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  1. Meh, this is just an idea I thought of: What if you could rig your own weapons as traps? For example, say you rig an AK47 to go off when an enemy (in this case, a raider) snaps some tripwire. Then, your gun would fire off a round into the raider, who would not be alerted to your presence. I can see it now: A rigged experimental MIRV. >:D
  2. Guards. Their level of sheer petulance led to me having a great amount of animosity towards them. Hell, sometimes when I'm feeling murderous, I just slaughter ONLY guards. It doesn't help that they spawn back faster than bunnies though. ;-;
  3. Well, it's going to be too hard to one-up what Zuperbuu just did there, so I think I'll just copy the first half of that post and use it as a template for mine. Name: Valeria Gender: Female Species: Nord Sign: The Thief Class: Agent Money: ~20k gold Homes: Battlehorn Castle, Rosethorn Hall Allied Guilds: Thieves Guild Enemy Guilds: Everyone Else Combat Preference: Blade/Unarmed Combat Style: Gymnastic Physique: Practically Emaciated As a preteen, Valeria was kidnapped from her storybook-like idyllic lifestyle that she had in a small town in Skyrim. Having no recollection of who her captors were, she began life as a beggar on the streets. By the time she was sixteen, she had been arrested by Hieronymous Lex over eight times. During a routine mugging when she was 17, Valeria pulled off a large heist, stealing an entire ship from the bay of the Imperial City's Waterfront. This action impressed Armand, a doyen of the thieves guild, who took in Valeria as an apprentice of thieving. At age 21, the girl found herself witnessing the emperor's assassination- She had followed him and his blades bodyguards through a secret tunnel in the imperial city jail, hoping to break out of jail and get back to Armand. Valeria was dumbstruck when the Emperor went on about a "dragonfire prophecy", and gave her the amulet of kings before he died. When Valeria made it out of the sewers of the Imperial City, free at last, she decided to try on the amulet of kings. She was overcome with pain, and her mind fractured into two, resulting in her becoming a chaotic evil character. Valeria, surging with dark impulses, broke into the Mages' university, and stole several scrolls with spells on them, which she commit to memory. She studied in secret until her spell was complete: Anarchia Aegisara: A Spell that would make everyone within the imperial city frenzy at once, leading to riots everywhere.
  4. This crash occurs whether or not I use mods- Upon using a newly installed, vanilla game, the crashes persisted. I fiddled with the control mapping and restored them to their defaults, along with trying different graphic quality settings to see if the crashes would stop, but it was to no avail.
  5. Well, this is just plain... buggerific. So, whenever I attempt to start up Fallout 3, I can get to the main menu just fine. However, if I try to Continue a saved game, Load a saved game, or start a new game, Fallout 3 crashes to the desktop immediately following the loading screen finishing. Is there any fix for this? I have all of the system minimum requirements, so I don't think that's a problem.
  6. Alrighty- After being bombarded by comments saying that one should not install Fallout in the Program Files section of the C drive on a computer, I am left baffled- Where in the hell am I expected to install it then? The My Documents section? I tried that, and the fallout.ini didn't appear correctly. Does anyone have any advice as to where I should install it?
  7. Created the fake Microsoft Live DLL? Using FOMM? I never heard of doing something like that. O_o
  8. Definitely. I spent some time today making sure I had the most up to date version of directx needed.
  9. Well, here I am: after two whole days of trying to get Fallout 3's Mod Manager to successfully play Fallout 3 with the 2 (Yes, only TWO) mods I wanted it to work with, I'm forced to go onto the internet to get much needed help. What two, simple mods do I wish to install, you ask? 1) Sharing and Caring Companions 2) SCC- Talk to Anyone You see, Fallout 3 will load these mods (Actually, the FOSE button in the Mod Manager starts it all up) and then get me to the title screen. At that point, if I try to play a character or create a new one, the game will crash as soon as the loading screen has disappeared. First and foremost, let me list what is NOT THE PROBLEM: - FOSE. It's installed correctly dammit. - My edition of Fallout 3. - Any other mods: I haven't used any at all. These are the only 2 I have even tried to install. - Any sort of framework, permissions, Graphics, or badly typed directories. I spent the first day doing all of THAT. The only thing that I believe COULD be the problem is the load order, but since I am fresh-as-grass-new to this whole modding experience, I can't make heads or tails with it. (Alternatively, maybe I oughta run the game through compatibility mode? I'm running windows 7 on my PC.) --- Mod load order report ! Warning: current load order template contains 13 duplicate entries Fallout3.esm Sharing and Caring Companions.esm * This mod does not exist in the current template SCC - Talk to Anyone.esp --- What does the "13 duplicate entries" mean? What's this about Sharing and Caring "not existing in the current template"!? All I wanted to frickin' do in fallout 3 was play 2 god danged mods. NOT spend two days (and probably more at this rate) shuffling around the internet to get 2 simple mods to work! And yes, I have read the readme, and countless other readmes, but they don't say jack about the problem I'm having.
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