In response to post #35668982. #35669217, #35669442, #35669712, #35670282, #35671002, #35671772, #35671817, #35672302, #35672427, #35672697, #35674332, #35674357, #35674752, #35676172, #35676512, #35676932, #35681567, #35693087, #35694067, #35694107, #35695267, #35997815, #36034505, #36046400, #36086245, #36117970, #36372075 are all replies on the same post. they are using their buddies. Instead of going with the superior talent. That what it sounds like to me. If they turned down 3dnpc actors. Play Legacy of the Dragonborn, best voice acting and writing in any mod. All done for free. Icecreamassassin is a genius.