of those so... If one of you guys have this installed, maybe you can check and see which of these you have and which ones you don't thnxxx :D
  3. I guess it may be a drivers problem check this link... that's how I found out. Maybe you just gotta update your drivers. I had a problem with mine one time had to reinstall vista without windows updates. Everytime I would install windows updates would mess my computer so I had to figure a way to stop windows updates from automatically installing it was fun hey lol jk make sure you check the link because I'm just rambling on here lol... http://www.oldblivion.com/sm/index.php?topic=3075.0;prev_next=next
  4. There is four downloads... um... in each of those links... I was just hoping for a simple esp. :) thnxxx though!!! :D ... unless... you know anything about that that would be helpful? thnxx agn!!!
  5. That's happened to me I think, just keep jamming on that print screen button.
  6. I downloaded a bunch of stuff... and when I open it in CS it says "you need Beauty pack2ch esp. Master file,". I found a link beautiful people 2ch and in the description says. "This is a modder's resource and contains various eye textures compatible with Elaborate Eyes. No Esp is included since this is a modder's resource," Anyone know the original... Also alot of the races have Rens already installed. Should I reinstall the races deleting the eyes and hair folder contained within them if I run into... any problems with over lapping? Or is there a better way? My last question and I appoligize!... could someone please upload a vanilla... if possible a vanilla race because my vanilla races are... I mean for a long time I've have really needed this you should see the king his face doesn't look too good. His face looks all shiny where his beard would be it's good for laughs but haha, ok thnxx!!! http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22667
  7. emptied the recycling bin and used cc cleaner, how do I clean out error messages from cache?... ohwell I'll figure it out, I want to keep my mods incase I gotta reinstall the game :D
  8. How do you guys stay organized? I cannot really fit anything anymore because I tried downloading a mod said something about disk space lol I know I gotta uninstall programs but IDK about all these mods I uninstalled some things and deleted a different user account but I still am having a problem lol
  9. It's funny, the same exact thing is happening to me... I'll let you know if I figure anything out. What race are you using?
  10. Ended up spotting this in the day... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21241 whoa!... if you use this, let me know if it is alive... :D http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19474 ( I'd like to dive in there like Beowulf ) :biggrin: a fish tank... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13542
  11. Lol I can picture someone with their back turned sneaking bites of cake secretly while right in front of you :biggrin: reminds me of that Tom and Jerry when Tom was looking in his hand and laughing and when Jerry would come near by he would quickly turn away. lol
  12. I know you can in the construction set, you will see 4 windows pop up in the CS, one is called cell view and one is called render window. There is a drop down button on top of the cell view window called world space. For instance you can choose interior/imperial dungeon/CG prison entrance door and it will load in the render window. You can now move items in that area of the game by clicking and dragging them around. Be very careful though just exit the construction set if you mess anything up. Ps you gotta load any of your mods in the construction set first click... file/data/CTADDPOSE ( for example ) set it as active, then click ok. After it loads you will see you have all the interiors ect. hope this helped.... http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/TES_Construction_Set
  13. 4 me it was anyways... I was trying to take an in game picture, and add it to my nif, after combining it with a dds and adding normal maps. But, it was showing up dark in the game. so I took ( you guys probably already knew this ) I took the BMP picture and added normal maps to it and after saving it as a dds. ( I had my vanilla Broadsheet dds open in another window ) Imported my new dds as a layer, then merged layer down combining the two and was able to just save it and there you go! no more dark textures. I was wondering though, what if I took two broad sheet NIF files, opened them in blender, and combined them? Would I be able to open it as a book in the game? Ps I decided to post this as a new topic, because I felt it might be helpful, because I never read anything on this and I'm pretty excited that I can finish my mod soon and hopefully get it on nexus. It consists of several books one leading to another and the last one being a Tilde book and the character... 18 + BTW is comunicating to you through these books, to put a stop to the evil Shinra corporation, this book ( the Tilde book ) she feels is a necessity to destroying Shinra Corp. and some evil she sences is within Oblivion. It's a good story in my opinion and I would like upload the character but she is gone lol I only had pictures of her. I could remake her like something serious wings ect. anyways alot of ideas other people might add to this but as for me I want to enjoy all your guys mods lol and I haven't been able to play much really yet. I have my character and then this soon ( hopefully ) will be done. Then I can play and post pictures of my journey into Oblivion. :D Man what a pain this has all been lol. thnx! to everyone especially Pronam, what would I have done without Pronam lol. :biggrin:
  14. are you useing OBSE? you should download it if you don't, because some mods require it... http://obse.silverlock.org/ you copy the contents of OBSE and paste it in your Oblivion data folder then you open Oblivion with OBSE loader. If you already have OBSE could it be Vista related? try to open as administrator. What I did was just right click Oblivion then click properties and run in compatibility 4 windows 2000, XP, or whatever um... otherwise open startmenu/useraccounts/turn user account control on or off/ check the box to turn it off. ... mine is off too I just noticed, I used to just run as administrator or something, then I turned UAC off. Try to run as Admin or just get rid of the internet security ( UAC ) all together I would, later! :biggrin:
  15. That's the thing, I added a normal map. ( whatever that is ) in Gimp and yes I needed a plugin like Photoshop, you can also do this in paint.net. Not that you would really want to because you have photoshop, ( I wish I had photoshop ) :biggrin: What if I saved a file as dds several times, and then added maps later? Would that cause problems? Well I guess I can go try to see if it will cause a problem... I'll add a fresh dds with normal maps, if that doesn't work, I'll try to add a dds to a different nif, and if it works. Then the problem is with the broadsheet.nif, and maybe I hadn't really fixed the overlapping problem. Thnx I'll brb...
