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About kenmorlock

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    SkyrimSE,Farcry Primal,Hand of Fate,Subnautica,Firewatch,Solus
  • Favourite Game
    SkyrimSE,BioShock Infinite

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  1. I can't help but notice some of the long time modders are pulling mods off of Nexus... Does anyone have a answer as to whats going on and why....and honestly,how to get them back? Or does Nexus feel they can do without these modders who have been doing nothing but great work? Im a bit ticked their leaving....and others should be also....And Nexus shouldnt be the place for these modders to leave but rather come together...WTF is going on?
  2. ok...for anyone having issues with the setting menu... Flower Girls 2.0 does not have that issue for me. The set up spell or menu shows up...
  3. Im having the same issue...everything else is there but no option spell to set up Flower Girls. I have reinstalled,started new game,downloaded earlyer files in case it was a issue with just the new file.. And still no options menu like I had before using NMM. I am now using Vortex and every mod works great... I just can't seem to find whats wrong with this one?....weird...This only happend since the switch to Vortex
  4. Hey Zepharus1423, Did ya ever find out what was wrong?......other than not playing Skyrim SE. Kidding,I loved Oblivion and have been wanting to replay it for awhile.Oblivion is what got me hooked on PC gaming and this wonderful world of mods!!
  5. Yeah,I know about her health,that was what had me post....Was concerned and didn't see anybody noticing the change here or her tumblr. (and no Im not a Nexus mod author stocker) LOL When you've been here awhile you get to like the people that have gone out of their way to make your gaming fun. Trip is one of those people.... Im very saddened by what she has to deal with, but to have to deal with a jerk on top of that is far to much. Thank you all for the reply....
  6. Sounds like you still have a file somewhere thats active.... I had the same thing but with old skyrim....I had to clean out everything and I mean everything right down to reinstalling every mod. (take a screen shot so you know what to get back) I cleared out what was in Nexus mod manager file,steam file,did a computer search for anything still in my computer named Skyrim,nexus,or bethesda...in your case oblivion... yeah it took all day to fix but going that far worked for me. I know you don't want to spend that much time doing that, but if you can't wait for someone else to have a answer,that might be the way to go. BTW,I am not a modder but have been here for like 8 years and had many a issue to solve just to play my damn game!!! LOL....good luck,hope ya get it all working,eat some cheese to remove stress while your working it out.... Also if you go this way....do not install any mods....test game without it first,then add your mods afew at a time and recheck your game with the mods you install each time.
  7. PONG!!! and the Atari 2600 LMAO!!!!......what?.....Im old Okay....what really pushed me to gaming was DOOM,you know,the very first one. Since then its been nothing but game addiction.
  8. What do you have thats on a timer.....patrol mods,or things like that? I saw your list and since Im not a modder,I was looking to see if you had mods that I had issues with.... Some are the same as what I have now,but the rest Im not using...so no clue if those mod are a issue. But the ones you have that I have used and ones I still do are not on my list of doesn't work for me....the other 75% of what you have in game Im clueless about! Good luck and please post if ya found what was wrong.
  9. Well Skyrim SE I so live in.... But my other go to live in games are Subnautica,Far Cry Primal,Firewatch,Life is strange, For fun Hand of fate,Crysis,BioShock Infinite
  10. LOL I was editing while you replyed Are these mods you used before without issue?....Look for what you added that is new to your list...
  11. I don't know what to tell ya.... I have had issues with crashes yesterday and had to go through 1 mod at a time to find what was wrong. But not that this is helpful......but it was always a mod that I never thought was a issue,and most of the time it was incompatible with other mods.... I know it sucks but the one at a time search may be your best way to deal....Im not a modder,just letting you know what has painfully worked for me. LOL Just recently I had to uninstall a monster mod that was giving me crashes like every 10 min... No reason in the world it should do that,and no one else had the issue....but it stopped once I removed it... Are these mods you used before without issue?....Look for what you added that is new to your list...
  12. Hey all, Has anyone noticed trips stuff is gone other than the caretaker mods? Was wondering if anyone knows if she pulled stuff off of nexus and tumblr for a reason? Not looking for gossip....she has been here for along time and I noticed her posts are gone from Nexus and her tumblr is now empty?..... And sorry if this is something that shouldn't be on Forums....didn't know where else to ask?
  13. Im giving it a try but in past I avoided the new layout because I didn't understand where the category list was at the time. (you still shouldn't have it at the bottom) Not that it would happen here but I had worked for the app Hang/w that as of june is now dead mostly because of far to many changes. After 5 years and now gone... Stream line interface and ease of use is everything...When a interface is confusing vs learning curve...then you have a problem. Just saying....it looks good but your old one was easier to go through....Again giving it a chance and maybe like me the new of it is whats throwing everyone off... Time will tell.
  14. Im waiting for awhile,At first I was like how could I play SSE without it?....I had it in oldrim but I have been playing so long now without it in SSE and I personaly don't see enough mods yet to have me jump on it yet.... Yeah I know,whats wrong with me? But after playing so long without it...for now I just don't need it. Everything is running flawless for me and I just want to play without issues of any kind for once ...LMAO
  15. I love the look of the new format but have no clue how to find just Armor or just followers and so on... Where is the separate categorys? How am I missing that?...what am I not seeing here? Feel dence...Im sure its there but where?
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