I have no idea what I've done, but, ever since a few days ago, when I shout (unrelenting force) in third person camera, the shout goes to a side. I've been playing Skyrim since its release and have used plenty of mods, and this had never happened before, and I suppose it could be a mod recently installed, but I don't know which one or why this is happening. Here's a demonstration video: I have the latest Skyrim version from Steam with all the DLC's, use SKSE 1.7.1, and then LOOT for sorting mods. If anyone could help me, I would really appreciate it. Here's my load order: EDIT: after starting a new game without Player Headtracking, the issue disappeared. And it makes sense, since it's the only mod that affects third person camera and head movement, which probably caused the shouts going to the sides, just like the head moves to the sides with the mod (although it shouldn't happen in combat). Anyway, it seems Headtracking was the culprit, or maybe incompatibility with another mod.