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Everything posted by drogun

  1. Any one made the dagger yet.. been looking / asking for it for a year now
  2. I play a khajiit assassin, I switch between hand to hand and some times dagger. Im bored of always seeing the throat cut animation with a dagger, and suplex take down with hand to hand. On rare occasions i kill some one with a kidney stab, or hand to hand choke some one out in a sleeper hold. I want somthing that lets me control which could let me choose to have the kidney stab for example happen more often... any mods let you do this?
  3. Must be away to fix this, Im looking to change my vampire lord nord into a high elf. When ever i revert form after being a vamp lord my high elf becomes a mutated nord :-(
  4. Ok im conviced the dagger has not been made. so begging some one makes it :-)
  5. If i change my race after becoming a vampire lord or werewolf, after the transformation i revert to a messed up version of my original race, is there a fix for this?
  6. Lol true, but its less of a leap that a cold blooded lizard becoming a wolf man or a cat (the opposite of a dog ) becoming a wolf man. But point taken.
  7. That dagger must be out there some where. So many hours spent sneaking around with that in morrowind, im shocked no one has made it yet
  8. Just googled skywind. looks awesome. but i assure you there is no way that that link is a retextured morrwind armor, its done from scratch
  9. I was hopping for more of a surge towards morrowind style mods after the dragonborne dlc, But ive seen very little. Any one have a list of good morrowind style mods? All i have found on the nexus is morrowind http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22793/? but the armor quality is prity low and simple re-textures of skyrim armor and i dislike the way it puts the armor on npcs all over skyrim. I'm looking for something more along these lines of this fantastic netch leather set http://www.3dapathy.com/sb/netch_test1.jpg
  10. I have tryed it on a were wolf chracter and was very buggy, But it might have been conflicting with other wolf mods. Ill try it again cheers with a khajiit. Thanks.
  11. I really want the morrowind daedrik dagger. And the daedrik weapons in general had a better look in morrowind. I cant find it on the nexus but id be shocked if they have not been made yet, can any one make this mod or point me to the mod.
  12. So id like the events of dawn guard to lead to a skyrim conversion of sorts. 1. The sun is always bloted out 100% of the time. 2. You get a quest to turn ulfrec and a few other key storm cloaks into a vampires. 3. They in turn will begin turning the rest of the storm cloak army. You can help ( say a quest to seduce and feed on all guards in windhelm changing them into vampire). 4. the skyrim civil war is then upscaled into a more epic civil war. On one side the companions werewolves (who can no longer ignore the war now the vamps are involved) - dawn guard - imperials. On the other the storm cloaks who are now vampire's. I know it would suck with out voice acting.. could get some voice acters. You could get around the not having ulfrecs and other key storm cloaks leader's voices by making them vampire lords and doing a beast like voice for them. 5. After the war every one living in the major citys become vampires (just give em glowing vamp eyes). And put a few cages in the major citys with humans inside to feed from. 6. Bandits and other npcs remain human, you get radiant quests to capture them ( do that glamer mind control on them and tell them to go to x town prison). Alot of work would be involved. And it will never happen im sure, but one can dream.
  13. If you make this, do retexture for sylvanas pre death as well.
  14. So the idea i get from your pic is you want to make archer armor set. What help would a writer be to such a mod :-).
  15. Id also like a bod like this. But not just night 100% of the time, Id like the sun to be forever bloated out after one shot from the dawn guard bow.
  16. Cheers ill try them out. Cant find the unarmed perk mod you are talking about. could you link it?
  17. I've not played as a Khajiit before. Was wondering if anyone had suggestion on mods to use. Planing on useing him as a sneaky archer and hand to hand fighter. Any good khajiit armor mods (ones that fit khajiit well)
  18. Never try skywind, or skyblivion.. you will end up roaming the streets looking for stray dogs to kick :-)
  19. Yeah its not realy lore friendly, but a cat turning into a dog man, or a lizard man turning into a wolf maks zero sence.
  20. Berton, imperial and redguard stay wolf. Nord change to ware bare, aragonians change to the wingless dragon man that is in another mod. Khajiit ware tiger. Dark elf. New texture of the ware wolf. less hair purple skin tint. High elf. New texture of the ware wolf. Blond wolf. Wood elf. New texture of ware wolf. Blond wolf (smaller than regular wolf) Orc. Ware boar (from dagga fall)
  21. You say im asking alot, you only listed the bow and wing removal as to much. The wings would be easy to remove. The bow might be a bit much to add. but i dont think it be asking to much just a new bound bow spell with red glow instead of blue. Im starting to think the wolf might be better for stelth anyway. Could give it a sneak animation and sneak kill cam animation and it be done. Id also like some stelth bonus while not in wolf form to go with it as well. Could call it warewolf beta or omga and make the form smaller than the vanilla alpha wolves.
  22. wow that dude has done more.. doubt he has them uploaded anywhere looks like a free lance 3d modeler. http://3dapathy.com/?p=246
  23. The tech was not around to make designs as good as the concept art when morrowind was made, i hope some one can do these justice one day. http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/8/88/Morrowind_conceptart_0000s_0000s_0009_10.jpg http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/19006198/images/1336361478935.jpg http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/20576660/images/1346652442711.jpg http://www.gamingtarget.com/images/media/Interviews/The_Elder_Scrolls_III_Morrowind/conceptart_character.jpg Hmm seems that last one has already been done and looks great. http://3dapathy.com/?p=216 could do with a less cartoony texture but the model looks fantastic http://3dapathy.com/?p=220 wow and this one. hope these are going to be released some where, any one know if they already are? mind blown. for future refrence how do i post pics direct onto the forum ?
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SE5owAIPmk at about 2:47 into the video it shows a whip weapon being used, also shows a spear with spear animations. are those mods released? is it in heartfire as i never bothered with that expansion as player housing isn't something im into. If not is it something that has be recreated on the nexus?
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