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Everything posted by SolarFire

  1. thanks nirvash! cant wait for this mod to be done so i can have a truly unique sword...
  2. a pic? if you have the latest Final fantasy, just look at the girls sword on the cover. i want that, but, instead of pink, i want chrome blue.
  3. oh, im opening the folders and dragging al the stuff in 'textures' to the 'textures' folder. so i just extract all the stuffm in the file except for the readme and images, and 'x' it in the files menu and play? okay, i got it. ...now, about the sword......
  4. this was canceled. see the Sword thread.
  5. okay, i know im asking for lots of things recently, but, i just dont see the things i reall want on the site. the pikachu mod can go, as can the mehrunes sword. i want a Sword. but it must have these requirements; 1. it must look futuristic 2. it neds to look like it can rip someone in half. 3. step by step install instructions. this is because when ever i try to download a weapon of anykind, execpt for one whos model is already in the game, like the Razor, i get a candlestick ! thing. a perfect example of a sword like this would be that girls sword from FF... wait, whats the newest one? anyways, thats what im talking about. but not exactly. i want it to be a weapon i can really can unique.
  6. tryied the pokeball mod. no matter what, if i upload a weapon, all i get is a candlestick ! thing. and i WAS going to ask as a companion, but it occured to me, why not PLAY as one? but if companion is easer, go ahead!
  7. could someone make a Pikachu race? like, actually a Pikachu, and not some lame rat thats been skinned. i want the model, all his attacks (ThunderBolt does shock damage and looks like a yellow bolt of energey erupting from pikachus body, like in the show, Iron tail, which is an equippable weapon, and it makes pikachus tail glow white for the duration of the attack, Agility, which increases his Speed, and Volt Tackle, which envelopes the user in electricity and electrocutes whoever ENEMIES it hits.) his voice (Pika Pika!), and ambient noises, like, Pikachus steps, his battle grunts, cries, and speech (pika!) and walks and runs like one. Models: Pikachu (not just a skin, but also a model that actually IS a Pikachu) Sounds: ThunderBolt, Iron Tail 'draw' noise, hum of tail glow, Volt Tackle electric crackling, Agility 'speed-up' noise, Pikachu's Voice (Falling, hit with weapon, etc.) Weapons: Iron Tail (makes tail glow white. emits a 'hum'. loud clang when it hits something. 10 pts of damage. no enchantment. wont appear in hand, as hand that has weapons will be invisable.) Spells: ThunderBolt (Shock damage 20 pts on target) Agility (increase Speed and Agility 30 pts on self) Volt Tackle (Shock damage 30 pts on touch. wont actually see hands.) note: Pikachu MUST not have his hands or Iron Tail be visable when it is equipped. irontail appears on his tail. Gender differences: if you pick a male, pikachu will be normal. if you pick female, the tail will be dented. as will iron tail. there will be male and female versions of iron tail (both called iron tail) and are given to the player at nthe start. there is no other way to recieve these weapons. Tell me if there is anything that can be done better or if there is anything wrong with this.
  8. the New Imperial City file on tesnexus.com is a .rar file. now being able to deal with 7z's, i want this mod somehow converted into a .zip or a .7z. could someone do that for me, plz??? i dont want to have to pay $30 to get this one mod...
  9. how do you search sword and blade in the console? all i get is an error. and i dont know how to mod, so, yeah, thats why i ask.
  10. zaldiir: you have to pay for winrar. lfact: the download is broken. when i want to give an npc an item, like the mythic dawn armor from the testing hall, i have to use Mida's Force Ball to knock them over and acsess there inventory. but i found out when i did this to an npc they called the guards and my item i gave to them was stolen. so, i guess i could console kill them and mida's holy resurrection them. right? okay, now i just got to make npcs essential, as i have the Follow Me spell and i need to get my mehrunes razor turned into a longsword. ant zip files on how to make them invincible?
  11. i need three mods: 1) a longer mehrunes razor, making it a longsword. 2) a spell that turns an NPC into a essential character. 3. a mod that allows all npcs to share their inventory. NOTE: THEY MUST ALL BE ZIP FILES, OR I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEM!!!
  12. hmmmm... mine is dressed in mythic dawn robes (both fortify blade enchanted) and a mehrunes razor. and i also have the follow me spell to get essentials to follow me and battle (and vendor when i want), and i can summon a lich!
  13. i need a new summoning sequence for the summon spell in oblivion. could i get a sequence where the caster 'throws' a pokeball, a light flashes, and a creature is standing there. and when the creatures time runs out, a red beam hits the creature and it goes back to the caster. please help me and dont make it a rar file. i hate rar.
  14. ermmm... okay, but i still want the companion. also, i dont want her killed, so could you make an essenial charicter? thanks bunches!!! ...oh yeah, i dont want her lips huge like in the picture. nor the eyes. k? thx!
  15. im not one for .rar files, and all the good female mods are in rar form. i would like a partner in my game. here is a profile of what i want her to be. Name: Katharine Calitrix age: youngest on age scale voice: a nice female voice what she should look like: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/17189-2-1212026174.jpg (right photo) commands: Follow Stay Go to Imperial City (her home is there. if you dont mind, id like her house to be in place of the skooma addicts house. i dont do D. Brotherhood quests so idc what you do with the skooma addict ;) Chat (open menu for chatting, i.e. rumors, *city your in* etc.) i dont care what she wears, just as long as its not skanky. i hate skanks. with that said, thank you so much in advance! (btw, id like her to be a mage. ;)
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