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  1. I must admit I haven't done much with states, but I'm pretty sure that they are used to encapsulate events and functions, not contain code. To elaborate you use states to say "when the script is in this state, do this when this event fires, or when this function is called, and do that when the script is in that state", the code you have in those state blocks is never called by anything, ever.
  2. Have you made changes to the search code? I just tried searching for "staff", in an attempt to find a mod so that my characters staves don't just disappear when I sheath them, and got directed to the user page for the user "staff". same then happened with "magic". I'm pretty sure I've done similar searches before and not been directed to user pages, and while being able to search for user pages is good... it'd be nice to be able to see the search results among the files instead (or maybe add the user page as a result in a list, like a file, instead of just jumping straight to their page) Anyway, otherwise I quite like the changes :D
  3. From a couple of google searches and fruitless forum searches I've got the impression that inserting our own animations into the game is, for now at least, somewhere between inordinately difficult to impossible (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'd dearly love to be wrong), so as a temporary measure I want to implement vampire feeding as a first person effect (the game switches to first person and the camera moves towards the enemy's neck + some blood spurt) so that I can put some new vampire abilities into combat without using placeholder animations that make no sense or just having the characters stand still while playing a sound effect. Obviously my main source of tutorial/how to is going to be looking at the parts of the game where they do this anyway (the opening scene comes to mind) but I was wondering if anyone knew of any info that there might be floating out on the internet that would be useful, or has some experience dealing with this stuff already and was willing to give me some pointers.
  4. Recently I stopped using scriptdragon because a recent steam update stopped it from working, which stopped skyrim from starting, and I didn't want to wait to play (I imagine I'll install it full time once bethesda moves on from skyrim, but untill then, no scriptdragon). This was really annoying because I lost my werewolf toggle button as it requires scriptdragon, and a quick search of skyrim nexus didn't find one, so I went into my Werepyre mod files, and implemented a toggle. If you hold down the shout button in werewolf form you shift back, shifting into werewolf form is still done via the beast form power (although I removed the 1 per day limit on that). It also automatically equips beast form when you shift back to being a human/vampire/elf/whatever. and... ah screw it, just go read the description (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11503), just figured that some other people who got annoyed by being kicked off of skyrim while waiting for scriptdragon to update might appreciate this.
  5. I'm trying to implement a sam-fisher style grab by having the character 'mount' the target. All dodgey references aside it seems to be the most expedient way of doing it. I had trouble for a while because I couldn't find where mounting horses is implemented (still can't find that, and if someone knows where it is, if it isn't handled entirely natively, I'd be grateful if you'd tell me) but eventually I noticed the setVehicle() function. unfortunately I can't get it to work, akCaster.setVehicle(akTarget) seems like it should set the target to be the caster's vehicle, but nothing happens, even if the target is a horse, which suggests that there are certain pre-conditions that need to be met for setVehicle to be effect, but I don't know what they are. If anyone knows anything about this (beyond what is present on the creation kit wiki here:http://www.creationkit.com/SetVehicle_-_Actor) I'd be grateful for any help.
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