Went to see what the game is about due to all the hype, seen for what it is aggressive marketing featured in many "gaming" magazines which gives scores based on the marketing funds and networkings, and else where, and the marketing from echo chamber mind hive fan hype. I played this game since early release, they been following same modern formula that larian does with rest of their titles while cashing/ using the legacy name of D&D. On top of all it always shaves their diversity and SJW, politically correct, shishow of poltics of ceo and studio. I play games not to get lectured, virtue signaling, but rather for entertainment value to escape the political/ lobby shitshow. Majority of companions are the same cringe s#*! show of diversity, politically correct, SJW , woke that goes in many garbage AAA games and Hollycrap movies and conmics that instead of entertainment push their own ceo/ studio politics and go to all kind of BS to defend it. And table top DND games and, AAA gaming have been for some time at lowest of standards and used graphics marketing , and shaved their own ceo and studio stances and politics in gaming, they bend all the way backward in finding different excuses to justify the fact they put their own studio and coe political stances in games, Baldur gate 3 is no exception is a norm a part of to the shitshow, not an exception.