  16. I'm not sure exactly why, because I have made several other items in my game that light right up, except this one. I'm gonna do it again, and give some step by step here. :) I'm not exactly sure why I do this stuff I just do it alot of it may not even be necessary so... I open blender and do this... File/Import/ NetImersegambryo ( nif ) I click my broadsheet.nif export it. I've noticed when it shows in blender it is interlapping. ( So I fixed that but it still doesn't work. ) Ok now I export it with export geometry only (.nif ) smoothen inter - object seams, and my collision options are cloth and solid...weapon body location is none basically this is all just default. Ok now click ok. Then I copy that NIF I just saved, open up Nifscope and paste it into that location Data/textures/book.nifs. Then I right click that flower and choose the texture c:users\name\desktop\gimpbookitems\broadsheet.dds shows up perfect in nifscope I play with the colors and try to gloss it and the gloss never works 4 some reason then ofcoarse I add it to the game and it's very dark colored as to where my other ones are lit up like christmas trees. I've played with the colors in nifscope as well, tried... Ambient, White, Diffuse, white, Specular, black, Emissive, black. Or vise versa thanks anyone one who can help me out it is appreciated, Thnx!!!!
  17. Thnx!!! I know how to put a picture in the book though. but, I may be able to use this, the thing is I can take a picture I took in Oblivion and add it to the dds in paint.net and then play around with the colors or add letters/words ect. and I figure if I could do this to the inside of the book like when you open it, change the dds there so it has pictures taking up the whole page ect. that'd be way better. This you gave me may be all I need though, I'm gonna search it through and through. But, if anyone else knows how to do this :thumbsup:
  18. :rolleyes: How do you change the dds inside of a book? I have the rest figured out, I even can put pictures inside of it. I'd much rather change the whole inside... The pictures are just not cutting it with this method because they are 2 small and the inside of the book looks crumby for my outside appearance... Especially doesn't line up too well inside of the scroll, the picture being square and taking some room aha! probably would looke better centered under some words rather then on top, but if anyone can give me an idea I'd rather change the whole inside, thnk you.
  19. :teehee: No way! that simple... thnx dude!
  20. I don't know how to size the icon dds in my book correctly with Gimp, paint.net, or paint. A Guy at the wiki said... "Another thing that isn't quite correct: "In Oblivion, all DDS files must have file sizes that are powers of two (32, 64, 128, 256, etc)" Wrong.(Maybe for NIFs and such things this is right)I just put an image in my book and I saved it with Gimp and DDS-Plugin as Uncompressed DDS. This way there are no filesize restrictions like DX1. I saved it directly as 427x328," I tried both this and sizing it as 64 x 64 but, it is impossible. It will only let me size it to 64 x 34 ( or something like that? ) ... I'm not sure I used the guys exact measurments 427x328 but I doubt that's necessary... I'll try in the mean time anyway.Thnx!!!
  21. Search it out here brotha! http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/search.php over in file search type in sheath.
  22. Did a google search and saw oblivion online patch or something ect. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this... Or... rather and.... if so is it possible to take your own modified character into an online world? If so also, I haven't heard anything about this which is confusing to me if it is possible to do this that would be sweet! Because why would I need an npc 4? Lata!!!
  23. bloddy hell mate! I love you too!!!! :ohmy: :wub: Laterz!!!! :biggrin: ( enjoy! ) I love this race myself I just installed this! cheers! thanks dude, blood looking for ages, and this isnt bad! i love you!!!
  24. Here dude! I just picked this up... Make sure you take the main file and the alternate textures atleast out of the four files. Then take textures from the alternate textures folder and place them in your main folder replacing the originals. That's all I did anyway... Your in luck too because I already had this ready to go and I'm outof here!!! Peace!!! http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21797
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