Sounds like you still have a file somewhere thats active.... I had the same thing but with old skyrim....I had to clean out everything and I mean everything right down to reinstalling every mod. (take a screen shot so you know what to get back) I cleared out what was in Nexus mod manager file,steam file,did a computer search for anything still in my computer named Skyrim,nexus,or your case oblivion... yeah it took all day to fix but going that far worked for me. I know you don't want to spend that much time doing that, but if you can't wait for someone else to have a answer,that might be the way to go. BTW,I am not a modder but have been here for like 8 years and had many a issue to solve just to play my damn game!!! LOL....good luck,hope ya get it all working,eat some cheese to remove stress while your working it out.... Also if you go this not install any mods....test game without it first,then add your mods afew at a time and recheck your game with the mods you install each time.